September 2016




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Sep. 29th, 2013


Um, so, someone PLEASE tell me why I'm stuck in some lame town that reminds me of depressing places I'd NEVER go? And I have none of my CLOTHES and most importantly, my PINK EYELINER??? How can I LIVE without my pink eyeliner?? I don't suppose there's a Sephora in this lame town?

I'm told there are other Camp Halfblood people here so...hello!

And for all you cute boys out there, I'm Drew.

Sep. 16th, 2013


Bianca's gone. I've been looking for her for three days now, but she's really, truly gone.


This place is no better than where we came from.

I hate it here.

Sep. 12th, 2013


Toto? I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more.

Okay, I've always wanted to say that. I mean, obviously, someone already explained this all to me, but still, it's fun to have a classic opening line like that.

Of course, by Kansas, I mean, Elysium, and by Toto, I mean...I'm not sure who I mean. Is Luke here? If he is, I definitely mean Luke.

Charlie? Where are you?

Aug. 11th, 2013


So it looks like I'll be going back to school in the fall. If anything goes horribly wrong, you can blame Annabeth Chase.

[Filtered to Rose Hathaway]
You should talk to Sheriff Swan. I told her about our plan to set up a training place and she said she'd help. She offered a room in the sheriff's office or in the forest, but I think we'd be too cramped in the office. Let me know if you need anything from me that doesn't involve paperwork.

[Filtered to Jason Grace]
Don't think I'll be shirking my Big Sister duties just because we're not rooming together anymore. I propose a sibling dinner once a week.

Aug. 8th, 2013


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah hey guys, what the Hades just happened?


I was curious, is there anyone else here from New York? I guess I'm curious about the differences between my New York and other dimensions or universes or whatevers New York. Does that make sense? Then again, a lot of the stuff that happened in my New York, mortals wouldn't have even known exactly what was happening.

[Filtered to demi-gods]

Are any of you guys like really restless? I know that the likelihood of a monster attack here is low, at least not like at home, but I keep finding myself looking over my shoulder when I'm out.

Aug. 6th, 2013



Big, potentially illegal, definitely curfew breaking, Bonfire at the beach tonight. Whose coming with me?

Come on, Guys, it'll be fun.

Aug. 5th, 2013


[Filtered to Bianca]

Bianca? Are you mad at me?

Aug. 2nd, 2013


So...I'm only thirteen. Am I going to have to go to school this fall?

Jul. 28th, 2013


[Filtered to PJO-verse]
Hey. So...I'd been debating whether I should say anything or if I should just leave you guys alone, and I decided I needed to say this.

First, I know that there's no apology that could ever make up for what I did. People, including some of you, died because of what I made happen and what I let happen. I'm not saying any of this because I want any of you to forgive me. I know I don't deserve that, and I don't expect it. I'm saying this because I'm trying to do the right thing this time around, and I think that has to include facing what I did before.

So...I'm sorry. I can't even say how much. I won't go through any of the explanation unless somebody wants me to, because I don't really think it's important - I did what I did, and it was wrong. I just want you all to know that I don't want to hurt anyone anymore, and I'm going to do my best not to bother anybody here, especially not any of you. If you do want to talk to me, or yell at me, or anything else, let me know. I'll be around.

And I guess that's it. Thanks for reading.



Did Hera do this too?

Not trying to be a spoil sport, but I kinda need to get back to Rome. And my friends. They won't find the Doors of Death without me.