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Mar. 1st, 2018


I can't say I welcomed the memories.

I liked who I was out in the woods. No memories. No weight of people hating me for my family on my shoulders. It was freeing. God damn it.

I'll never live down my name. Guess I should just embrace it and move on. Losing my memories was the best thing ever and yet... it doesn't matter. I'm still Nyssa Al Ghul at the end of the day. Fine.

Johanna Mason
Hey chica - wanna go beat shit up together? I like you.

Feb. 22nd, 2018


Mmmm that is much better. they'll be back but I can tell he pulled apart the knots.. I feel at peace..with him. With myself.

You don't get to punch him this time. Hey.
Ever have a moment when you realize something, and things just.. Settle?

Feb. 21st, 2018


The last fun I had was bouncing chocolate bars off the head of a bitchy Starbucks customer. Someone should entertain me.

Feb. 10th, 2018


So, who wants to be super awesome and help Diana and I start packing in a few weeks? I mean, we can totally do the heavy lifting, but it's definitely more fun with other people. Oh! And someone to keep Champ busy. That's definitely going to be needed!

Feb. 9th, 2018


Holidays. I haven't had much time to think about them till now.

Feb. 8th, 2018



So I’m guessing you want to go to the Valentine’s party?


All this snow and my roof isn’t even leaking. As you get older, it really is the little things.


One of these days I will no longer be surprised by anything this place does.


I'm sorry you got that kind of info dump.

Feb. 4th, 2018


Who: Everyone
When: Sunday Evening; 4:00 PM - End of game
Where: Pepper and Dwight's house
What: Super Bowl Party!
Warnings: Unlikely, but let me know!
Status: Party Post! Let's go!

Are you ready for some football? )

Feb. 1st, 2018


I'm glad I was just me this time. But I feel like one of these times, the dome is going to have it out for me. Karmic retribution.


I'm back to looking like a little girl. I'm back to being me.

Jan. 29th, 2018


I am rather glad I was not affected by the dome this time around.

I am still adjusting to life here, I don't need these... shenanigans.

Jan. 27th, 2018


So, ah, I suppose I should say hello.


I'm Rand al'Thor, recent arrival, ward of Madame Nyssa.

I'm still learning how to use this thing, but I like it. People seem nice.


It appears I have grown up again.

Jan. 26th, 2018


This is Alistair's doing, isn't it? They said I was in Indiana but how is that even possible?


WHO: Kitty and Rand al'Thor
WHAT: Rand meets Kitty and they have an odd day.
WHEN: Recently
WHY?: because a mutant and a ta'veren walk into an area
STATUS: Closed and Complete
Read more... )

Jan. 25th, 2018


Role call for people who are the correct age, gender, in the right body, and have the right powers.

Mostly I'm curious how many of us didn't get hit with the latest round of weirdness at all.

Jan. 19th, 2018


I swear this place never gets boring. It has been delightful reacquainting myself with this place, so many memories here.

How badly do you need a laugh today?

Jan. 16th, 2018


WHO: Nyssa al Ghul and Rand al’Thor
WHAT: Rand arrives and gains a guardian.
WHEN: Late last night, not long after her arrival
WHY?: Because why not?
STATUS: Closed and completed GDoc

This place was screwing with her. )