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Oct. 9th, 2013


There are many different people here, from many different worlds and cultures. And those people often hold conflicting sets of beliefs. What is right to one person may not necessarily be right to another. It does not make either belief wrong, in essence.

I am a Christian man, and as such I believe in certain things, and hold a certain world view. I do not expect others to believe as I do, nor will I necessarily judge you as an immoral person if you do not. I know that the world has moved to a point where it is not kind to a Christian world view, and I believe that a person's choices are theirs, and theirs alone to make. And what becomes of your soul is between yourself and your God.

And I am rambling. What I mean to say is that however you believe, however you behave in this place is no business of mine. It is only for God to judge. And the same is true for all here.

Oct. 6th, 2013


Filtered Against the Council

Do you want to know what I think? I think before we start electing members and ripping to pieces each others theories on gun laws and the rights of illegal immigrants (which we are.) Perhaps we should consider ways in which we can help this community. Everything here is strained, with each of us that arrives it becomes more strained. Food, medical supplies, resources -- we need to consider the fact that this community isn't entirely self-sustaining and our time might be better spent making friends and giving what we can than drawing hard lines in the sand and making demands.

I'm not getting out of bed until Thursday. It's my own fault for deciding I could live on vodka and coffee for 48 hours. Could you bring me some tomato juice?

Or leave me to die, whichever you prefer.

Oct. 2nd, 2013


[Filtered to magic users]

When I first arrived in this town I was a little put out to discover how openly everyone spoke about magic, since there are laws maintaining secrecy at home.

I did wonder how muggles would cope with the knowledge. I suppose we now see the results of that experiment, such as it was. Mr Dresden, you were entirely wrong.

Oct. 1st, 2013


What the hell have I walked into? As if not knowing where I am isn't bad enough!


Who: Belle and Rumplestiltskin
When: Early hours of the morning of 10/1
Where: The apartments
What: The Council's latest announcement has made decide she finally needs to convince Rumple Michael and the Church are trustworthy. This should go well.
Rating: Low for now?
Status: Closed/ongoing

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Citizens and Refugees of Madison Valley

Because of the recent violence that has taken place at King's Daughters Hospital, and the protest and refusal of many of the doctors and administration there to continue to treat refugees who threaten them, injure them, or destroy their premises, the Hospital can now be considered off limits to all refugees.

A Refugee's Clinic will be opened at the location of the old Madison Clinic, staffed with doctors not involved in the protest, to treat the illnesses and injuries of refugees.

Also, due to recent events, the use of magic is now banned in Madison Valley. Those who are found violating this law will be subject to 90 days in prison and/or a fine of $10,000.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

~Madison Valley City Council

Sep. 23rd, 2013


Where might I acquire a horse in this land of yours? Mine has either not made the journey, or he has been transformed into a strange metal cart.


[Filtered away from Harry Dresden and the Council]

So it sounds as if magic is genetic.

If it is, then if you could isolate the coding, you could genemod for magic. I bet my stepmother could do it. But she's not here and there aren't any genelabs, so...

It's just a thought.

Sep. 22nd, 2013


The first time I've seen snow in four years, and I'm as ill prepared for it as I was then. Actually, as cumbersome as my dresses back home were, I think they were actually warmer than what I was wearing today.


Early Snow Falls on Madison Valley
September 21th, 2013
Mark Anderson

MADISON VALLEY - Four inches of snow fell on Madison Valley last night after a freak cold front sent the temperatures plunging down into the teens. The previous record low of 32F has been shattered by nearly seventeen degrees.

Without radar or forecasts available from the National Weather Service, it is impossible to know how long this cold front may last, or if Winter is here for good.

Schools were closed today because of treacherous road conditions in the morning, although the roads seemed passable by mid-day.

At Sunrise Golf Course, children enjoyed the surprise snow storm by sledding.

"It's great," said eight year old Micah Center, "I love the snow! I wish it snowed every day! And no school!"

Sep. 20th, 2013


Doctor injured in disturbance at hospital
September 20th, 2013
Sarah Cordain

MADISON - Police were called to King's Daughters Hospital early yesterday evening after reports that a visitor attempting to leave the premises with a patient in serious condition had responded violently to a doctor's attempt at intervention. Dr Charles Arroway, injured in the attack, was struck in the arm by a metal ball fired from a projectile weapon.

Dr Arroway did not wish to comment when contacted about the matter. A nurse at the hospital, Lyndsey Harris, said that the event was "shocking," and "inexplicable," and that the patient, who has been named as 'Valen,' one of the Madison Valley refugees, was "in no condition to leave the hospital." Valen's attending physician stated that he suffered no ill-effects from the impromptu excursion and has since resumed treatment.

A 15-year-old boy who cannot be named for legal reasons was arrested following the incident. Madison citizen Janine Irving, who was at the hospital at the time of the disturbance, said that the boy was "clearly very agitated," and that he was "fighting [the law enforcement officials] and trying to run." Dr Charles Arroway has declined to press charges against him, and the 15-year-old has since been released from police custody.

Sep. 12th, 2013


Yeah. Wow.

You know, we really need not to be fighting among ourselves. There's enough crazy shit to be fighting without taking out our frustrations on each other.

Sep. 8th, 2013


Men attack car with swords
September 9, 2013
Julia McGee

MADISON - Officers responded to a report Saturday that two men were standing in the road when they launched themselves at a car near Lanier Drive, the Madison Police Department said.

Adam Shelley, the driver of the vehicle, said he was driving northwest on Lanier Drive when the men appeared with drawn swords and attacked the car. The attack caused minor damage to the windshield and fender.

"I thought the circus was in town, or they were doing some sort of theatrical rendition of a troupe," said Shelley. "They were dressed in period clothing and shouting. I didn't know what to do."

When officers arrived to the scene the perpetrators had escaped. One man is described as a white male, standing around 6-feet-8-inches with long black hair and grey eyes. The other is also described as a white male, standing around 7-feet-10-inches with red hair and grey eyes. According to officials, the men are armed and dangerous. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Madison Valley Police Department.

Sep. 4th, 2013


Guns are everywhere. And in a place such as this, with such ill will directed towards us, who knows whether anyone here is safe from them? You could be walking down a street, minding your own business, when an intolerant citizen decides to take this scourge into his own hands. Holding that cold steel in his hand, he puts you in his sites, and without even giving you the chance to defend yourself, the gun fires...

...and shatters every hope, or dream, or love you ever knew.

Unless, of course, you thought of this in advance, and bought one of my Bullet Banes. It's a device that, when activated, will purposely and actively push bullets away from you using the ancient art of sygaldry, keeping you safe from those ignorant locals who may wish you harm.

At only $250, what better way to guard your peace of mind, your dreams, and your very future?

Sep. 3rd, 2013


Do muggles you Americans ever use the phrase be careful what you wish for? Because-

Sep. 2nd, 2013

[info]dontbedead not where I fell asleep.



I Summon Thee

Who: Rumpelstiltskin and Open
What: First time entering the town of Madison Valley after being accosted by the strangely-dressed workers for the Council.
Where: Entrance to Town
When: Early Sunday Afternoon
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete/Ongoing

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