September 2016




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Jul. 3rd, 2015


It's weird watching the show in this world based on your life after it's already happened. So many things make sense now. Dottie disappearing. The whole sudden switch between Stark being a traitor then a hero which I never bought. Why Peg's meathead coworkers came looking for her.

It's so strange to think it's been decades since I've seen my mom. Seen my friends. Decades since I've been on a date. Which is sad in itself because I'm adorable. I think I need a change.

Ruby? Will you take me shopping?

Jun. 3rd, 2015


Thursday, 6 o'clock. We're having supper at my house. Bring a date if you want.

May. 30th, 2015


Someone needs to take this remote away from me. I've been watching documentaries on AHC all day. I don't need to watch a documentary of things I lived through back in my world.

May. 21st, 2015


So bright shiny future where they've got half the world at people's fingertips, but people are still driving around on the same basic four wheels.

Where can I get some tools around here?

May. 9th, 2015


Okay, I'm not saying this is anyone's fault, but I'm pretty sure it might actually be Tony Stark's fault. Or Thor's. That trans-galactic travel could be trans-dimensional, right?

Anyone care to disagree?

May. 2nd, 2015


AoU Spoilers behind the cut. Proceed at your own risk! )

Mar. 30th, 2015


I like to think I'm adjusting to the future. Not quickly, not easily, and I'm doing this on my own with just this computer thing I've been given but the internet helps. I could probably reach out to people who are going through the same but I've thought about applying at the local police department but my references are a little dated and they come from another world entirely. I was a little worried about whether or not the leg would interfere with any form of work I could think of but there have been some pretty swell strides in the right direction for everyone since my day. I'm feeling a little better about my chances in the working world.

Mar. 28th, 2015


Fuck everything.

Will be in the bottom of a bottle if anyone wants to find me or come join me.

Mar. 2nd, 2015


Charles and I are moving in together. Before you start with the comments about me jumping into things and screwing up let me say two things. First, back home all my friends are dead or Phil and I'm in a coma. This is probably my only chance to have something good. Second, fuck off.

Winter does eventually end here in Maine, right? One more kid hits me with a snowball and I'm going to start looking for places to lock them up.

Feb. 22nd, 2015


I think I have this thing figured out.

There has to be a better explanation than magic portals. This has to be Stark's fault.