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Aug. 17th, 2013


[Filtered; Ramirez]
Yeah, okay. We're done sitting around. Time to make an impression on the city council.

So here's the plan:

1. Dress fancy, El Dorado style (I got that one covered). You probably shouldn't carry grenades though, something about terrorists they'll try to use against you, probably.
2. We go down and have a nice chat with all the people.
3. Make an impression, ask them politely to stop being assholes.

Nobody dies. Got it?


[Filtered; Molly, Michael, Fix & Thomas]
Keep an eye on those kids. Some of them are heading up to St. Michael's, Michael. Ramirez and I are gonna have a chat with some people.

I don't want any of you coming along. If we spark the next witch trials none of you are going to be guilty by association.



Who: Molly Carpenter, and open
What: Exploring
Where: Town
When: This weekend
Warnings: None likely

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Aug. 4th, 2013


It's hard to get cool when it's this hot all the time.

[Text to Carlos Ramirez]
Thank you. For the other day. And the suggestion. The vest has helped.

Jul. 28th, 2013


Who: Molly Carpenter and Warden Carlos Ramirez
What: Meeting for coffee
Where: Coffee shop in town
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: Will update if necessary

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So. Justine's here. Anybody else from Chicago? Anybody? Bueller?

Jul. 24th, 2013


[Filtered against Sarissa]

The days are getting shorter. I can feel it.

And it hurts.

I hate long, dark, cold nights. Especially without her.

I can't - I miss her so much. I know...I'm not much to look at. But it never mattered.

Jul. 23rd, 2013


I spent all day making coffee and answering phones.

I don't think the people who live here like us very much. They kept asking me about where I was from, and whether I was married, or had kids, and when I said no, the women looked at me like I was a dangerous little hussy.

Like I'd want their husbands, please. That's not why I got myself trapped in this little hick town.

But the job isn't so bad, I guess.

I make a mean cup of coffee.


Who: Molly, Harry, Fix, and Sarissa.
What: Sarissa wants to talk about the bubble.
Where: The park, near the swings.
When: Afternoon
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

She didn't know what to expect of the Winter agents. )

Jul. 22nd, 2013


[Filtered; Molly C.]
Hey Molls Molly Lady? I tried calling, but this stupid technology is.. stupid.

Uh There's official Winter/Summer business stirring. The Summer Lady wants to speak with you about stuff.

Fix is the emissary.

Jul. 21st, 2013


[filtered; Molly]
Hey, Molls.

I wanted to wait until you got settled.. but uh, you up to peeking around my head? As much as chest bursting aliens are fun I'm not a fan of having things burst out of my skull in a break for freedom.


... Hello?


Is there anything more beautiful than a night in midsummer?

No, I mean it. Everything's alive...and lush. Life's all around you, and it's when life has...meaning. Warmth. When nature is kinder.

It's the world as it should be.

Jul. 20th, 2013


I miss Chicago. I'm not used to a place being so quiet at night.

Do all small towns die every night?

Apparently if you get hungry in the middle of the night, there's just Walmart and Hinkles.

Jul. 18th, 2013


I still don't know how I managed to leave Chicago, but leaving that aside for a minute:

I think I might have gone back in time. Is this 1970 or something? Like, pre-cold fusion? I heard that time travel was theoretically possible.

...not like this, though.

Jul. 17th, 2013


I don't know where I am or what this is, but someone is not going to be very happy when I find out who is behind this. Amanda

Jul. 16th, 2013


Who: Michael and Molly Carpenter, Harry Dresden
What: Telling Michael about events in his future
Where: Michael's place
When: When Molly gets her nerve up
Warnings: Will update if necessary

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Jul. 15th, 2013


So I found this cute little club when I was walking around town today.

It's nothing like the clubs the Raiths own clubs we have in Chicago, but it looks like it might be fun for a night out. I'm feeling a lot stronger, I think maybe I'd be up for something like that. For a little while, anyway. Anyone want to go with me?

Harry? Molly?

Jul. 14th, 2013


[Filtered; Molly C.]
Hey, padawan.


Who: Molly Carpenter and OPEN
What: Arrival
Where: In town
When: Today
Warnings: Will update if necessary

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