September 2016




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May. 4th, 2015


So...does anyone here want to claim a drunk asshole jerk?

I just had a guy show up and glare at me while holding a sword. He wasn't pointing it at me or anything, just kind of holding it. He kept trying really hard not to look at my breasts and muttering in French, and then he stole a horse and rode off with a bottle of wine under his arm. He sort of looked like maybe he was a medieval hobo. Anyway, then he fell off the horse, got in a fight and got arrested. So he's in jail right, now being angry and French. Just figured someone might want to know. The horse is fine, by the way, just very unimpressed.

Apr. 7th, 2015


Alright. So. I'm Doctor Victor Whale, as many of you who've been here for quite sometime know already. Unfortunately, I've never really had the time to get around to actually posting on this lovely little network here, because I've been far too busy making sure that all of you wonderful displaced people get all of the special medical attention that you require.

Speaking of special medical attention, if you're a vampire, remember, you must come down to the hospital and register your name at desk, so that we can put you on the list so you get your blood. And again, sorry, but not really, it's rationed, because we need blood for other important things here too, like life-saving surgery.

Also...Jo, are you pregnant? Because you called out the other day with a "stomach flu", you were pretty mean to me the other day, oh, and your breasts are bigger. Also, I'm a doctor. I notice these things. And, if you are pregnant, I know that boyfriend of yours used to be a vampire, so you might want to check into the possibility that you're carrying an antichrist or whatever other kind of baby former vampires and a witch are capable of making.

Apr. 6th, 2015





There's apparently a nun that's the welcoming committee and while that's awesome, I don't plan on staying very long. Places to be, people to see. That and Maine is boring. So if anyone can point in the direction of the nearest exit. I'll leave.


Where's a bar so I can drink it?