September 2016




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Aug. 4th, 2015


I can't seem to figure out whether I like this place or hate it. The lack of a caste system is definite points in its favor. The same with the lack of homicidal angels. The peace is a good thing too, I guess. It does get a little boring and watching my life on the television is more than a little unnerving. I may also be embarrassed by myself.

Jul. 25th, 2015


Is it really that close to school starting? How old do you have to be to get out of it again?

I still don't see the point, but I'm not going to bother trying to argue about it this time. Someone better at it can tell me what the least boring classes to take are, though?

I don't mind learning, it just seems pointless to waste time learning things that aren't going to apply in any real world we have to live in later, since we won't remember and our world is ruined anyway. So everything seems dull, and hard, since I didn't learn the same things to start with. I don't like feeling like an idiot, either. I'm not.

Jul. 13th, 2015


I want to learn to drive.

I mean, that's a thing teenagers do, right?

Someone teach me to drive.

Oh! I totally didn't fail out of school, so I'm going to be a senior. Go me.

Jun. 26th, 2015


This isn't the future I'm familiar with. So things worked out right? Is anyone here Does anyone know how I can get back? There are people I need to take care of.


I miss the Mary Janes. Even if MJ can be a pain in the

Any girls want to start a punk rock garage band? Please sign up here.

Also! Peter Parker, you still owe me a mixtape.

Jun. 2nd, 2015


Hey, Swan.

Mind if Nadia has a sleepover with Lily tomorrow night? It's that time of the month and I'm about to claw my skin off I'm fucking starving Peter can be a real bitch if I don't come along for the full moon.

Oh. Right. That reminds me. Hey, assholes. For all the newbies, keep the fuck away from the woods tomorrow night. Best for all concerned.

May. 28th, 2015


....Five more days.

Is it totally obnoxious of me to ask for company while my show comes back on? I want to watch it, but I'm super nervous about it. I just need to hold someone's hand or something.

May. 5th, 2015


I've always wanted to visit America, but I never expected to get here via magical portal.

How's the high school here?

May. 2nd, 2015


I guess this place actually was real. I was pretty convinced it was just some kind of elaborate dream I had when I was really hungry.

Bellamy? You still here? Even if it makes no sense, since you were back there.

Feb. 9th, 2015


So...portals. That's new. And different. But I'm kind of getting a lot of new and different lately, so I guess it's also kind of...not different.

Is it wrong that I think this is kind of cool? I mean. It is. Cool. Right? Someone else has to think this is cool.

Feb. 3rd, 2015


ever had that feeling that you're the butt of some cruel cosmic joke? because i feel that way right now. and i'm really fucking tired of it.

Feb. 1st, 2015


Okay, Storybrooke. I'm with you on the showers. HELL YES on the food. The movies, the books, the hospital with no rationed drugs - all good with me.

But this telling me to go to school stuff is crap. I can learn what I need to learn on my own, I don't need to sit around with a bunch of other kids listening to someone older and supposedly wiser talk. Older doesn't make people worth listening to, trust me.

But the food is GREAT.

Jan. 23rd, 2015


So now I'm just supposed to believe in magic? Things with two faces are less freaky than some perfect town that shouldn't be here.

Bellamy? Are you really here? Can you read this?