September 2016




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Feb. 11th, 2015


trigger warning: discussion of suicide )

Feb. 10th, 2015


okay I need money. will do the following:
1. naked dancing.
2. semi-naked dancing. (will provide costume but will steal costume)
3. naked posing.
4. speed reading (doesn't have to be naked)
5. catch bad guys except the mini loki because people like him for some reason
6. laps
7. eat
8. porn
9. make fun of stuff billy does.
10. run faster than you.

someone give me money.

i don't want to work.

((Edited in later))
11. my own talk show. someone give me a talk show.

Jan. 9th, 2015


Fairy tales? Really?

[Filtered to SHIELD]
A guy who said he's a dwarf said some of you are on the ground here?

Jan. 5th, 2015


Snow just reminded me that I forgot to do this.  I've been a bit busy, sorry.

cut for picture )

Her name is Ruth.  I'm in love.

Sep. 27th, 2014


no noplease, can - can someonehelp its... its tooloud too loud..

its too loud - I dont

theres voices in my head

Sep. 25th, 2014


Yeah, um, where?

So, I'm used to going to strange places, but mostly voluntarily. Gotta admit this is a little different. I was doing things, but I guess I'm here for now.

I'm Dairine Callahan, from New York City, and I have no clue how I'm here.

This is the first computer I've used that hasn't talked back in a while, so I guess that's nice.

Sep. 13th, 2014


To those who have lost their powers --

We are trying to get things sorted. This could very well be a Storybrooke thing that gets itself sorted out soon.

Please be patient with us.

Sep. 12th, 2014



Why won't this scroll unfold?

I can't get the display to pop up. It's just a screen on a box. How does this --?

Weiss? Blake? ...Yang? Anyone here?

I haven't seen them around. Knowing my luck, Torchwick would be lurking about.

At least they didn't take away my weapon.

Aug. 29th, 2014


There have been various recent departures within the past few weeks.

If anyone needs to talk about anything, feel free to come to me.

Jul. 27th, 2014


Honestly, nothing is particularly surprising anymore. A portal under the Brooklyn Bridge brings me to Maine, I've been here several times before with seventy years worth of SHIELD agents.

Hello, then. I'm Peggy Carter. I'm sure you've heard of me, so that means you're one up.

If you'd be so kind as to introduce yourself, then, we can get to know one another adequately.


A heck of a lot of sparring, lately. Can't say I'm complaining.

Someone shoot off leftover fireworks not too long ago?

Jul. 26th, 2014


So anyone who has been here a while knows that the coming and going sucks. But it always happens. So sorry if someone's gone. And sorry if someone's here you don't want to be.

But most of us are missing people. So, what two people do you wish most would show up? And what two do you hope fall in a hole between universes and don't show up?

Scott and Mr. Argent, for Allison, from my world from me, for people I'd want to see.

Don't want to see - any other Argent, basically.

Jul. 24th, 2014


A magic portal, congrats Storybrooke. You actually managed to surprise me with that one.

An introduction shouldn't be necessary, but in case your educational background has grossly failed you and you've yet to pick up the academic slack, I'm Nikola Tesla.

I don't suppose anyone has any insight on the state of the scientific research facilities in this charming, quaint unintended containment area? Or if not that, the location of an establishment with a decent wine selection.

Jul. 9th, 2014


I think I have English enough now. And web site? that can make English for me.

I am called Enjolras. It is pleasure to meet you.

Jul. 7th, 2014


Some days I miss being a cricket...

I am glad the holiday appeared to be a relatively quiet one. In regards to anything bad happening, that is.


hey, hawkeye kate, there's a second you here. i think i should probably inspect you to make sure you're not a clone or a robot or wearing a scooby doo kind of kate mask.

there's pregnant princesses here. if a princess is pregnant does that mean she's a queen, or do they take away the purity rings or whatever princesses have and make them pregnant peasants or something? there should be a reality show.

this whole town is like seven thousand superhero whack jobs and two villains. some of you are gonna have to go evil for some balance. like half the hawkeyes at least. not ours though.

Jun. 30th, 2014


So I've been poking around this thing for a couple of days.

I can't say I understand how I got here and I can't get over the feeling that I have to make a mission report.

Uh. Hi? I'm Steve Rogers. Is there a manual?


I truly am I awake at all hours of the night these days. I'm glad I let Anakin talk me out of getting a job. As tiring as it is to take care of the twins I couldn't imagine being away from them just yet. Nor do I think I could juggle a job and the twins. I applaud anyone who is capable of that. I haven't figured out the balance yet. Once they get older, however, I plan on looking into a job. Senator doesn't translate very well into a skill set.

Jun. 14th, 2014


I have no idea what's going on here, but it's beyond unacceptable and I demand to see whoever is in charge immediately. I cannot afford to be dragged to some ridiculous facsimile of a Disney movie. I have a family and a life and things that need to be done.

[Locked to Sarah, Felix, & Cosima]
The grumpy, absurdly bearded man who gave me the phone said you were here. What is going on? Something has to be done!

May. 24th, 2014


I know there have been quite a few new arrivals in Storybrooke recently. And I am also aware of the fact that some of the new arrivals may feel the need to have someone to talk to. I just wanted to put it out there that there are still plenty of available appointments in case anyone needs them. Even if you just need someone to talk to for an hour.

It will all be in confidence, of course.