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Mar. 15th, 2014


Characters: Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov
What: Making sure he's not strigoi, explanations, etc.
Where: Rose and Lissa's apartment?
When: Shortly after his network post
Warnings: Mentions of character death and a lot of other bad stuff.

--- )

Dec. 21st, 2013


Private: Lissa
You + me = girls day ASAP.

When are you free?

Private: VA cast + House of Caroline & friends
New Years Eve party, yes/yes? This is a thing we should be planning. Unless this crappy little town is already having one.

Dec. 9th, 2013


Filtered to Rose, Dimitri and Christian

Which of us are making dinner tonight? I'm craving Thai food, but I'm not sure there is a delivery place or even if we have the ingredients to make our own Thai at the house.

Dec. 4th, 2013


So on the way home from work today, these guys - about my age, I guess, maybe a little older - started yelling things at me. Not nice things, either. Calling me all these rude names and, well, uh, casting aspersions on my masculinity because of where I was working.

I don't get it.

In this world, it seems that there are things that men are supposed to do and things that women are supposed to do, and it doesn't seem right. It's not that way so much at home, I don't think. I mean, just as many girls have won the games as guys have, and I can think of a lot of guys I'd rather face in a fight before I faced Clove or Johanna.

Why can't we all just do what we're good at? Yeah, I'm better at baking and painting and stuff like that than hunting or woods stuff. That's what Katniss does. And what's wrong with that, on either side?


Filter: Vampire Academy Cast and Friends*
I demand a night off from the crazy. I'm not suggesting we throw a party or anything, but there has to be something fun to do around here, right? I say we do it. No Council business, no drama. Just friends hanging around and having a good time. You know, like the normal teenagers we're not.

*if you want to be included in this, feel free to assume. I'm happy to handwave Rose having made friends with any of your characters!

Dec. 3rd, 2013


I have a public service announcement:

If Georgia and Shaun Mason die by motorcycle, it's not my fault.

It's also not my fault if their inferi zombies happen.

Dec. 1st, 2013


I have a public service announcement:

Let it be known that curtains are extremely useless. They are also extremely dangerous and everyone should avoid them at all costs. Ever.

They've got this nasty habit of killing things that fall into them.

Don't say I didn't tell you.

Nov. 19th, 2013


Oh, please, gods, I hope this works. I've been trying to get a message through for hours, but there are so many buttons and it keeps erasing what I'm trying to say...

Hello? Please? Is someone there?

Nov. 17th, 2013


Who: Rose Hathaway and Caroline Forbes
When: Evening
Where: Random street not far from wherever the VA peeps live
What: Mistaken identity? Making friends? IDK.
Rating: TBA. Probably low, but who knows!

--- )


Fuck this place and fuck giving me a guardian.

I'm old enough to kill but not old enough to live on my own? What the hell.

Nov. 14th, 2013


Text To Rose

I need to go the hospital and ask for a few blood bags because I haven't fed recently. Can you come with me?

Nov. 11th, 2013


Filtered: Dimitri/Lissa/Christian
Did you know there's a girl running around here with MY face? What the hell?

I'm starting to go a little stir crazy. What is there to do for fun around here?

Nov. 9th, 2013


ykoai, question everyone bezcause i need an unnbiaesd opinion.

let's say you knofw 2 epople and these 2 pleople decide to plotz, orchestrate and carry out a plan to brign down the downfall of another person. which zwas stupid because hello that brlings down everyone. so of course the plan goes all hto wcrap because one of the people totxally betrjayed mthe other and asll of her supposed fzriends who are now dead. kinda thinking she wasn't reallcy their friend.

so olne of them has all of hdis friends murdered and his hmom murdered. oh and he's run ouet of town adn thinks he'll die anyminut bcuz it was all threatend tht downfalll guyy was gonna find and kill him .th other gets doff scott free ilke nothing ever happened.

someone explain two me how the zhell this is foair?

[ooc: someone has been drinking nonstop for the last few hours]


What the hell?

Thank you very much, Twilight Zone of a life.

Oct. 28th, 2013


...Okay where exactly am I?

Oct. 27th, 2013


Hello Refugees,

This evening my companion was assaulted by an unidentified person. The person in question told my companion that the people of Madison Valley 'don't want [us] refugees around here' before robbing him and leaving him with several injuries.

We don't tell you this to upset you or frighten you, but after speaking with my companion on the matter we determined it was best to inform you of these activities so you may make safeguards against future incidences.

Oct. 25th, 2013


No Council

So there are a lot of us here now.

And there's been a great deal of focus on our differences, the things we don't like about each other, the things we fear about each other and the council.

But what there hasn't been is much discussion about things we may have in common. Things we may have in common include missing people or things from back home. Here's my challenge to you: what do you miss most about home?

I miss my mother.


Do many young people in this time believe that having fun involves flailing about in a parody of dance or perhaps a parody of intercourse whilst listening to very loud 'music,' and getting intoxicated to the point of complete incoherence, then?


I took Georgia's advice and spent most of yesterday on the computer reading the networks back since people started arriving here in July. So I've got some sort of idea of what's going on here, at least vaguely. And I apologize to those of you I offended or frightened with my words - I didn't realize how terrible this place had been to those of you with supernatural inclinations. It makes sense you'd react the way you did.

So. Let me start over. I'm Karrin Murphy. I used to be an officer with the Chicago Police Department, in the Special Investigations department. We looked over crimes committed by supes, against supes, and so on. Those supes who obeyed the law - which I'd assume is most of them - were either allies of mine, or completely under my radar. I have nothing against law abiding citizens, whether they're supernatural or not. My problem is with those who break the law and hurt other. If you're not one of them, then my warning certainly doesn't apply to you.

Reading over everything, I was thinking that maybe we need some sort of, uh, sub-council? Something where people can reach a sort of consensus on what we want before Georgia, Lissa and Cesare take it to the City Council. I don't think we need elections; there just aren't enough of us to warrant that. But maybe...we should have something like Town Hall meetings? Where everyone can just show up and tell Georgia what we think? Maybe it'll take some pressure off of her. I'm not a politician, so someone else is welcome to come up with details, but anything we can do to make our reps' job's easier would be good.

Just an idea. I'm open for suggestions, etc.


I'm sorry, I was a bitch yesterday. I didn't have any idea what had gone on here.


So, we've gotta pay for stuff here, then. But we can't get any decent jobs if we don't give 'em our blood. Which, as Georgia and Shaun have already said, would be a damned stupid idea. My blood's better stayin' just where it is.

So what the hell are we supposed to do? I don't need much, but unless ya want me shooting rabbits and squirrels in the park, I'm gonna need something.

[Filtered to Cuthbert]

I ain't against helpin' to defend the people here. But I ain't doing anything that everyone doesn't agree with. Seen too much of that sort of stuff go to hell in a handbasket.

[Filtered to Georgia and Shaun]

That Cuthbert kid's tryin' to get me on his side.

Oct. 24th, 2013


All of these discussions about "protecting" and guns and magic reminds me too much of what Lucifer was doing to my world before I was brought here.

It also reminds me just how very damn alone I am here.

No offense, John and Mary, you guys have been great. It's just not the same.


Filtered: Lissa and Christian
You guys okay over there?

Oct. 23rd, 2013


[Filtered away from all vampires, werewolves, and supernatural creatures except for Harry Dresden]

[Filter changed to OPEN TO ALL]

So, what is it we're looking at here? It seems from reading that there's some big problem between magical and non-magical people. Do we have a list of what's here? What isn't? Weaknesses? Strengths? I'm not asking for any reason other than it's good to have the knowledge and to know what's going on. The more we know, the less we fear.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


Cry your pardon, but who are the peacekeepers here? I'm of a mind that we should have someone to protect us from the council's doings, as they seem to have strayed far from the path of the White, say true.

I reckon most here don't trust the local police, aye?

I'd not put myself forward unless asked, so I wouldn't, but something, I think, should be done, something that can be agreed on by all.

Oct. 21st, 2013


I didn't exactly question it because I figured I was just dreaming. And the opportunity to take a shower was far too enticing and it was nice to actually sleep on a bed but I'm starting to think that this isn't a dream.

It feels like nothing was really explained or anything and I'm starting to freak out a little. As much as my sister is going to freak out when they find that I'm gone. And I'd kind of like to go back now.

Oct. 18th, 2013


That lady who only just arrived, Rose? She said that she was shot. That she died. So did Jeremy Gilbert, before he arrived here.

We're not all dead, that wouldn't make sense, but I do wonder. Do you suppose it works the other way? If someone died here, would they disappear and end up back home as if nothing had happened?

Oct. 17th, 2013


Okay, I've seen a lot of weird in my life, but this is- beyond weird. And I'm still not convinced that I'm not dead. But if I actually believed in an afterlife or any of that, this is really NOT what I would have pictured.

Anyway, hi, I'm Rose. Nice to meet you all?


WHO: Rose Hathaway and OPEN!
WHAT: Rose wakes up in Madison Valley
WHERE: Near the woods
WHEN: Friday afternoon, upon arrival
STATUS: Open/Ongoing
WARNINGS: TBD, likely low

The first thing Rose thought as she opened her eyes was that she thought Hell would be a lot hotter. )