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September 22nd, 2013

[info]adaptvimmnities in [info]madisonvalley

Holy blizzard, we're in a freaking snow globe.

Californian here, officially complaining about shitty weather. Where's my 80 degrees and sunny.

[info]elodin in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Elodin & Open
What: Naming, other things maybe.
Where: Outside, in the snow
When: Early morning.
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

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[info]gloriouspurpose in [info]madisonvalley

I can't say I particularly mind the cold.

[info]sharoncarter in [info]madisonvalley

I didn't realise Indiana was secretly in Canada. ITExIa13UWAtyG80ITM0IVyLnmLEdwe6f5ecK4VNUyExMSE9P/OBiStBz8IFyHH90nbIITE2MCFNJan4pVCZITMzIQd9M4TOFCTX6lLT3WSrdAV3MCExMCGbUYrH6fzbXwa3mCO3uV5vWTLMHuvsNeIhMTMhB4b7I3vvSi03

[info]mvarcane in [info]madisonvalley

Early Snow Falls on Madison Valley
September 21th, 2013
Mark Anderson

MADISON VALLEY - Four inches of snow fell on Madison Valley last night after a freak cold front sent the temperatures plunging down into the teens. The previous record low of 32F has been shattered by nearly seventeen degrees.

Without radar or forecasts available from the National Weather Service, it is impossible to know how long this cold front may last, or if Winter is here for good.

Schools were closed today because of treacherous road conditions in the morning, although the roads seemed passable by mid-day.

At Sunrise Golf Course, children enjoyed the surprise snow storm by sledding.

"It's great," said eight year old Micah Center, "I love the snow! I wish it snowed every day! And no school!"

[info]ladyofwinter in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Valen]

Do you need winter clothes?

[info]leishacamden in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered away from the Council]

Attention wizards, witches, mages, arcanists, sorcerers, vampires, werewolves and other magical people!

Did any of you cause the strange weather we're having?

I don't mind the snow. I'm just curious.

[info]loves_abeast in [info]madisonvalley

The first time I've seen snow in four years, and I'm as ill prepared for it as I was then. Actually, as cumbersome as my dresses back home were, I think they were actually warmer than what I was wearing today.

[info]recondeur in [info]madisonvalley

voice to text transcription

I've not been in the market for a wife, I can't be so shackled, but this one's gone a long way toward it. I haven't a clue what the purpose is of half these items are or why I need them.

I get the hint when you give a man soap he's not seen in a season, and perhaps a hair brush but the rest of it I can't imagine serves a purpose. My teeth don't have fur.