September 2016




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Jun. 26th, 2016


I've been here a whole year as of like two days ago. Which is crazy. Some people have come and gone two or three times in that time. Some people just don't come back.

I'm still wondering what's going to happen at home, but I'm glad I ended up here.

It's probably against the rules to say what I want for my birthday. But I was raised in a bubble by Tony Stark, so I don't know that. Let's go camping for my birthday. But we can leave town now, so let's really go somewhere? I don't care where, just somewhere.

May. 30th, 2016


Learned to use the internet. Wish I hadn't.

That ain't Steve

May. 12th, 2016


I wonder if I'll ever get used to my new home here. Everything is so different, but I have to say that I feel a lot safer here than I did back at home. I just wish Landon was here with me, all we have is each other and I hate to think that he's without his older sister.

That being said, it is very beautiful here. It almost reminds me of District 12, with all the trees. Not that I ever been out into the woods before, but I used to look at the tree line and wonder what it was like.

May. 6th, 2016


I'm not being shot at. I can't sneak into bars. Dance halls are a thing of the past. What do people actually do here? Why are there no teenagers here? Not that I know how to talk to them or interact with them but I could, at least, watch them and pretend I know

Apr. 29th, 2016


Voice Post

What the hell is this doohickey? How does it work? Is this...?

Hello? Can anyone hear me?

This sure as hell ain't Paris...