September 2016




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Jun. 8th, 2015


I am not easily surprised, nor is time jumping necessarily new to me, but world jumping, that's a bit shakier.

My name is Dr. Helen Magnus, and I hear there are many extraordinary people here.

Nov. 1st, 2014


Yes, I stayed up I never sleep any more specifically to post this. As you were.

Oct. 24th, 2014



Really? This better be a coma hallucination.

Oct. 9th, 2014


I can't find my boyfriend half the time now, and I have had far too much coffee.

Yes, contrary to popular belief, there is such a thing as too much coffee.

Oct. 8th, 2014


I've been designing some new dresses lately. I had to do something when I lost my powers, and I just haven't stopped. Right now, all I have are drawings, but hopefully I'll be able to get my hands on the materials and such to start actually making them soon.

And yes, one of those may or may not be a wedding dress. Not for me, of course. But for a friend...if I actually am making one. I'm not saying for sure.

Sep. 26th, 2014


I regret to inform anyone who knew Nikola Tesla that he has seemingly returned home. If there is any business or matters that regarded him, I am more than willing to step up and do my best to help. While I'm certainly not Nikola, I have known him for many, many years.

Although he has the habit of popping up when you least expect it. I wouldn't count him gone for very long.

Sep. 25th, 2014


Yeah, um, where?

So, I'm used to going to strange places, but mostly voluntarily. Gotta admit this is a little different. I was doing things, but I guess I'm here for now.

I'm Dairine Callahan, from New York City, and I have no clue how I'm here.

This is the first computer I've used that hasn't talked back in a while, so I guess that's nice.

Sep. 24th, 2014


Oh, hey, it's Rosh Hashanah. Nice to start a new year without worrying about whether this'll be the year the giant killbots finally destroy us all.

So yeah. Happy new year.

Sep. 9th, 2014


Has anyone been able to determine the cause of the resident's losing their abilities? I am hesitant to blame a force known as magic, but there is always something new to find in the world.

While I maybe unable to help return the lost abilities, I am more than willing to help in anyway I can. Even if it is as simple as having someone to talk to. My organization in my world is dedicated to helping those with abilities and giving them a safe haven. So, please, don't hesitate to ask anything if you need it.

( Nikola Tesla )
I imagine you are completely thrilled by this turn of events. Have you lost any of your vampiric powers?

Aug. 29th, 2014


It would seem I've missed out on quite a bit by taking time to acquaint myself with this era before using this device. Including my sister

My name is Charles Xavier. Thank you very much for your hospitality.

Aug. 27th, 2014


Hello, Storybrooke! Nice little town here, I gotta say. Very picturesque. Seriously, it's giving me warm feelings for some hot chocolate right now, even if it is a billion degrees out right now.

Now before, I forget my manners, introductions. I'm Janet Van Dyne, Avenger and fashion designer extraodinaire. Also, speaking of Avengers, I saw some names on this thing that looked pretty familiar to me. Hi guys!

Aug. 18th, 2014


I can safely say that this was certainly not the place I was expecting to see when I turned around the corner. I was rather unaware there was any sort of portal or dilatation field where I was before.

My name is Dr. Helen Magnus. I'm also assuming that there is no controllable way to return home. Therefore leading me to the simple question of: what can I do to help Storybrooke the most during my time here?

Or, if anyone would be so kind to give me the "tourist edition" of Storybrooke, it would be most appreciated.