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Sep. 3rd, 2018


What: Last day of the fair!
Where: The fairgrounds
When: All day Monday
Warnings: Unlikely


ALSO, since it's the last night, there will be a fireworks display at sundown.

Aug. 25th, 2018


I'm looking for a guy. Just short of six foot, dirty blonde hair, never-ending 5 o'clock shadow. Wears a trench coat and a burgundy tie. Goes by the name of John Constantine.


Well. That was an insightful dream... I love being metaphorically backstabbed overnight. Fantastic.

Aug. 24th, 2018



They re gone

Cant find tessa or jem anywhere

Miss them

need more to drink

why are they all empoty

Aug. 23rd, 2018


I'm sure one of these decades I'll get real sleep. Maybe.

Probably not. But that's what wine and books are for.

Just checking to see if you're alright after everything. I checked on Will already, so, your turn.

Aug. 21st, 2018


Looks like my sister, Laura Hale, is among the latest casualties of the dome.

I know she was friends with a lot of people so I figured you all should know. If anyone wants to take over the club, she left paperwork here.

[ooc: there are plans for someone to take over the club already]


Okay, did you really have to hit the Winchester trifecta somehow this month, dome? Appreciating the calm last month wasn't a 'challenge accepted, hold my beer' kind of situation!

Aug. 20th, 2018


[Dean + Sam Winchester, John Constantine, Zari Tomaz + ETA: Adam Vasic, Bruce Wayne, Zatanna Zatara]
Thanks to a demonstration by Ms. Zatara, my and Ms. Tomas' suspicions regarding Captain Lance's current status have been confirmed. I'm sorry to inform you that she is possessed, but I have all of the relevant information regarding her possession.

Not an IC cut | Just to save f-list )

In short, I believe we will require your assistance in capturing Mallus to render the Captain unconscious so that she may once again fight him off within her mind; I am uncertain if or how he can be defeated here afterwards, considering we will only have two Totems - the Death Totem and the one belonging to Ms. Tomaz, the Air Totem. In our world, all six Totems were required to create a creature to fight Mallus and once more trap or destroy him - in our case, a giant Beebo doll was created, which quite ably defeated the demon.

If necessary, I can provide you with a list of Mallus' known abilities and weaknesses.

Extreme caution should be used in approaching her. Please let me know if I should make others aware of this notification.


Sam Winchester
If you see Sara, that isn't her. I can't be sure who it is. The face is her's though different too and willing to hurt people who get on her way. Be on your guard.



Viewable by Sara Lance's friends or co-workers

Have you guys seen Sara? I ran into her the other night and she was... not herself. Something is up. Any one got more info? I feel like we should track her down and get eyes on her at least.

Aug. 17th, 2018


Who: Sara Lance (Mallus), Will Herondale, Stiles Stilinksi, and Zatanna Zatara
What: Return to Madison Valley
Where: A random street
When: Friday evenings
Warnings: Sara is possessed by a demon so violence and stuff
Status: closed/in progress

~+~+~+~ )

Aug. 13th, 2018


You okay? You need anything?

This place gives and takes friends like it's its job.


I am sorry to announce that it appears that Captain Sara Lance is no longer within Madison Valley.

Aug. 1st, 2018



I've spent the last of July buried with my head in books and I couldn't be happier to do so. I am grateful for the chance to read some things I have missed, and there's no better way to spend an evening than curled up with a glass of wine and a book.

I am thinking of taking a trip, too. It could be kind of nice to get a change of scenery for a few days.

Who wants to go with me? I don't want to go by myself, and I think I'd have far more fun with someone else?

Jul. 22nd, 2018


I like when this place gives me gifts.

It's a great excuse to be a hermit but for a good reason: reading.

I have some books you might be curious about taking a peek at.

Jul. 14th, 2018


Who: Everyone
Want: Anniversary Party
Where: Old Market on Main
When: Saturday 7pm-midnight
Warnings: TBD (let us know if we should update)
Status: party post

~+~+~+~ )


Hell. Cruel trick. Interesting ending.

John Constantine
One: ive got books from the House you might like to see these.

2: come with me to this dance, I want to enjoy our current state as long as I can before you push me away again.

, Sammy,
You survive that mess

Jul. 12th, 2018


Who: Anyone and Everyone
What: Party at the End of the World
Where: Verdant
When: All day Thursday
Warnings: TBD (let me know if I need to update/lock)
Status: Party Post

~+~+~+~ )

Jul. 11th, 2018


Supplies are low, but until the clock reaches zero, you're all welcome to come hang out at Verdant and eat and drink for free. Zee's hooked us up with some magical lighting so you can almost forget what's happening outside.

[ooc: I'll toss up a party post tomorrow since the network will be down]

Jul. 10th, 2018


Who: Zatanna and Constantine
What: end of days! or you know, drinking buddies
Where: His place
When: Evening
Warnings: It's these two?
Status: Incompleted, Closed

After the night when I wake up, I'll see what tomorrow brings )

Jul. 9th, 2018


Ummm - has anyone seen Jem or Tessa?!

I can't seem to find them and they aren't answering my network post.

Jul. 8th, 2018


Okay, seeing how everyone else is doing this:

Garin? Sam? Constantine? Sara? Cassie, Tim, Diana? Will? none of you better be gone.

Jul. 7th, 2018


Well, that's a new one.

Jul. 3rd, 2018


Being as we're collecting information on the current status and being of others, Scarlett Bernard will be unavailable for a bit of time. I'd prefer to keep questions to a minimum, but I will do my best to keep others informed of her state when I can.

Jun. 30th, 2018


Who: Anyone who goes near the portal and all the badness there
What: demons, chaos, Hades and beating things up
Where: the portal
When: Saturday afternoon
Warnings: violence, language, demons
Status: Open party style post
Read more... )


Who: Zee and Sam
What: demon hunting obviously
Where: town
When: last night
Warnings: violence, language
Status: closed, in progress

it's only magic )

Jun. 29th, 2018



It must be my lucky day!

Who's interested in running around and killing things with me?!


If any one requires aid, give me a shout, I'll be out and about, keeping an eye on residents both native and not. I've got magic to spare.



My friends, please stay inside and be ever watchful. Demons have come to Madison Valley.

[Locked to Justice League/DC Folks]

The doors of Tartarus are open to Madison. Bruce and I have a plan, but we need your help to keep the others safe.

Jun. 20th, 2018


The nightmares can stop any time now, kthnx. Reminders not needed.

Jun. 18th, 2018


Finally got a good, solid four hours of sleep. Hour five was the asshole. Life would be easier if I didn't need sleep.

I... We need to [nothing sent]


Filtered to adults

Look, there's something bad coming to the dome. Not sure when, not sure what exactly. Just know it will be bad and it's not too far off.

I know. It's nebulous and doesn't say shit for what to do or plan for.

Blame Bats, he's the one that insists the public needs to be informed.

Jun. 11th, 2018


I am SO, SO sorry for everything and anything.

Jun. 7th, 2018


Who: Sam Winchester and Zatanna Zatara
Where: Her Home
When: Last night
Warnings: Language, mostly.
Status: Completed GDoc

You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it )


[Filtered away from Cassie S.]

My, my. It looks like someone gave dear Miss Sandsmark something special.

Jun. 6th, 2018


It's so ANNOYING seeing everyone whine and complain when things happen.

HELLO! You should be USE to it by now! If you're not, WAKE UP! Because shit happens and it BLOWS. That's why you do something about it and stop complaining.

Jun. 5th, 2018


Posted to employees of Training Terrain

So what do you guys thing about doing a series of different urban locations? Like New York city, 1890 London, Tokyo, Paris during the French Revolution... Something like that. But build it so that until you open the door, you don't know what you are going to get. Really make it a bit difficult to prepare for.

Think that is possible?


Private to Zee

Do I need to hunt you down?

End Private

I think this town needs some excitement. What about holding a poker tournament?!

Jun. 1st, 2018


Who: Anyone, Everyone!
What: Snow party
Where: park
When: Saturday morning
Warnings: Let me know
Status: OPEN

Read more... )

May. 31st, 2018


If the snow sticks, I'll be hosting a little snow ball fight/snow angels party in the park for anyone who's interested.

May. 22nd, 2018


Happy fucking belated birthday to me, thanks for taking my student, Billy, and fellow Atlantian, Arthur, from me. I didn't want a nice birthday this year. Of course not.

May. 20th, 2018


WHO: OPEN to all
WHERE: Training Terrain
WHEN: Sunday, May 20 daytime
WHAT: It's Sunday at Training Terrain - Come and workout!
STATUS: open ; ongoing

It was Sunday. Will opened the door, propping it to let in the spring air to the lobby. He smiled brightly, glad to be here. There were several classes scheduled towards the evening, but there was some open time for anyone to use the space. The jungle set up was just behind the doors and it was set and ready - tall trees to climb, vines to swing from, hidden animals to avoid. It was certain to be a good day.

May. 19th, 2018


Filtered away from Constantine, Billy Batson (she loves both but really isn't up for THOSE convos)
Sometimes I wish I could magic it all away.

May. 16th, 2018


May has been TOO AWESOME. I mean, seriously! Definitely one of the better months, right? RIGHT.

Reasons Why May Has Been Awesome

You're welcome!

🧙‍♂️ <-- Magic Dad John!

May. 9th, 2018


Who: Sam Winchester and Zatanna Zatara
What: Exploring
Where: The Portal
When: Afternoon
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed, In Progress

. ). )

May. 3rd, 2018


WHO: Lucifer Morningstar and Zatanna Zatara
WHAT: Flirting and prodding at tender spots (aka, Constantine)
WHEN: Thursday
WHERE: On the streets
WARNINGS: Nah, not really
STATUS: Closed/Completed Gdoc

”~+~+~+~+~+~+~” )

May. 2nd, 2018


[Sam Winchester]
Be prepared for birthday greetings, dearest friend of mine.
You won't know when but it'll happen. Be ready. ;)

May. 1st, 2018


I'd REALLY appreciate if this town would stop making me either wake up in strange bodies or next to strange people I don't know!

Very much NOT okay.


The night sky has been particularly gorgeous as of late. I love the turn of seasons. It's inspirational. and I can't even dig up a hint of motivation

John and I will be meeting at Verdant, neutral ground of sorts. I don't think either of us is going to try to kill the other, again, but figured you'd like a heads up.

I'm meeting with John. I have no idea how this is going to go. I... I don't think I'm ready for this.

Apr. 30th, 2018


Just wondering who thinks it will work when you go up to a person having a smoke and tell them it'll kill them? Guess me telling them I sold my soul to three demons to cure my cancer was considered sarcastic.

Sorry I put your brother through a wall. We should talk.

Hello luv.

Apr. 26th, 2018


What's your favorite song?

And why?

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