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Jun. 21st, 2014


[Filtered to Jill, all of Jill's friends and all girls approximately Jill's age]

Hello, I'm Eddie Castile, Jill's Guardian. I'm just wanting to let you guys know that Jill was attacked last night by what appeared to be thugs from the town. Locals, for what I could tell. She's fine - don't worry. But I just wanted to let you guys know so that you can watch out, and maybe not go out after dark.

There's still animosity between the town and refugees, and who knows how this Midnight Sun thing is going to affect it. So be careful. Or if you're out after dark and don't want to be alone, feel free to call me, Dimitri Belikov, or one of the other Guardians. If we're not on active duty, we'll be glad to see you home safely.

People to call if you need someone to walk you home:

Eddie Castile
Dimitri Belikov
Rose Hathaway
Buffy Summers
Caroline Forbes


Dec. 7th, 2013


Characters: Amara and Cassie
Setting: Wandering town.
Summary: Amara is very confused and scared.
Status: Open; Incomplete
Rating: Lowish. Possibly becoming higher for self-harm?

It was confusing. )

Nov. 27th, 2013


Filtered to Those Above 18 -- And The Representatives

We waited to do this until we were sure, but my sister and I are in need of a new guardian. Our last guardian, Alicia, seems to have disappeared and we haven't been able to find her.

We don't have a lot of requirements, but we would like to be placed with someone who is accepting of magic, if possible. We don't want to be told over and over again that magic is evil and we'll burn for it. I have enough of a complex.

Cassie Blake and Diana Meade

Nov. 23rd, 2013


Filtered to Alicia and Diana

I have a date type thing with my friend, Jake, tonight, but I won't be out too late. I'll be at this address. [Address]


WHO: Jake Armstrong and Cassie Blake
WHAT: Getting together
WHERE: At Jake's place
WHEN: Saturday Night
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

Jake decided it was high time he and Cassie got together. He decided to spend some time with her. He hurriedly began cleaning up a little so it didn't look like a pig stye. He stopped and gave the place a once over, half tempted to try and cast some spell to make it look clean. Once he was satisfied he checked the time.

Pizza and wings, check. Soda, check. Chips and dip, check. Pie, check. Movies, check. Okay yeah it looked like a date. He wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. Now he was overthinking it all. What did he want exactly? They weren't even together.

Nov. 15th, 2013


Private To Jake Armstrong

Can we get together and talk?

Nov. 9th, 2013


WHO: Dimitri Belikov and Cassie Blake
WHAT: Match-up!
WHERE: The Park
WHEN: Saturday Evening
STATUS: Ongoing

It's raining lava got me sweating I can feel the heat // the fires raging no telling what's bout to come for me )


Locked to Cassie and Diana

I wanted to check in on you two. You okay?

Nov. 7th, 2013


From one small town to the next. Seems to be a theme with me.


Filtered to Alicia and Diana

I saw that you're on the guardian list and offered to help Marley. If she doesn't come stay with you, do you think maybe my sister and I could? We've been ducking authority figures since we arrived and I can't speak for Diana, but I know I'm tired of it. We're both teenagers, not really troublemakers unless someone else starts it. We were both really good students at home.

And uhm, I'm a witch. I don't use my magic on people unless thry're trying to hurt people I care about or innocent people.

Nov. 2nd, 2013


I read back a bit that somebody posted a few weeks back about what the things are that we miss here the most.

I was thinking, it being November, and the month of Thanksgiving and all, that maybe we should tweak that a little, and think instead about the things here that we're most grateful for. There's got to be something we like about this place, no matter how little it is? A person we have here that we don't have back home. Something we don't have to face here...something that just brightens our day a little.

It's not been easy for any of us, being pulled out of our homes and brought to this place, but maybe by thinking of something good that's happened to us since we've been here, we can kind of pull together? Or maybe that's just sunny Summer thinking.


I'm grateful for Lily, and I love Hinkleburgers.

Oct. 27th, 2013


WHO: Damon Salvatore, Open
WHAT: Damon being Damon.
WHERE: Out at a bar
WHEN: Close to midnight
WARNINGS: None, except it is Damon after all

This wasn't the Mystic Grill, but it would have to do. He needed some sort of place he could go, mix in with the crowd. Luckily he already fed, so that wouldn't be an issue. No tonight, he was simply a man out to have a few drinks. His drink of choice as always was whiskey. He liked the slow burn of it, and it did help to appease some of his bloodlust. However if he had been hungry, well not even all the whiskey the bar had would satiate that.

He turned and looked around, studying the people here. Trying to discern those who were dangerous and who weren't. It wasn't like he was going to go vamp out in the middle of the bar, but it was something he was always wondering when he was out and about moving through the town.

Oct. 26th, 2013


Who: Diana Meade and Cassie Blake
What: Hiding and talking
When: Morning, October 26th
Where: The building they're hiding out in
Warnings: Possibly a little language
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Cranky witch is cranky. )

Oct. 19th, 2013


Hi, my name's Harry Dresden. I've been a wizard since I was 10.

And this freaking bubble is pissing me off. Wizard-mode engaged, I'm about to do what I do best: formulate really bad plans.

First guess was that the barrier was a mutated version of thaumaturgy. Which in wizard speak means that if you do something on a small scale and feed enough energy into it it'll happen on a large scale. Think a map of Indiana with a circle around Madison Valley and something funneling energy into maintaining the integrity of the circle. Except the actual effects are happening to us here. The types of things that can bring us here and feed energy into a circle that big means we should just quit life while we're still breathing because we're screwed.

Second guess was a magic circle. If you wanna see a demonstration of that my apprentices or I can show you. The center's the focus and used to contain things, or sometimes keep them out. But there are mortals here who can't get passed it, and that breaks every law of magic that I know and understand. If there are any practitioners who have a different experience it's time for show and tell, kids.

Who wants to show and tell anyway? Most people go out on Friday nights, I wanna play with your magic. Sue me.

Anyway. I was theorizing that we have a series of different practitioners and science types who understand the laws of physics and energy manipulation to some degree. So, maybe we could combine our strength and funnel energy into the barrier to knock it down. Depending on the spellcrafting. I've been testing the stupid barrier and a lot of magic gets absorbed, but the physical objects get thrown back with equal force.

The problem being that if the spell is reflected instead of absorbed, the expansion of energy will level a good portion of the area. If not the whole town. To counter that though, we could do a working where the barrier meets the river. Since I heavily suspect that's the weakest point. We can ground the reflecting energy out into the river itself, since water washes away energy.

Grounding energy into the earth would probably cause a quake and knock some buildings down or something. Not eager to do that. I have a clean record so far.

Oct. 6th, 2013


[Filtered to refugees under the age of 20]

Further to discussion after my previous message, the nominees for youth representative candidate are:

Cuthbert Allgood

Lissa Dragomir


Voting is now open. I've attached a link to a secure site where you can cast your vote. You can only vote once, and your vote is secret. If you're a candidate, you can vote for yourself. In fact it would be odd if you didn't.

Voting closes in 24 hours at which point we'll offer official support to the successful candidate.

Oct. 1st, 2013


What the hell have I walked into? As if not knowing where I am isn't bad enough!


Citizens and Refugees of Madison Valley

Because of the recent violence that has taken place at King's Daughters Hospital, and the protest and refusal of many of the doctors and administration there to continue to treat refugees who threaten them, injure them, or destroy their premises, the Hospital can now be considered off limits to all refugees.

A Refugee's Clinic will be opened at the location of the old Madison Clinic, staffed with doctors not involved in the protest, to treat the illnesses and injuries of refugees.

Also, due to recent events, the use of magic is now banned in Madison Valley. Those who are found violating this law will be subject to 90 days in prison and/or a fine of $10,000.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

~Madison Valley City Council

Sep. 12th, 2013


We all clearly need a Jump to Conclusions mat. Which is all I have to say.



What have you people done to her?

Sep. 7th, 2013


Who: Cassie Blake & Diana Meade
Where: The roads and then to a hiding place
When: Back dated to here
What: Running Away
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress.

They were not doing this. )

Sep. 1st, 2013


Filtered Away From The Council

What's the best way for my sister and I to ditch the foster family we were assigned to. I don't trust them.

Aug. 31st, 2013


I don't think this is where I was supposed to end up.
