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October 16th, 2013

[info]cassiopeiablack in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered away from Marius Black and Georgia Mason]

I ought to tell everyone this.

I'm unwell and I'll be at the clinic a while. I want to confirm, for those of you concerned about such things, that the muggles from this town who are volunteering their time there have been very polite. Nobody has tried to restrain me or to hurt me in any way, and I've asked them clearly and had them explain to me just what their medicines do.

It's not a particularly pleasant place, but it's not that hospital either, so if you're ever in a similar situation you can take that into consideration.

I'm not going to be receiving visitors of any sort at the clinic, they've told me that's my decision to make. I'd very much appreciate if anyone thinking of doing so can wait and then call on me when I return home. Thank you.

[info]pollux_black in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered; Marius]
Did you get that package I sent you?

[info]ofgilead in [info]madisonvalley

This place brings people todash from many other worlds, say true.

So mayhap someone has seen a young lady, about sixteen years of age, with golden hair? She's hard to miss, for no girl in any world has quite her beauty or soul, so they don't.

[info]girlwhodied in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered to the Refugees and Away From the MV Council

I'm thinking that there needs to be somewhere around here that could use a governess for show that will fight to protect any of the underage refugees here who the Council deem need a guardian? I can list plenty of references for the job.

[info]stackhouse in [info]madisonvalley


Please tell me you're still around, Eric.

[info]huntresslegend in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered Away From the Council

So, hypothetically, is there a lawyer around to defend any of us that perhaps get into trouble.

[info]crested in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Annie Cresta & Open
What: The world is singing to her.
Where: The Park
When: Around sundown
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

We could change the world, we could strike the chord )

[info]truehuntress in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Jo Harvelle & Open
What: Target Practice
Where: The Woods
When: Around sun up
Warnings | Status: Possibly Cursing | In Progress

It's all you've got inside your head, better get up and leave instead )