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Dec. 2nd, 2013


What makes a person a good person? Is it intentions, or actions? Is it what they feel, or what they do? Or is it some combination of the two?

When I was reaped the first time, I knew I wasn't going to live. I couldn't. Even if I made it to the end, there's only one person who gets out, you know? It was my plan all along to try to make it that far and keep Katniss safe, and then let her kill me, so that she could go home to her family. And in the Quarter Quell, it was basically the same thing. I knew I was going to die both times. And the thing I wanted most? To die as myself. To still be me. Not to be some monster that the Capitol created for their entertainment.

But as soon as they could, they tried to force that on me, and they succeeded, more than a little. I'm better now, but the things they did to me...I'll never be over completely. And I'm not even sure who I am anymore. I'm not that boy I was on reaping day, or before the games began. I've killed people. I didn't enjoy it, but I still did it. I've almost killed the person who means more to me than anything in the world. And...I guess...I don't know if I really feel like a good person anymore.

I think I will be again, sometime. I've not given up hope. But it's a terrible feeling.

Dec. 1st, 2013


What the hell is wrong with you people?

You encourage weakness in every possible way, you scorn strength, and you're constantly whining about stupid shit you can't control.

You don't train kids with civic duty worth a fuck,mand you fucking keep weapons away from them instead of training them to be lethal.

You're training a world of pussies, not a world of strength.

Nov. 23rd, 2013


Hello, everyone! For new arrivals that I haven't spoken to already, my name is Justine, please let me know if you need help with anything related to your stay here. Be it work, housing, or other questions etc., etc.

[Filtered to the following: Chloe Sullivan, Carol Peletier, Random Dent, Daryl Dixon, Molly Carpenter, Stefan Salvatore, Éponine Thénardier]

Hey everyone. Okay, so the good news, there are more places that are hiring without the required blood test. Unfortunately since it's all under the table, so to speak, you won't qualify for any of the benefits or things like that. If you're okay with that then we'll proceed.

Basically what's going to happen here is I'll give each of you a relevant list of local businesses and contact numbers based on your interests and skills, but it's up to you to call or make the appointments. I've done all the other footwork for you.

So if you could answer a couple questions that'll help me immensely.

1. Have you ever built a resume?
2. Briefly list some of your skills that are relevant to the kind of work you did before coming here.
3. What do you have an interest in doing? Working with animals, the forestry service, medical? etc.


How does one go about getting a job here if we don't submit to a blood test?

Nov. 17th, 2013


Fuck this place and fuck giving me a guardian.

I'm old enough to kill but not old enough to live on my own? What the hell.

Nov. 11th, 2013


So I was told this is where I can meet all other 'refugees' or whatever they call us.

I'm Chloe Sullivan. I got here yesterday.

Nov. 10th, 2013


[Filtered to the Over 18 Crowd, Jeez.]

Alright, girls. Georgia tells me that our variety in sex toys leaves much to be desired here. So, I'm going to be making a line of my own. And trust me, they'll be good. So if you'd be interested, just send me a message here (private if you're shy), and I'll get you taken care of.

Also, since Georgia reminded me, I'll just put it out there for everyone. Don't sleep with us. There's at least a decent chance you'll turn into a zombie if you do. We're all infected, even though it's dormant. That's me, Georgia, Shaun, Daryl, Carol and Beth. No matter how hot we are (and we are), keep it in your pants.

That said, computers are fun. Who wants to see me naked?


Who: Carol Peletier and Daryl Dixon
What: Catching up and talking.
Where: Carol's apartment.
When: The day after her arrival.
Rating: Mediumish, probably? For language, talk of zombies and deaths, etc. Also possible spoilers for the most recent The Walking Dead episode.
Status: Incomplete/Closed.

Turn out the light/And every nightlight/Run you can run you can run/I blink and the world was gone. )

Nov. 9th, 2013


Can't say I saw this coming.