September 2016




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Jul. 12th, 2015



So, after Adam and I found a car to work on I went to go tell Dean about it, but he wasn't at home or at the bar. I'm guessing this means he's been sent back? Unless anyone's seen him?

Jul. 10th, 2015



Does someone want to explain what the hel heck is going on here? Because I just had a pissy midget tell me that this is a some kind of small town fairytale bullshit mess?

My wife is going to kill me


Things are slow here and I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss the constant terror of my own universe and dealing with the coming apocalypse. And the only thing I can think of to keep myself entertained at this very moment is hold a karaoke tournament. I don't wanna toot my own horn or anything but I got some vocal talent and am more than happy to show it off.

I'll work out the details with the local bars, see which ones would be more than happy to let me host the event, but first I need to know who would be interested in joining me.

So, anyone want to get in on this?

Jun. 27th, 2015


I was just thinking I needed a holiday but this... Oh, this is brilliant is what it is. Alternate worlds brought together without disrupting the flow of time. Of course you were all taken here against your will and we can't have that. Not even in a lovely pocket universe like this one. Should probably get on fixing that.

Hello, I'm the Doctor.

Apr. 26th, 2015


[ filtered: magical folks & law enforcement / not his brothers ]

If you've noticed that the gazebo in the park is a little...broken. I'll fix it. I had something get the better of me and I couldn't really get a hold of myself long enough to stop and I kind of got thrown through one of the beams. It's an easy fix though. I have some construction history so we're good.

So yeah...that happened.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and explain a problem I have and ask people with any suggestions they have to fix it. All I want to do get rid of this thing. It makes me dangerous to those I know and those who don't have a clue who I am. I don't want to kill anybody. This thing...obviously referring to a "curse" that was put on me back in my world...universe...thing. It causes me to become more violent than I usually am and might does have roots that date back to the Jesus-walked-the-Earth sort of days.

So this is my SOS since I don't have a nerd angel to call and my brother is being kind of a dick.

[ filtered: adam ]

I'm sorry. Shit went the wrong way. You shouldn't have seen that. How's it going? Get settled at the new place?

[ filtered: sam ]

I asked for help. I don't think it'd do a lot of good though. Hear you got a job teaching people to shoot. I'm still surprised they hired you. I'm still a better shot.

[ public ]

Got a job as a bartender. I still haven't figured out what anyone does for fun in this place. So steer in the right direction because I'm going a tad bit stir crazy.

Feb. 16th, 2015


Earlier today a body was found behind Granny's. We're working on figuring out exactly what happened so please bear with us. If you have any information, please contact us at the department.

{filtered to people with law enforcement experience}
If anyone is interested, we will happily talk all the help we can get.

{filtered to Neal}
Guess who won't be coming home anytime soon tonight?

Feb. 15th, 2015


Holy hell, Batman.

I need the police here, STAT.

I... I can't handle this.

I'm behind Granny's.



Nov. 8th, 2014


Huh. Well. Can't say I haven't seen weirder.

And apparently technology has progressed rather rapidly in the last... What year is it again?


It's good to be back, as strange as this place really is in retrospect. Well, strange and fascinating.

Is everyone all right?

( Fitz )
I need to hug you. Is that all right?

Nov. 1st, 2014


Give me the Four Horsemen, evil spirits, demons of all kinds. But zombies? Why am I even surprised?

Please tell me this is the standard "destroy the brain" scenario.