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Aug. 12th, 2013


[Filtered; Cassi]
Ignore the recent announcement. You're underage and I discovered it's the law for them to seek your guardian's permission before they can act against you. However, how long that will last remains to be seen, given the way they're heading.

In the mean time, your only focus will be school. I'm withdrawing you from this muggle institution, as you won't learn anything worth knowing there, and we'll pick up at the end of your current year.

By which I mean, I'm going to home school you.


[Filtered; Sirius]
I have a question for you.

Aug. 6th, 2013


So this town is full of like...the muggle version of Death Eaters?


Are they going to start burning us soon? In the public square?

Jul. 29th, 2013


[Filtered; Sirius]

I'd strongly advise registering, Sirius. We are guests and they our hosts and it would be poor behavior to violate their laws.

And it's for our benefit if they think we're cooperating.

But it's your decision, sir.

Jul. 25th, 2013


[Filtered; Sirius]

Are you .. busy?

Jul. 21st, 2013


Who: Harry & Sirius
What: Drinking. There's a pattern.
Where: Sirius' den.
When: After their network conversation
Warnings | Status: Alcohol | in progress

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Am I really stuck in this place with my 18 year old grandfather the only other person from my world?

Hey, you, other wizard. Harry, right? Where are you?


Voice Post

...little squiggly signs and siguls instead of proper letters, what's the point? If I'd wanted a puzzle I'd have asked for one. How is it supposed to work...?



Can any of you folks tell me how far it is to Hambry, in the Barony of Mejis?

Jul. 16th, 2013


This is so not Los Angeles.


So, I suppose this town is too full of muggles for there to be a wand shop about?

Jul. 14th, 2013


Who: Sirius & Pollux
What: Talking and drinking. Mostly drinking.
Where: Sirius' pad.
When: After Pollux's network
Warnings | Status: Underage drinking | in progress

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Sirius Sirius Black Mr. Mister Black?


Hardison! What's with the shiny new phone? I liked the old one. I knew how to work that one.


Isn't this lovely? It's not LA, which is odd, since that's where I was, but small mercies and all that.

Right, I'm jetlagged like you would not believe. Has anyone found anywhere that makes a decent cup of tea yet?


I probably have dozens of questions, but I suppose I'll start with two:

Is there anyone else here who hardly knows how to use these...things? there anyone else who isn't in any real hurry to go back?