September 2016




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Mar. 11th, 2014


I will do absolutely anything in order to survive. It doesn't matter who stands in my way. Though there is no Blight here, I have no problem taking the lives of people who will try to stop me from living. I miss the Blight in a way. Things were simpler. You put on armor, you fought Darkspawn. We killed the Archdemon and everyone survived. No one had to die.

Now we're stuck here where there are always more prejudiced people. Against magic. Against people who don't agree with the things they agree with. Is every world the same? Sentimentality is the downfall of everyone, no matter where they are it seems.

Mar. 10th, 2014


[Voice Post]

I do not understand how magic can make you want to tell the truth to a device. It's not even a real person. It's maddening. I hate magic.

I don't actually hate Anders all of the time, anymore.

I am getting accustomed to not wearing armor, and then hate how vulnerable we are in this town that never expects demons or darkspawn or blood mages. I like it, and hate liking things. They are too likely to vanish.

I hate that the Ferelden King is here, because he was a friend and fellow hero to Neria, and I cannot compete with a human King. Even if he has strangely shaped eyes. And looks just like another from this town.

I just want her to like me more. I do not see why she would. I have done terrible things, and she is good.

The television still startles me sometimes.

I hate magic.

Feb. 21st, 2014


Voice post

I suppose elven magic mirrors aren't all their reputation makes them out to be. They said that people would be able to hear me through this ridiculous contraption.

Do people really live in a place such as this? It's abysmal.