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Nov. 23rd, 2020


I got these done for this year. Simple, I think, works best.

Behind Cut )


I'm not feeling terribly like hosting anything for Thanksgiving, however, if anyone needs a lowkey quiet place to be, you're welcome at the Settlement.

Nov. 22nd, 2020


Who: John Murphy and Open
What: Christmas shopping
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Walmart
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Jedikiah Price and Sam Winchester
What: Thinking entirely too much
When: Sunday evening
Where: Verdant
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


I hate this fucking place. It sends me home and then brings me back again? What the hell? If he doesn't come back, I'm burning this place to the ground.


WHO: Malia Tate and OPEN
WHAT: Shopping
WHERE: Gifts that Last
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WARNINGS: TBD, probably low
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


( Bo and Kenzi )


The other day there was a man in my bed when I woke up.

I haven't fallen asleep with someone in ages unless the Dome had something to do with it.

I don't know how to handle this.

( Klaus Hargreeves )

You can come over again, you know.

Whenever you'd like.

Nov. 21st, 2020


MCU Horde

I've been here long enough to know that Thanksgiving is a thing. Who's doing what? and who is telling me that no, we do not need you to bring anything?

I figure that, or I'll pick up work that day. I don't mind working.


I think I have everything to feed everyone that shows up for Thanksgiving.


All of my freezers are full and I apparently turned my house into a storehouse before, so that's saying something. Oof.

So. Much. Cooking.


I was the cutest, most well behaved ten year old ever.

( Farm House )

Do you guys want me to make anything on Thursday?


( TARDIS + Owen Harper )

I've ordered a turkey and some sides for Thanksgiving because I don't care if the majority of you lot aren't American, we're going to celebrate.

And, of course, pie.

( Ianto Jones )

I'm sorry I had a hopeless crush on you when I was a kid.

Good to know that I had good taste then, too, though.

( Martha Jones )

Thank you, Martha.

( Sam Winchester )

What are you doing Thursday?

Spending it with family?


Who: Kate & Logan
What: Expositiony Twin Time
Where: The woods by the Pack house
When: Saturday afternoon
Warnings: ummm not really
Status: closed/complete

~+~+~+~ )


( Nancy Gama )

Do you want to come to the farm house with me for Thanksgiving?


Lucifer, you should get a job at my school!

cut for image, not filtered )


[SPN folk and Sabrina]

Castiel is gone. I can't feel him under the Dome anymore so either he's warded or disappeared. His 'stuff' does appear to still be here, so perhaps he will be back.

Someone else should tell Trixie.

Nov. 20th, 2020


Who: Ruby Daly and OPEN
Where: Cafe
When: Saturday
What: Trying to math
Rating: Low

Math Sucks )


December 10 is the first night of Hanukkah. If anyone is interested in celebrating, Sam and I will be having a get together that evening.

I will be making traditional foods for the celebration, but any other food is appreciated as well.

Anyone and everyone is invited.


( Ned Leeds and Melinda Halliwell )

Do the two of you want to go to the Farm House for Thanksgiving?


Yet another birthday here. It's hard to believe some days.


( Lucy Pevensie )

Would you like to meet for lunch?

( Terezi Pyrope )

I want you.

I need you.


This place again? Well fuck me sideways and call me Ethel.

...Anyone still here? Vanya? Allison? ...Five? Douchey Ben?

I could totally go for a plate of Swabian maultaschen with a Chlorpromazine chaser.

Nov. 19th, 2020


Usually I don't really do this really early, but I thought that with Thanksgiving coming up, I would start early with decorating the theater for 1960's movie marathon. I am really loving this, all the organizing and all the help that I am getting to make it successful is just amazing, I am really thankful for all of you that are helping me out. I will be at the theater this weekend to get started on it so that way nobody is waiting until the last minute to get it done. Also, I think I have picked out some really great movies!

1.) Psycho
2.) The Graduate
3.) How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

I wanted to add in a Christmas movie due to that it is the holidays and everything. And something that families could enjoy. Remember, December 1 is 1960's movie night. I hope that I'll see most of you there.

Nov. 18th, 2020


My younger self would have loved growing up here.

I am inviting Jake to join us for Thanksgiving, and you are going to nice to him.

Do you have plans for Thanksgiving?


A lot of you don't know me. My name's Theo Crain and I've recently taken over running the Madison Valley Addiction Center. So, if anyone needs someone to talk to, I'm here for you.

No matter what you need or want to talk about, I'm here. Day or night. I will always make time for you. That's not something that you will ever have to worry about.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. I'll answer them to the best of my ability.



I am glad to see you are you again and no longer candy menace.


Thank whoever is in charge of this place that I am no longer Mini Me. That was rough.


Who: EVERYONE (especially Kate D, Darcy L, Mitsuko, Laurel L, Scorpius M, Anna L, Wade W, Dorian P)
Where: The park
When: Wednesday, November 18.
Warning: Hopefully low.

... )


So...guess who got a call from the school to say their daughter unwittingly reenacted the famous 'pea soup' scene from the Exorcist.

This person here, that's who.

People with small children, brace yourself, it's flu season and there might be an influx. I think I saw two other kids in the nurses station when I went to pick up Cassie.

Nov. 17th, 2020


Filter to MCU [minus Pietro]

Please do not mention to Pietro Thanos or what he did yet. He is not going to take it well and I'd prefer to allow him some time to settle before I share that.

I've caught him up to the Accords and the aftermath.


Some of you know me, even if I don't know you, but I figured I'd say hello.

So, hello. I'm Pietro Maximoff. Bratty twin brother to Wanda Maximoff. (Don't let either of the old men tell you differently. She's the sweeter one, promise.)

Also, I think this is the smallest town I've ever been to.


WHO: Landon Kirby and OPEN
WHAT: Shopping for candy
WHEN: This evening
WHERE: Roger's Corner
WARNINGS: TBD, probably not
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Eddie Castile and OPEN
WHAT: Cooking
WHERE: Walmart
WHEN: Tuesday evening
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Aragorn and OPEN
WHAT: Hunting a Turkey
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: The woods
WARNINGS: TBD, probably not
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Number Five and Allison Hargreeves
What: Sibling catchup
Where: Madison Valley Tea & Coffee
When: Monday morning (backdated)
Warnings: spoilers for S2 of Umbrella Academy
Status: closed/complete

~+~+~+~ )


Thanksgiving is going to be here before we all know it. And Christmas......I miss my mom. Sorry I don’t mean to get all gloomy, but it’s coming to the holidays and I feel like this place is just taking away my family one by one. And it sucks!!


Who: Sam Winchester and Shosanna Dreyfus.
Where: Their apartment.
What: Sammy is an adult again!
When: Backdated to Sunday, November 15.
Warnings: TBD.
Status: Closed.

... )


I am looking forward to the holidays, and maybe this year I'll even decorate for a good five minutes then decide, ugh, not worth the effort. Mostly, I want a turkey to be on my table already.

This working two jobs has me taxing even my demon's nature to manage this week. Sometimes weeks just drag on and you realize it was only Monday. I am over mondays, for the record.

Nov. 16th, 2020


That was... interesting.

( Elliott Gilbert )

Thank you for putting up with me last week.


Private to Alex Udinov

[backdated to Sunday]

How are you? Were you the wrong age for the past week?


Who: Mad Sweeney and Open
What: Random interaction
When: Monday morning, 6 AM
Where: Horst's Little Bakery Haus
Rating: Language, TBD

I don't know the Muffin Man and he can go feck off on back to Drury Lane )


Am I imagining things or did I see Pietro in the farmhouse? Looked like him. Moved too fast for me to call out to him. But after a week of sleep deprivation I'm willing to admit to hallucinations.

Nov. 15th, 2020


Appreciated you watching me during all this nonsense.


Who: Constantine and Zee
What: Hanging out together
Where: Training Terrain
When: 11/15 - Afternoon
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed

Having fun without me, love? )


Who: Alex Udinov and Nikita Mears
What: Returning the favor
Where: Their place
When: Sunday Morning
Warning: Discussion of drug use and addiction
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )


Wow, I guess there is such a thing as too many donuts.


Guess this place just decided 'Hey, lets live out your teenage years.' Guess if it ever happens again we'll be more prepared? Though, I doubt it.


Thanks for looking out for me. Even if teenage me thought you were talking crazy talk about the whole situation.


Glad to see that everyone seems to be back to normal.


Feeling better now that you're normal again?


She's still here. Our daughter isn't going anywhere.


Bloody hell!

That's going to be a right pain.


Really, love? Bribe a bleedin' 17 year old with alcohol after coming from what he was dealing with?


I could have absolutely lived without revisiting that time in my life, thank you very much.


So that's what being a kid is like, huh? Interesting. And now I have to clean all the footprints little me left on the walls and ceiling.

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