September 2016




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Nov. 9th, 2013


Filter: Whoverse
Rose being back seems like the perfect reason to get everyone together. Drinks at
The Hanged Man


Well, that one was a fun ride. My nights performing in heels, a push up bra, and a red wig at the Rabbit Hole have come to an end, but Jessica thanks you for your generous patronage.

Roger, my darling, how are you? No bunny tail, I hope?

Nov. 7th, 2013


All right so this is Maine? It's not London, but it's quite beautiful!

Maybe some of you can help me out? I'm looking for a bloke, and I think you'd know who I'm talking about if you met him. Calls himself the Doctor, or if anyone has seen a blue police box that'd be helpful.

Oct. 18th, 2013


Late notice, I know, but Martha and I are having a get together at our flat tomorrow. It's been awhile and we thought it would be good to see you lot. Let me know if you can make it, yeah? That way I know how much food to have on hand.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


Finally found a job, so I can stop watching endless telly and leaving my- attractive though it might be- arse-print on the sofa.

Come Monday morning, I'll be a radio DJ.  Talking and listening to music all day?  Not a bad gig.

Sep. 12th, 2013


[Filter to Doctor Who/Torchwood People]

You know, there's more and more of us showing up who've known the Doctor, in one way or another. What do you say we take over a back room at the Rabbit Hole one night and throw a bash? Three Doctors, no waiting, and everyone who can tell stories about them they wish we wouldn't - all in one space with booze on standby.

Nothing could possibly go wrong.

Well, it could, but I say we do it anyway.

Sep. 10th, 2013


There's three of us here. Three Doctors. Just imagine all that we could do with that combined brain power!

Sep. 9th, 2013


At this point, I'm not even the slightest bit surprised when things like this happen.

Still, it's just weird to end up someplace else without at least being in the TARDIS first.

Sep. 8th, 2013



Apparently this device doesn't appreciate the jiggery pokery of the sonic. What kind of rubbish is this then? Was only trying to boost the signal to reach my ship.

Seems I'm stuck here. Genius, me, getting stuck some place. It's what I deserve, I suppose, when in the middle of chasing a Slitheen I think, oh, look, there's a portal, I'll just have a quick pop then get back to it.

So, what's this then, with the portals? And don't say magic.

Sep. 7th, 2013


All right, Doctor. I know what they said about portals and all that, but I am about 98.7% positive this is somehow ALL YOUR FAULT.

Very funny. Let's go home now, yeah?