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Nov. 28th, 2017


Who: Ian Gallagher and Sam Goode
What: Match up
When: Lunchtime, sometime last week before Thanksgiving
Where: School caffeteria
Warnings: Nah
Status: Completed gdoc

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Nov. 16th, 2017


Holidays like that make me miss my dad.


I'm going to be fixing a big turkey and all the fixings. So if there are people who don't have a place to go for Thanksgiving, feel free to stop by.

[Adam, Sam G.]

I really hope you two will be there. And bring whoever you like.

Nov. 14th, 2017


[Text: Sam Goode]

>> Hey man!
>> Long time no talk, right?
>> That's on me. Sorry about that.
>> Things going good?

Nov. 9th, 2017


Who: Melissa Glaser & Sam Goode
What: Having Dinner
Where: Bonnie Belle
When: Fore-dated to Friday Night

Melissa was out of practice with all of this. )

Nov. 7th, 2017


WHO: Marina and Sam Goode
WHAT: Roomies talking
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Their apartment
WARNINGS: TBD, probably not
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 5th, 2017


The music festival was fun yesterday. I kind of feel like we should have a separate art thing now.

Nov. 1st, 2017


Now that the movie in the park night and Halloween are over with, it's time for a party.

Myself and my roomies are going to be having a house warming party this Friday. Anyone friends with me, Kenny, Melissa, Jo, and Ella are welcome. Come and let us show off our new house to you.

Bring your swimsuits because we have a heated pool. We will accept a food item in lieu of a gift. Kenny wants pie.


Yeah, well, time to binge on the left over Halloween candy for a month.

Oct. 28th, 2017


Lindsay seems to be gone.

Oct. 25th, 2017


WHO: Tea and Sam Goode
WHAT: Sam meets Tea to talk about taking pictures of her.
WHEN: Thursday
STATUS: Closed and Ongoing
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Oct. 23rd, 2017


A classmate took this picture of me on our way to class earlier and I really like it.

Oct. 16th, 2017


WHO Open to anyone!! (your characters can just come to watch + mingle!)
WHAT Archery Exhibition (sign ups)
WHEN Tuesday, Oct 17 @ noon
WHERE The Coliseum in Themyscira
WARNINGS Party post so kick me if needed

Archery time! )


WHO: Sam Goode and OTA
WHAT: Sam Heads to Themyscira and discovers what the portal does to men.
WHEN: Shortly after Diana’s announcement
STATUS: Open and ongoing

Through the Portal We Go! )


It's a lovely day to go exploring, don't you think?

I peeked in that portal on my morning break.
We are so going.

Oct. 11th, 2017


Who: Sam Goode and Emily Fornell
What: Talking about Debate Club
Where: A classroom at the high school
When: Last Period on Wednesday
Warnings: None
Status: complete gdoc/matchup
Note: Anyone else can handwave attending the debate club meeting set after this doc :)

~+~+~+~ )


So I've been here for about a day. This place is alright. Still wish I was back in Porter but at least Ella's here with me. I'd probably go crazy if I was alone.

Oct. 10th, 2017


As much as I want this to be just a simple stop in my search for Loki, I have a feeling that I will be wholly disappointed.


This place again. How long've I been gone?

Tea, Kenny, Melissa, you better not have given my bed away just cause I skipped town.


Some part of me misses teaching. Not enough to try to go back. I don't think the college would hire me anyway, since I kind of left them in a lurch last time. But I miss it. Not the grading papers, or even dealing with the insolent teenagers, but the actual teaching. It was once a passion I felt, well, passionate about. I think that's what I miss more than I miss the teaching. I don't know. I guess I'm rambling, using a lot of words without saying much at all.

I think I'm having a midlife crisis.

Oct. 9th, 2017


Well I'm slowly starting to get used to this place.
It's also kind of nice to have Belikov hanging around, again.

Filtered to Lissa
I want to go do something with you.

Oct. 6th, 2017


Any high school students interested in joining the Debate Club? We're going to have our first meeting soon!

Oct. 5th, 2017


I just finished reading a book about baking pies.

And I might have tried to make some.

Would anyone like to give me an honest opinion?

Oct. 2nd, 2017


Who would have thought a store could house such a giant collection of glass paperweights?

Well, if you're looking for one, Green Roof Treasures has them to brighten your preferred writing area.

And, yes. I seem to have fallen upon a bit of employment there.

Sep. 18th, 2017


Who: Lindsay Weir and Sam Goode
What: Random meeting
When: Monday Afternoon
Where: High school cafeteria
Warning: Low
Status: Closed/Match-up/Ongoing

~ ~ ~ ~ )

Sep. 17th, 2017


Well, pumpkin spice lattes are quite enjoyable.


The network is not really my preferred place to interact, even though I'm far better at typing than socializing in person. Having the computer interface between me and someone else does make it easier.

The cooler weather keeps reminding me of the camp in Alaska, and how I should really be there. This isn't a reprieve, not when there's so much left for me to do back home. I know it doesn't matter to Madison Valley, but I thought I should just lodge my protest one more time.

Sep. 16th, 2017


WHO: Magnus Chase and EVERYBODY under 21
WHAT: The Last Camping Trip of the Summer
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Out in the woods, in their usual place
WARNINGS: TBD, let me kow
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

Like always, what people have at the campout is what they choose to bring. It's an easy-going affair, like anything Magnus would plan. There's food and a campfire, and whatever else people choose to do. Magnus basically plans this to just be a night for the younger residents of Madison Valley to just get away and enjoy themselves away from the adults. Tonight is a little more energetic than usual though, because it's the last one until Spring. Magnus managed to bring along a few guitars and some energy drinks to keep them up all night.

Sep. 14th, 2017


50 page research paper due next Monday? Sure. I can do that.

Sep. 2nd, 2017


Well, that was fun.

I'm glad you're the one I fooled around with.


What: Sweet Sixteen Party for Summer & Molly
Where: Old Market on Main
When: Saturday evening
Warnings: let me know
Status: Party Post!
Note: There was a townwide invite on the network before age plot :)

~+~+~+~ )

Aug. 25th, 2017


My BFF is practically a toddler and I haven't seen my boyfriend yet, so I don't even want to know what I have to worry about there. This is life in Madison Valley, don't you just love it?

Aug. 19th, 2017


WHAT: A 'Reunion' At The Park
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: Cragmont Shelter, Clifty Falls State Park
WARNINGS: Let me know.

Finch has rented a very nice shelter area at the park. There's plenty of room for eating and a playground for the children when they get bored. She's brought hamburgers and hotdogs for all, but hopefully everyone else will bring a dish as well. She's looking forward to the gathering, and has been ever since she read about family reunions in the newspaper. They're not a family, exactly, but in a lot of ways, they're close enough.

Aug. 14th, 2017


Meeting of alien war fighters (Luke and Sam)

Who: Luke and Sam
What: Chance meeting leads to talking
Where: Hinkley's
When: Aug 14th
Warnings: None that I know of yet

Read more... )

Aug. 4th, 2017



I'm going to find a counselor. I am. For real.


Am I the only one around here who's ready for things to get back to normal? Well, Madison Valley normal, anyway.

Aug. 3rd, 2017


Because I am a refugee, they do not seem very welcoming here at City Hall.

Aug. 1st, 2017


I think I may take classes in the fall.

I need to get over this, move on

I never really thought what I would do once the war was over. Now that it is...well, I feel like I have to start from scratch.

Jul. 25th, 2017


WHO: Adamus and Sam Goode
WHAT: Sam seeks out Adamus
WHEN: Recently
WHERE: A cafe
STATUS: Closed and Ongoing

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Jul. 18th, 2017


Okay, seriously. Just seriously.

First my friend and then my boyfriend? That's it, Madison Valley, I quit you. I'm done.

Jul. 16th, 2017


Talking Tech (Luke and Sam)

Who: Luke and Sam
What: Meeting to talk about tech stuff
Where: The lab
When: July 16th
Warnings: None known.

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Jul. 7th, 2017


Why are people still setting off fireworks?

It's distracting and the Fourth of July was over more than forty-eight hours ago.

Jul. 2nd, 2017


These celebrations remind me of our celebrations of freedom from the Empire we fought. It's interesting to see.


Who: Everyone!
What: 4th of July Celebration
When: All Day (forward dated)
Where: The Park
Warning: Likely low?
Status: Open/Party Post

OOC Note: Any characters who want a pair of magic headphones that dampen the sound of fireworks shall have them! Whether here in the park post or elsewhere. Enough of them were made. :)

~+~+~+~ )
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I think we should definitely do the Canada Day celebration next year.


WHEN July 4th (forward dated) - anytime from around 3p onward
WHERE The Mars-Rogers-Barnes House
WARNINGS Let me know if I need to lock it but srsly it's Steve's birthday, Bucky will punch you in the face.
STATUS Open | Party Post -- Handwaving Bucky sending out an open invite to everyone on the network


Jul. 1st, 2017


WHO: Sam and Marina(Seven)
WHAT: A morning talk and breakfast
WHEN: Recently
WHERE: Their apartment
STATUS: Closed and Completed GDoc
Read more... )


Who: Everyone
What: Canada Day Celebration
Where: Pack House
When: Saturday afternoon/evening
Warnings: TBD
Status: Party Post!
Note: handwave that there was a network invite sent to everyone :)

~+~+~+~ )


I've read a bit about it, but what exactly is Independence Day. We did not have it in my world.

Jun. 25th, 2017


I'm going to need to learn some things, but I'm going to start working at one of the auto repair shops. iN Some ways, it reminds me of the speeders and ships at home...each one is often different from the others...but there are parts that seem similar. I think it will be interesting.

I wonder...has anyone ever tried to replicate technology from home with parts found here? I should be able to get parts here and there-already got a few for myself-but I'm not sure what all is possible.

I'd still like to find a way to help people here if I can. There aren't enough beings like me to form anything like the Order I lead back home, but if there's any way I can help to keep the town safer, I'm willing to help.

Jun. 23rd, 2017


It is totally normal to be woken up by a moose getting their head stuck in your bedroom window.

Does anyone know how to unstick a moose's head from my bedroom window?

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