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Dec. 10th, 2013


A list in which Sirius compiles all the things he isn't allowed to do or say, episode 1.

1. Assume all gingers know how to cook.
2. Think of twins as bookends. Though I wouldn't mind being between them.
3. Serve fried snakes to Slytherins.
4. Leashes aren't fun for anyone.
5. No place is safe from vindictive teenagers.
6. I will never take myself siriusly.
7. Try to make potions. That was a bad idea.
8. Not steal James's glasses the first opportunity I get.
9. Make bets with 10 year old girls. I will always lose.
10. Use a magic 8 ball (do they still have those?) to make decisions for me.

Not sure about that last one though, it seems like a healthy life decision from this point.

Also, apparently Padfoot smells like a dog. Who knew? Jamie says he's not allowed on the sofa, but I think that's rubbish. It's there or the bed, git, take your pick.

If that fails, I've got a dog you might like. Anyone want to take him in? He's house trained so you don't have to worry about the mess.

Dec. 7th, 2013


So how am I supposed to deal with this?

Oh, hi, I'm dead, pass the bloody peas?

Dec. 3rd, 2013


There is something I find very strange about this place and time.

Everyone seems so very isolated, in their little solitary apartments. There is little conversation to be had and that which exists must be actively sought out. Don't misunderstand me; there is a great deal I appreciate about this America, but it is - not at all what I am accustomed to, that way.

Even when I first went to live with my husband and his family and I didn't know anyone I wasn't so  lonely cut off from things. There were always people about, if not family then servants, or guests, or people visiting on business.

I wish Hugh were here. And my children.

Dec. 1st, 2013


I have read your Constitution, and about your Republic and how it functions. The library here is very extensive. I wonder, though. I wonder if it would do any good to read about my own country, what you would call history and I would call the future. Would it do any good? How even should I take it: as a storyteller's account with the usual embellishments, or a cautionary tale, or a true and accurate reflection of what is to become of my own family?

I do not know if it is a good idea to read such things.

Technology is easier to read about, and perhaps more useful. Another question. How might I learn to ride a car? There are no horses here and it would seem silly not to adopt your mode of travel.

Nov. 30th, 2013


Ladies, indulge this line of thinking for a moment, if you'd please:

Several of you have, at one point or another, assured me that I thought you couldn't do something because you were women. That strikes me as unfailingly stupid.

What makes you feel persecuted?

Nov. 29th, 2013


I have learned that a package of cigarettes in this time and place costs five dollars and eighty-eight cents. I then learned when I tried to convert this to Francs that Francs no longer exist! Instead in France they now have something called the Euro. Well, at least Enjolras, you will be pleased at such a display of unity.

I however will remain aghast. How on earth do people in this day and age afford their vices!? It pains me to know the cost of other such items. I require immediate tutelage.

Nov. 28th, 2013


[Filtered to Georgia Mason]

I misjudged you.

I understand better now what you have to say about my time.

Nov. 25th, 2013


I have at last had an opportunity to properly explore the markets and warehouses in this town. They are a delight! Perhaps I cannot locate everything I would have cared to purchase at home, but there are more than enough alternatives to satisfy and having solved the issues of currency, purchases were made!

Perhaps best of all, I found a little shop someway south of here selling all manner of wonderful fabrics. I shall soon have plenty of new dresses!

[Filtered to Kvothe]

I have been informed that you are the best person to consult on all matters musical?

Nov. 24th, 2013


Who: Mahelt & OPEN
What: Church, more culture shock
Where: The church
When: Sunday morning
Warnings: TBD

Read more... )

Nov. 23rd, 2013


Hello, everyone! For new arrivals that I haven't spoken to already, my name is Justine, please let me know if you need help with anything related to your stay here. Be it work, housing, or other questions etc., etc.

[Filtered to the following: Chloe Sullivan, Carol Peletier, Random Dent, Daryl Dixon, Molly Carpenter, Stefan Salvatore, Éponine Thénardier]

Hey everyone. Okay, so the good news, there are more places that are hiring without the required blood test. Unfortunately since it's all under the table, so to speak, you won't qualify for any of the benefits or things like that. If you're okay with that then we'll proceed.

Basically what's going to happen here is I'll give each of you a relevant list of local businesses and contact numbers based on your interests and skills, but it's up to you to call or make the appointments. I've done all the other footwork for you.

So if you could answer a couple questions that'll help me immensely.

1. Have you ever built a resume?
2. Briefly list some of your skills that are relevant to the kind of work you did before coming here.
3. What do you have an interest in doing? Working with animals, the forestry service, medical? etc.


How does one go about getting a job here if we don't submit to a blood test?


[Filtered to Roland Deschain]

I'd like to ask for your assistance with something.

Nov. 22nd, 2013


The medicine here stinks. I feel like a cave person. But I can keep my eyes open for a while, so I'll take it, I guess.

On an unrelated note, I have a 'future person' question:

How do you handle people trying to stop you on the street? We don't walk around, there's no social protocol for it. I'm twitchy.

Nov. 19th, 2013


[Filtered to Marius Black]

I fear that I have been struck with a swift-progressing and inexplicable illness. Perhaps I am dying. I know you to be a fine physician. Do you think you might Is there any course of action at all that you could recommend to me?

[Filtered to Cesare Borgia]

I find myself suddenly and gravely ill. Please, will you come to hear my confession?


Oh, please, gods, I hope this works. I've been trying to get a message through for hours, but there are so many buttons and it keeps erasing what I'm trying to say...

Hello? Please? Is someone there?

Nov. 18th, 2013


Hey, everyone.

My name's Peeta Mellark, and I wasn't in the best shape when I got here didn't greet all of you as I should have.

When we introduce ourselves at the games

So, I guess what would be interesting to know, since we're all from different places - what's the thing that's most different between this place and your home?

For me, there's so much food, and everyone has so much money. My father owned the bakery in our town, but I could hardly ever afford cookies or cakes, because the cost of sugar was so high. But here, I see kids coming in the morning before school every day and buying two or three doughnuts. It's crazy.

So, what about everyone else?


Sulfur. Saltpeter. Charcoal. Certainly not the simplest recipe I have ever seen, nor the most common ingredients, but not impossible, not with a little work.

Perhaps I shall be a better cook here than at home and show that librarian who seemed to think it unseemly that I asked for such information!

Nov. 17th, 2013


I have been told a little about this place. I cannot in Christ's name fathom how I was brought forward eight hundred years - eight hundred! - but I am told that there is nothing to be done for it, and my father always said to me that I ought to make the best of what couldn't be changed.

That said, I have some questions, if one of you might be so kind as to answer.

1. Who is the lord of Indiana? I would speak with him
2. I was asked after magic and I am uncertain: is it herbalism they mean by the word? Or heresy? For they are quite different.
3. The...horseless carts. I admit I'm not sure what my question is, exactly, but - might someone explain them?
4. Could I have directions to the nearest traveler's hospital? I find myself in need of a place to stay for the night.
5. Additionally, I may require the service of a midwife. Is there one to be found here?

Any assistance you might provide will be met with my gratitude.

Mahelt Marshal