September 2016




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Jan. 7th, 2014


They're gone. Were. Will be.

I miss the dinosaurs. Floating dead in space does nobody good.

She needs a reason.

Jan. 1st, 2014


Greetings, denizens of Storybrooke.

Never before have I felt so strongly that I have walked into a story, even though the tales to be told here are not mine, and indeed are not from my world.

It seems pointless to ask how I have appeared here, since I believe they would have told me that on my arrival had they known. I will put it down, perhaps, to faerie magic, until a better answer can be found.

So instead of asking such a question I will merely introduce myself. Greetings, my name is Kvothe, son of Arliden, currently a student at the Arcanum in Imre. I have lived tales, loved women, faced evil and survived, faced grief and wept tears for those I have lost. And that, I fear, is only part of my tale.

Tell me, what are the stories to be found in Storybrooke?

Oct. 18th, 2013


A number of years ago, in a place much like this in some ways, and much different in others, there was a boy who lived alone in a city full of people. Young he was, and frightened of many things. He had no shoes, no clothes except what he wore, and the only food he had to eat was the food that he managed to steal. He lived like a rat, scrambling across the rooftops in his bare feet, living in a small place where the rooftops met that offered him some small shelter from the rain. The boy had very little except his many sorrows, but still he lived. And in living, he learned many things, and he grew taller, and stronger, and wiser.

But one thing he never grew was bored. For there were always things to do; always things that had to be done. And in the doing, his time passed quickly. In the small amounts of time he had for himself, his mind wandered, and he dreamed. Dreams of Home that once was that made him sad. Dreams of a future that likely now could never be. Dreams of hope, and dreams of sorrow, dreams of despair and dreams of joy. But never did he understand this feeling of boredom that came from having nothing at all to dream about. As he grew, he would watch from afar as the rich walked by, in their fancy clothes and fancy hair, their stomachs full from their latest meal. He wondered if boredom came from that - from having too much, from never having to work for the things you wanted. Or if boredom came from minds that had never had to entertain themselves, having enough money and means to always have someone else to do the onerous task.

And in time, he came to pity them. For who, who truly knows the world, could be bored by it? Who, who loves the trees and the sky, could cease to be entertained by the songs they sing? Boredom, he decided, was an illness that affected those who had closed their eyes to all things around them, and made them feel that doing was more important than seeing or living...

Oct. 17th, 2013


Filtered to under 25s and against authority types

So Jackson asked me to let everyone know!

The party will be Saturday the 26th, in the woods. We'll still need the magic wards that'll keep out folks who aren't coming. Plus, since it's Halloween, we should totally do a haunted forest/house/scary-ish theme. Anyone want to help with that!?

Sep. 29th, 2013


Um, so, someone PLEASE tell me why I'm stuck in some lame town that reminds me of depressing places I'd NEVER go? And I have none of my CLOTHES and most importantly, my PINK EYELINER??? How can I LIVE without my pink eyeliner?? I don't suppose there's a Sephora in this lame town?

I'm told there are other Camp Halfblood people here so...hello!

And for all you cute boys out there, I'm Drew.

Sep. 14th, 2013


So many members of my family are gone now. It's strange, I'm so used to be surrounded by Weasley's and Potters.

It looks like I won't be needing to teach magical students after all. I doubt I would be useful to other magic users as I'm sure their magic is different.

Filter: HP Universe
Would all of you mind checking in? I'd just like to see whose still here.

If I haven't met you yet, hello. I'm Rose Weasley.


My piano instructor is gone. I still have the music he wanted me to play, and I have everything he wanted me to work on. I know he'd be disappointed if I stopped practicing just because he left. But I'll miss Mr. Holmes. He was very kind.

Sep. 13th, 2013


A tale once came to me of a University near a regular sort of town. It was a large University, that taught a good number of students. These students were from all across the Four Corners of Civilization. Some were from noble families, younger sons who had been sent away to learn their trades. Some were from more humble backgrounds, but clever beyond measure. Some were rich and clever, though to be sure, these were very few...

Cut for length, not filtered... )


[Voice Post]

Three people have dropped pots onto my feet this week. If you cannot walk through a place without crashing about like a charging bull, you should not be allowed into a shop with breakable wares. And if you cannot control your children, then keep them at home until they develop manners or control over their limbs. I am tired of sweeping.

I find myself profoundly disturbed to say this, but I miss Varric's stories. There is a television on in the back room at all times. The owner tells me that it is playing soap operas. The quality of the stories they tell are somehow much less coherent than anything Varric invents.

Sep. 11th, 2013


[Filtered to any and all of those currently in or with a background in Government, Medical, Animal Care, Military, and Law]

I want to request a list of people currently in these fields or with a background from where they came. I think it would be nice to have a solid foundation of who has the expertise in which areas and perhaps even Sheriff Swan and Mayor Mills could find the information useful.


Groups listed by Expertise )

Sep. 5th, 2013


Well I have a job, and I have to admit that I'm really excited to work! I never had a job before, nor have I ever had ice cream until arriving here so I think this will be a good fit.

I'm still living with out a roommate, so I was thinking it would be a good opportunity to maybe get a dog or a cat for a pet. I'm leaning towards getting a cat because I'm told they're easier to handle and more independent.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


I would like to set up a clinic, if that acceptable, for those who are uncomfortable with traditional methods of healing. I am a mage, and a healer, and I see no reason not to use my gifts to aid people. I know that I find myself ill at ease with the way doctors in this time and place work, and I am sure that there are others who do as well. If nothing else, I am more than happy to heal people from my flat, if they wish.

Anders, I would be ever so grateful if you would assist me in this.

Aug. 30th, 2013


Everyone who's free should come down to the George's Taverna sometime this weekend. I'll have my lute, and I'll be giving songs and stories to all who come by.


If you're looking for something to do on the long weekend, the shooting range is offering 2 for 1 lessons. That applies to archery (taught by moi) and guns (though why you'd want to learn to shoot guns I don't know).

For students who want to learn archery but can't make it this weekend, I'll be TAing the archery section of PE.

Aug. 29th, 2013


Magic users/ locked from Mr. Gold
Is anyone else getting a ~vibe off of some of the things in Mr. Gold's shop. It's hard to explain and I don't know of it's just me, but there's something powerful strange about them.

Posted via Journaler.


It has come to my attention that there is a large magical community in this town, and yet no shop or any good place for resources! So with that in mind I will be seeing about opening up a magical supply shop, given that running one is the only job I've ever had, and I hope to open soon. After I get things. Like licences and so forth.



Anyone know how much one of these devices can be pawned for?


I don't care about anything I was just told. I want out of this place and I want it now. I don't want to be trapped in another some small nothing town again. I want out or things will give very bloody and messy very quickly.