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Dec. 26th, 2020


So weird to think that at the end of next month I'll have been here a year. Still not sure I really like this place that much.


Christmas always is a mix of emotions - there are good memories and bad tied into one single day. I am grateful for my friends, for Garin and Sara, and Constantine and more. I have a good life here, and while it might not be the one I imagined, I can't think of a better one.

I hope everyone had a wonderful day. I am looking forward to New Year's eve. Might dust off some magic for it, too.

Dec. 25th, 2020


As bittersweet as the holiday was, it was still a good one. Piper might not be here any longer, but so much of my family is.

And there's no way I can complain about that.

Dec. 14th, 2020


This is so weird. I guess technically today would be my 40th birthday, but honestly I don't think I'll live long enough to get to the real one.

So who's buying me a drink tonight?

Nov. 13th, 2020


Who: Open to all the teens and young adults (15+?) why do I feel like I'm planning a sims event?
What: Party at Dorian's Place
When: Friday night
Where: Dorian's Apartment
Warnings: TBD Locking to be safe, Tweak foreshadowing
Status: Open/Ongoing

And THAT one I set on fire... )

Nov. 11th, 2020


Since I have this lovely flat all to myself, I was thinking I should have a bit of a party this coming weekend. Food, drinks, and entertainment. Though, nothing like Tevinter.

Who wishes to attend?

Nov. 8th, 2020


Mom? Dad?

... Roger?

I don't know where my family is.


I knew the calm was too good to last.

This ever happen before?

Oct. 29th, 2020


A zombie portal?

Rose? Please tell me that you are not...

Oct. 26th, 2020


As interesting as that portal sounds, I'm in no particular hurry to find out whether or not this is the thing that could kill me for good.

Oct. 22nd, 2020


Comparing holidays in America to the ones I grew up with never fails to be interesting.

Oct. 19th, 2020


It's strange to think that I've been here six and a half months. Strange in all the good ways, true, but still. Everything's different here. Different and better.

Oct. 18th, 2020


Who: Dorian Pavus & Open
What: Enjoying a day off
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: Somewhere downtown
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/Ongoing

I render flesh, not heal it. )

Oct. 13th, 2020


The concept of Halloween is just weird to me.

Oct. 1st, 2020



Oh yeah. Spirit Halloween made it to Madison Valley. Yessss it's like a gift to me!

Sep. 29th, 2020


[Fernando Morales]

I was thinking we could go out for dinner this week, your choice.

Sep. 26th, 2020


You know, I'm the last person to get overly attached to people -- this place hasn't changed me that much -- but I was going through the desk at work and found a couple pictures of Piper and the kids when they were younger.

That's the one thing I really hate about this place, that it has a terrible, terrifying knack for taking the people who matter.

Sep. 18th, 2020


My kids are absolutely exhausting, oh my God. I love 'em, but wow.

I'd ask if they ever grow out of it, but I'm pretty sure the answer's no.

Sep. 17th, 2020


Now that it's apple season, I'll be featuring several different apple pies on special at the Tea Shop.

- Regular Apple
- Dutch Apple
- Apple Cranberry
- Salted Caramel Apple

All of these will be available daily at Buy One, Get One 50%. By the slice or whole.

Sep. 16th, 2020


What do you think the afterlife should be like and why?Well, for me, I like to think of it as quiet, star filled and relaxed. But it really should be what is pictured in the minds of those who go there - the after life should be tailored to those who go there. Dark, dreary, endless for those who deserve misery, something nice for those who deserve nice.
Does it bother you that there are people here who have the ability to thwart you?You, know it doesn't actually bother me. Everyone will die someday. Some people can just avoid me for longer, and that's okay. Because in the end, in the end everyone meets me. I am the last one who will be standing at the end of the universe.
If someone is dead back home but alive here, they're alive for good here?Yes. If you are alive here, unless you are someone like Kenny, who dies because he finds it fun, then you are alive here. Mind you, if the Dome decides to throw us in a situation to kill people, generally speaking, you'll come back because even I am not that cruel.
So what's the Empty likeEmpty. Literally. Empty. Devoid. Dead. Silent. Black. Full of darkness. Oblivion. It's pretty bland.

Sep. 5th, 2020


WHEN: Saturday 4pm-midnight
WHERE: The Fairgrounds
WARNINGS: Please poke a mod if this needs updated!
NOTE: There will be one more fair post on Monday night, including Fireworks for the end of the Fair :)


Aug. 21st, 2020


For those of you who knew her, my daughter Lilly has returned home once again.

It never stops hurting, no matter how many times I deal with it.

Aug. 18th, 2020


This whole place is still qute a bit weird to be. My brain is trying to get around the idea of going through a portal to have a space battle.


By the way, in case I haven't mentined it like a gazillion times? Your boyfriend is pretty.

Aug. 5th, 2020


Do things from home usually arrive here, randomly?

Aug. 3rd, 2020


Who: Dorian Pavus & Open
What: Working, working, working
When: Tuesday morning
Where: Magic Alley
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/Ongoing

It's a kind of magic. )

Jul. 28th, 2020


i suck at the network

but halloween isn't that far off and i think we should do something fun

we meaning necromancers

Jul. 24th, 2020


Who: Fernando Morales and Dorian Pavus
What: Something like a date
When: Backdated to Thursday evening
Where: The Musain
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

It's more than that. )

Jul. 19th, 2020


Dear people of Madison Valley,

I have not ever, and will not ever, run an establishment such as that. My apologies, but you will have to get it the same place everyone else does. The internet.

[Fernando Morales]

Perhaps dinner one day this next week, so that we may properly get to know one another?


Wine. Please. Several bottles of it.


If there's one thing I didn't miss about the land of Madison, it's the meddling. Luckily I was spared this time and I've missed an entire week of life here. It sounds like everyone had an... interesting.. week..

Jul. 13th, 2020


Who: Everyone
What: Monday Book Club
When: Monday evening
Where: Divine Delights Bookstore (That Book Place)
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/Ongoing/Multiple threads encouraged

Ya wanna check it out? )

Jul. 7th, 2020


Who: Kristof Nast and Dorian Pavus
What: Not quite bitching, but almost
When:Tuesday, late afternoon
Where: The Musain
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

Have a nice day )

Jun. 29th, 2020


I'd forgotten the holiday was coming up. This is what happens when you're so busy with work that you're not paying attention to anything else, people.

I'm way too young to be a workaholic, I swear.

Jun. 23rd, 2020


Things are really looking up for the event. I want to thank the people who are helping me pull this event off. I am sure that it is going to be amazing. The event will run sometime in July (dates to be determined) and tickets will cost $40 for the whole event, sorry I raised the price from the $20 but for a week of good movies, it's still a great price. If you don't want to go to every movie for the week, I will be selling daily tickets as well for $10. There will be themed food for all of the decades, a week of great films. If this is a success, perhaps I could do more events with the money that will be earned. I will be selling the event tickets at the theater when I'm there working. Or you can contact me and I can get you your tickets as well. Look out for fliers coming out in the next week where the movies will be advertised as well.

Jun. 17th, 2020


I was hoping this was something I'd never have to say, today or any other day, but it looks as though Piper is no longer here.

The kids, however, still are.

I'm going to be taking a few days off while I start dealing with everything.

Jun. 13th, 2020


Who: Dorian Pavus & Ned
What: A necromancer wants pie and tea
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Madison Valley Tea House
Warnings: Who knows, probably none
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Everything is beautiful. )

Jun. 7th, 2020


Who: Dorian Pavus & Chloe Saunders
What: Necromancers talking about dead bodies
When: Saturday night
Where: A cemetary
Warnings: See the what
Status: Closed/Ongoing

I feel pretty, oh so pretty. )

May. 24th, 2020


I can't believe Brie is three-years-old today. Where has the time gone?

Happy birthday to my beautiful little girl. She makes everything better.

May. 22nd, 2020


[Filtered to the 15+ crowd]

Because this is not the first time I've had this conversation -- oh man, Vik would've been awesome with this, damn it -- tell me something you could say both during sex and at a family dinner.

May. 18th, 2020


Who: Sean Nast and Dorian Pavus
What: Working some things out
When: Backdated to Sunday afternoon
Where: Coffee shop attached to That Book Place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

Grow old with me...? )

May. 14th, 2020


That was one of the most awkward experiences of my life.

On the plus side, my kids were adorable.

May. 4th, 2020


[Locked to 'Friends']

i bhave mead thye wrost imistake. i aqm alszo uot hof wine. bring me lmore winje, plenase?

[if you think your person would be on Dorian's friendslist, feel free to reply.]

May. 3rd, 2020


Who: Dorian Pavus, Sean Nast, the twins
What: Sean gets to meet his twins
When: Sunday evening
Where: Outside Dorian's place, downtown
Warnings: None, kids involved
Status: Closed/Ongoing

He hadn't meant to introduce them this way. )


I'm so happy that my family finally moved into the bigger house. It's nice not to have to share a room with my baby self!

May. 1st, 2020


Who: Dorian Pavus & Jaime Vegas
What: Friday Night Friend Dinner
When: Friday evening
Where: Dorian's place
Warnings: It's Jaime and Dorian
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Two necromancers plot a demise... )

Apr. 28th, 2020


Who: Sean Nast and Dorian Pavus
What: Having lunch and getting a glimpse into his first time there
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Bonnie Belle
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

A lot can change in a week )

Apr. 27th, 2020


[Sean Nast]

I was wondering if you would want to have lunch with me tomorrow.

Apr. 23rd, 2020


The ghosts are all telling me there are other necromancers here.

I don't know who you are. Except Jaimie. I know Jaimie.

Apr. 22nd, 2020


Who: Garin Braden and Dorian Pavus
What: Checking up on a friend
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Dorian's place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 17th, 2020


I'm pleased to announce that my family and I will be moving this weekend. If anyone wants to help out, that would be appreciated. There will be food for your troubles!

Anyway, I'm relieved this is finally happening.

Apr. 12th, 2020


I'll just leave this here:?
heeeee sorry )

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