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Nov. 25th, 2016


WHO: Axl Johnson and Percy Jackson
WHERE: Out and about
WHEN: Saturday, November 26
WHAT: Percy runs into Axl while out
STATUS: in progress, incomplete

... )


[Public; filtered away from Bobbi & Nick G]

Do you know what sucks? My life. It always sucks.

[Private: Bruce Banner | Cassie Holmes]

I want it back.

[Private: Phil Coulson | Cassie Holmes]

I can hide out at the casino, right?


Who: Tefe Holland and Athelstan
What: Black Friday
When: Friday morning
Where: near the library
Warnings: TBD
Status: closed/match up

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I just wanted to thank everyone who came to the shop and enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal with me. I hope you enjoyed it, whether it was the turkey or the pizza!

((Feel free to say your person showed!))


Who: Simon Lewis and OPEN
When: Late Friday afternoon
Where: A store downtown
What: Shopping
Status: Open | In Progress

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Sonja Belikova, Natalia, and OPEN
When: Friday morning
Where: Starbucks
What: Trying to cope. Or just getting coffee, your pick.
Status: Open | In Progress

~+~+~+~ )


Bah humbug.


Thanks to all who came yesterday and brought food. We're Thankful to be here another year.


[Barry and Kara]

Thank you for having me for Thanksgiving dinner. It was all very tasty!


So...what are you doing today?


Didn't think I'd be saying this, especially not now. I don't want to be saying it.

Jemma's gone home.


Hello, Madison Valley! Welcome to Black Cat Friday here at the shelter! Black cats have a history of being one of the last felines to get adopted so in lieu of fighting it out at Wally World or the mall why not consider a black cat/kitten for that special someone?

Today and all weekend adoption fees for black felines have been reduced and every one that gets adopted takes home a box of goodies to get you started.

Look at this face! )

Nov. 24th, 2016


I am so thankful for the second chance I've been given here, and for Thalia, and for being here as long as I have been.

I honestly can't think of anything I want to ask for. My life is just about as good as it's ever been.


I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving if you chose to celebrate. Even with all of the chaos this town throws at us, we have a lot to be thankful for and it's good to take the time to remember that.

And of course, it's always nice to have an excuse to eat yourself into a food coma.

Thanks for inviting me to Bruce and Nat's. I had a lot of fun.

I missed you today. We should do lunch this weekend.


[Filter to Nick, Elena, Jaime, Kira, Scott, Allison]

Uh... did Ella bring meth again? What's up with Dad hugging Stiles?


I guess on Thanksgiving we're kind of all supposed to say the things we're grateful for?

I'm grateful for Stiles. Even though he's human, weak, clumsy, slow, terrible at lacrosse, and obsessed with stupid 70's movies...despite all of that I love him like crazy and can't imsgine even WANTING to be human if he wasn't here to make it suck less.


Who: Athelstan, Angie and invites (party thread)
What: Thanksgiving
Where: Their apartment
When: Thursday
Warnings: None
status: open/ongoing


Who: Natasha and Clint
When: Thanksgiving Evening
Where: Clint's hideout
What: Checking on the sad bestie
Rating/Warnings: TBC
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ )


WHO: Draco Malfoy and Ty Johnson
WHERE: Walmart
WHEN: Wednesday Evening
WHAT: Shopping at Walmart
RATING: TBD - Probably PG?
STATUS: MATCHUP - in progress, incomplete

_-_-_-_-_" )


Who: Liz, Shawn, Riley, Maya + Friends
What: Thanksgiving
Where: Their house
When: Thursday
Warnings: None

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Who: Clint Barton & OPEN Abby Maitland
What: The Hawk has a Different Nest
When: Thanksgiving
Where: Lou’s
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN/incomplete

He didn’t drink often. )

Nov. 23rd, 2016


Who: Faith and Wes
What: Thanksgiving
Where: Her place
When: Thanksgiving
Warnings: Faith and Wes.
Status: Closed

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Who: Madge and Gale
What: Celebrating Thanksgiving
Where: Madge's apartment
When: Thursday
Warnings: Hunger Games? Probably nothing
Status: Technically open, poke first?

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Adamus, Erik, Charles

The past week has been a bit of a whirlwind. I moved in to a house with my friend Octavia and her young daughter, Aurelia, because her partner, Lincoln, was sent home.

We're going to have a small dinner at the house tomorrow with our friends from home and you're all more than welcome to drop by and join us. If I don't see you, I want you to know that I'm thankful for your friendship.


WHO: Winchester Thanksgiving (Everyone who was invited and anyone who wants to crash! Finch won't turn away anyone!)
WHAT: Thanksgiving!
WHEN: Thanksgiving Day
WHERE: Finch and Adam's
STATUS: Open/Ongoing/Cross-threading Welcome

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: The 100 and anyone who wants to drop by
What: Thanksgiving
Where: The 100 House
When: Thursday
Warnings: The 100
Status: OPEN

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Who: Pack/TW/friends/whoever (there is always an assumed open invite to Pack functions)
What: Thanksgiving
Where: Pack house
When: Thursday
Warnings: Shirtless Clay? (let me know if I need to update)

~+~+~+~ )


Who: DC folks/other friends/etc (if you want to figure out an invite, let me know)
What: Thanksgiving Dinner
Where: Kara's apartment
When: Thanksgiving
Warnings: TBD (poke me if I need to update)

~+~+~+~ )


Who: HP folks/friends/anyone else (there was an open net invite)
What: Thanksgiving with a Wizardly Twist
Where: James, Lily, & Hermione's house
When: Thursday
Warnings: TBD - poke me if I need to update

~+~+~+~ )


Who: MCU/friends/whoever else wants to come (there were two open net invites)
What: Thanksgiving Dinner
Where: Bruce & Nat's house
When: Thursday (posting early)
Warnings: TBD (poke me if I need to update this)

~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Santana Lopez and Quinn Fabray
WHERE: Their apartment
WHEN: Thanksgiving morning
WHAT: Spending Thanksgiving morning together
RATING: TBD - Probably PG?
STATUS: in progress, incomplete

... )

Nov. 22nd, 2016


Humans, it seems, don't do things half way.

Is there something that can be done with the food that will surely be wasted?



We should try to make a pie or something for Thanksgiving. It might be fun.



So hey, what are you doing tomorrow?


Did you know that there's a telephone number that you can call and they will answer any question you have about baking a turkey?

They're very nice about it, too.

It might be good for those of you (like me) who have never done this before.


Who: Alex Udinov and Kami Glass
What: Fashion-y things
Where: Vintage shop
When: Tuesday Early Evening
Warnings: Low
Status: Closed/Match-up/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Filtered to Reyna

So.... what's going on?

Nov. 21st, 2016


Who: Jesse Pinkman and OPEN.
When: Monday evening.
Where: The Park
What: Jesse needs some fresh air.
Warnings: Jesse's on meth.
Status: Open | Incomplete

Please don't make any sudden moves, you don't know the half of the abuse. )

Nov. 22nd, 2016


Who: Erin and Simon
What: Match up
Where: Out in town
When: Saturday afternoon
Warnings: None

Read more... )

Nov. 21st, 2016


Who: Erin and Presto
What: Post Thanksgiving nap and movie
Where: His place
When: Thursday evening
Warnings: Hints of sex

Read more... )


Who: Liz and Maya
What: Talking
Where: Walmart
When: Tuesday
Warnings: TBD

Read more... )


I need help.


[Mr Caffrey]
What do you do when your art is so personal you don't even know if you can finish it?


Would y'all believe this isn't the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me?

Anyway, hey! I'm America, but if that's weird for you, you can totally call me Alfred since they're both my name. I guess I should start by asking what you guys know about the dudes who brought us here, so:

What do you guys know about the dudes who brought us here?!



My name is Maria Hill. Malia may have mentioned me to you as I am attempting to train her in martial arts. Allison Argent suggested I speak with you.


Who: Duncan MacCleod and Steve Rogers
What: When Two Men of High Moral Fiber Meet
When: Monday
Where: On the streets
Warnings: Doubtful
Status: Closed/incomplete

He will never ask Methos for directions again. )


WHO: Malia Tate and OPEN
WHAT: Frustrated by early Christmas shopping
WHEN: Monday
WHERE: Outside the shops, downtown
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


It's not even Thanksgiving yet and I'm sick to death of all these ads for 'made for tv' christmas movies.

You know what they need to make, they need to make a movie about people who don't get the chance to visit their families for the holidays, or don't have one to go home to.

Suppose that's one thing to be grateful about this place, not having to tell soldiers that they won't be able to go home for the holidays. That never gets easier. daughter's first birthday is in five weeks, it'll be nice to celebrate that and not worry about being called away.


WHO: Lissa Dragomir and OPEN
WHAT: Windowshopping
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: Downtown
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


I was hoping I could talk to you about stuff.

I think we should do something, just the two of us, while we have a couple days off school.


How's business looking?


Does anyone go Black Friday shopping just for the chaos and the possibility of throwing elbows just for the fun of it?

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