September 2016




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May. 15th, 2016


This is no longer fantastic.

May. 8th, 2016


Damnit Katherine!

May. 7th, 2016


Ugh I just got out of a small pointless town
But whatever

Um, can anyone help me? I'm looking for some friends of mine.

Damon or Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie, Caroline?

May. 6th, 2016


Really?  Random town, Maine?  Isn't there somewhere better I could have been mysteriously sent to?

Jun. 20th, 2015


Ric's gone.

I don't How am I supposed to I can't do this by myself

Mar. 4th, 2015


This is the worst.

Do the portals make everyone sick, or am I just special?

Feb. 8th, 2015


So this is the perfect end to the worst birthday party ever Or maybe second worst Most of our parties are terrible

So...I'm in Maine? Because of portals? And...fairytale magic? Must be Thursday

This is real and not some weird...I don't even know...purgatory type place or illusion or...something?

Oct. 15th, 2014


(pretend this was actually posted at a reasonable hour on Wednesday morning and not at 3am)

Wow, this was so not what I needed right now. Please tell me that whole being stuck here was just a fib, because I really need to get back like ASAP.

Anyway, right, manners. My name is Caroline Forbes and they told me there were people I knew here, so Mystic Falls peeps, sound off!

Sep. 30th, 2014


Does anyone else have conflicting feelings about being here? I mean, I want to go back home, I miss my brother and my friends, but I also kind of... like the break. Everything in my life has been so horrible lately, it's nice to get some distance. And hey, I seem to have appeared during the middle of a magic crisis of some kind, so it almost feels like home. I'm sure I'll change my mind after a while, but for now I'll just... enjoy the feeling it while it lasts, I guess.

Anyway. Hey, I'm Elena.

Sep. 23rd, 2014


I have died more times that I can count. Please tell me I've finally made it to heaven or wherever people go when they're at peace.

I can't keep doing this.

Sep. 8th, 2014


I would really rather not. Is that an option? Can I just say no and go home?

Jan. 30th, 2014


And with the end of January, so begins the most dreaded two weeks in all of the year.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


To anyone planning to go out of town for a few days with only your closest friend and a few bottles of bourbon:

Do not stick a note on the fridge for your girlfriend with a magnet of dubious strength. It will fall off and everyone will think you disappeared.

In other news, I am an idiot.


I guess I'll take this over having my eyeballs cut out, but... I really would prefer to be home. Anyone from Mystic Falls here? I could use some help.

[ damon ]
Damon? Please tell me you're here.

Dec. 24th, 2013


Well, well, well. This certainly beats being on the other side.

I hear there's a few familiar faces That have missed me terribly.

Dec. 5th, 2013


cut for vampire diaries spoilers )

Dec. 2nd, 2013


Sweet! This is so much better than the other side.

Nov. 22nd, 2013


TVD Spoilers )

Nov. 14th, 2013


So I gather I'm not the only one from Mystic Falls here? I'm really, really over witches at this point -- sorry, Bonnie. If you're here. Which I'm not sure you are. I'm still not sure this isn't some weird hallucination Tessa's put in my head. I guess it's better than it could be -- she could have put me back in the quarry. Who knows how long it'd take you all to notice I was gone this time?

Oct. 31st, 2013



Might I just say I am deeply disturbed why what went on tonight. She might have done many terrible things to all of you in the past, but she did not deserve that. You are fortunate, Damon, that you were brought here from before tonight's events occurred. Otherwise, we might have a problem, you and I.


You know, I just realized... There are a lot of kids in this town. I don't remember a bunch of kids in fairy tales other than Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood. And since Red's an adult here, I'm guessing the other two would be as well. So. Who are all the midgets?

Oct. 18th, 2013


I am so glad to be myself again. That was awful.

( Damon )
Hey, you.

(OOC: Possible TVD spoilers in comments, just by virtue of it being Thursday.

Oct. 4th, 2013


Well, that was fun. Minus how it wasn't.

( Bonnie )
I never even asked when you were from. Did you know about that?

( Damon )
Can we just get out and do something? I don't really care what. I don't want to think about that stupid show any more.

( OOC: You guessed it. TVD and TO spoilers likely in comments. )

Sep. 16th, 2013


So...small town in Maine where strange things happen?

That's different.

I'm still not sure if this is real or if I've finally cracked.

So, where's the bar in this town? I could stand to make a few bucks

Sep. 9th, 2013


So, I've been dragged through a magic portal that skipped right over summer. Awesome. Way to go, portal. Just once, I'd like a break from this kind of thing

I guess I should see about community college classes while I'm here. anyone around from Mystic Falls?

Aug. 17th, 2013


I do sometimes feel like my life is a really badly written novel, but this Narnia bullshit is going a bit far.