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Sep. 18th, 2013


I am preparing to teach a class on the delicate and subtle art of Naming. I am temporarily suspending my belief that it'll be a complete waste of my time.


[Filtered away from the Council]

It's two months exactly since I arrived here. When I thought about what I'd be doing now I have to say that being stuck in a little town in Indiana, living in a church, in a world where Kenzo Yagai never lived and neither did my daddy - that's about one of the least probable things I could have thought of, isn't it?

Two months is a long time and they've probably stopped looking for me. I wonder how long Daddy will leave it before he has another daughter instead. I don't really want any more sisters anyway but if he thinks I'm not coming back then...the technology's there and when my generation are older it's the genemodded kids who are going to have the easiest time at everything so he can't give all the money to Alice, she wouldn't know what to do with it.

I still think we'll get home someday but it might take a long time and I don't know what home will look like when I get there.

Also? Is there anyone else here who's...awake at night? And I don't mean to drink in bars and things, just anyone whose sleep pattern isn't like normal.

Sep. 16th, 2013


[Filtered from the Council]

So, no work without giving them our blood? It seems a steep price, with what they can do with a person's blood. But the question is - do they know what they can do with it? Or are we worrying unnecessarily?

Sep. 13th, 2013


What a fascinating device! I'm almost afraid to take it apart to see how it works, in fear of not being able to get it back together properly. It must be terribly advanced sympathy to act as a communications device. I've never seen anything like it.

Sep. 12th, 2013



What have you people done to her?

Sep. 8th, 2013


Who: Leisha and OPEN
What: Sleeplessness, insomnia, pondering, Latin, exploring, and who knows what else?
Where: In or just outside the church
When: Saturday/Sunday, early hours of the morning
Warnings: None likely

The nights were the worst. Everyone slept. )

Sep. 6th, 2013


A number of years ago, in a place much like this in some ways, and much different in others, there was a boy who lived alone in a city full of people. Young he was, and frightened of many things. He had no shoes, no clothes except what he wore, and the only food he had to eat was the food that he managed to steal. He lived like a rat, scrambling across the rooftops in his bare feet, living in a small place where the rooftops met that offered him some small shelter from the rain. The boy had very little except his many sorrows, but still he lived. And in living, he learned many things, and he grew taller, and stronger, and wiser.

But one thing he never grew was bored. For there were always things to do; always things that had to be done. And in the doing, his time passed quickly. In the small amounts of time he had for himself, his mind wandered, and he dreamed. Dreams of Home that once was that made him sad. Dreams of a future that likely now could never be. Dreams of hope, and dreams of sorrow, dreams of despair and dreams of joy. But never did he understand this feeling of boredom that came from having nothing at all to dream about. As he grew, he would watch from afar as the rich walked by, in their fancy clothes and fancy hair, their stomachs full from their latest meal. He wondered if boredom came from that - from having too much, from never having to work for the things you wanted. Or if boredom came from minds that had never had to entertain themselves, having enough money and means to always have someone else to do the onerous task.

And in time, he came to pity them. For who, who truly knows the world, could be bored by it? Who, who loves the trees and the sky, could cease to be entertained by the songs they sing? Boredom, he decided, was an illness that affected those who had closed their eyes to all things around them, and made them feel that doing was more important than seeing or living...



Tell me something interesting that I don't already know.

I'll give you a prize in the end.

Leisha wins!

Sep. 5th, 2013


Filtered Against the Council.

Right. Apparently to be employed, I need to surrender a blood sample? Or at least, perhaps make those responsible believe I've surrendered a blood sample That's all well and good, but I imagine there isn't a very large demand for a Genetics specialists with additional PhDs in Biophysics and Psychology, now is there?

Sep. 3rd, 2013


I've given some thought to those from different time periods, and we've decided to hold weekly unofficial 'classes' to catch you up on current technology and cultural awareness for the 21st century. But that also made me think of the women and men who don't know about the availability and reliability of contraceptives here in Madison.

If you're not familiar with the concept -- they are things that may prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. There are different forms you can utilize to suit your needs, but I'm not any sort of resource to learn about them all and will defer you to local clinics or any physicians we have with us here.

But I can answer questions to a limited degree, and am willing to go with you to clinic appointments if you're terribly shy or nervous about it.

If you're already on something maybe it would be a good idea to see the travel.. didn't mess it up unduly.

Thank you.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


[Filterd from the Council]

The money we've received from the resistance has allowed us to put up cots in the church now, instead of just sleeping bags. We've also got a good deal more food available, and the teachers who have volunteered to teach are going to help a great deal.

I've been in touch with some members of the resistance, and they're doing all they can to make sure that we have everything we need, but it's dangerous for them too.

I sense no duplicity in them.

Anyone who needs shelter or asylum is welcome at St. Michael's.

Sep. 1st, 2013


[Filtered: visible to school-aged refugees only]

Hi, it's Leisha again.

No politics this time! I promise. As you probably know, we've got real teachers arranging lessons at the church now, which is good even though I liked teaching and Justine is offering extra computer classes and stuff for people who need them which is bad 'cause I was going to charge for those and I can't compete with free classes.

Anyway. It leaves me with extra time on my hands and I'm bored, so I'd like to explain my new venture to all of you.

I'll do your school assignments for you. Math and Sciences up to and including twelfth grade, English Literature if you give me enough notice to read the books first, others by arrangement, though not History or Social Studies because my America's too different for that.

Prices are on a case-by-case basis. I accept US dollars, Bitcoin, or bartered items. At least 50% of all cash profit will be donated to the church for support of people taking sanctuary. High grades are guaranteed. In fact they're so guaranteed that if you get a B grade or less I'll give you a 50% refund and the rest goes to the church. If you get a C or less? Full refund. I don't like giving refunds and I don't expect that'll happen.

Maybe you don't like that idea. I don't blame you but there's nothing saying I can't make money off of leeches and looters. Special offer, then - for the exact same price I'll offer tuition sessions where we can go through the assignment together for as long as it takes until you're confident to attempt it yourself*

Contact me if you're interested, privately. It applies to both church classes and those at the regular schools. If you've got local friends who are interested, and you know that they can keep a secret and they're not anti-refugee, then you can pass the message on. Don't be careless, don't be stupid, I'd like to keep this going for mutual benefit and not get it shut down.

If you're totally uninterested, forget you saw this message and you won't hear about it again.

*Grade-based refund guarantee does not apply to tuition sessions.

Aug. 30th, 2013



Attention Refugees!

Madison Valley Citizens Against Draconian Repression (MVCADR) has been working behind the scenes as much as possible in order to offer what support we can to those who have suffered because of the actions of the Council. Although we have not been able to do as much as we might like, we have accomplished the following things.


Martin's Tires (a full-service garage)
Anderson's Grill
Big Elmer's Tavern
The Big Apple Orchards
Finnegan's Law Office

We are working on others, but we have those at the moment.

We have also raised $10,000 that we are donating to St. Michael's church to help with the refugees there. There are also several teachers from the local schools (who will remain unnamed in this communique) who have agreed to come to the church to help with lessons for the children.


We are an organization working for the Refugees, and we would like to have refugee involvement with what we're doing. We have come up with enough money to pay a stipend of $100 a week to any refugee who will work with us at least 20 hours a week and help us fight for your rights. We know it isn't much, but we're doing what we can.

If you have any questions or comments, please reply to this encrypted message.

Aug. 29th, 2013


They want our blood?!

Aug. 27th, 2013


Someone needs to explain to me the point of giving an unchangeable immortal a vaccination. I'm sure my portrait doesn't need to be protected against smallpox.

Also, immortality seemed to be a bit vogue among the refugees, mm?

Aug. 23rd, 2013


[...] Has anyone seen Sirius? I haven't spoken to him..

He's a gangly sort; the family resemblance is rather distinct. I'm afraid He's brooding, taciturn and mercurial. And very much not responding to messages from the telephone or the Floo.

I think he's missing

He's my grandson...

Aug. 22nd, 2013


OMG! What the hell? I'm a banshee?!? Felt too real to be a dream. I am freaking out. Where is Allison when I need her? Ms. Blake tried to kill me because I knew too much. OMG.

I'm not going back to sleep. Ever.

Aug. 21st, 2013


Hi, I'm Leisha Camden. Some of you know me, but for those who don't, I'm an eleven-year-old girl from 2019.

I've been talking quite a bit to the other kids who are trapped here. I'm a bit reluctant to post this message because I know that plenty of you are going to say I'm too young to know what I'm talking about. You might be right. I don't know that. What I do know is that I've got something to share.

I've been staying at the church. If anyone's interested, it's a good place to stay. Safe. I'm an atheist, and not a wobbly one either, I'm sure that there's no God, but none of the priests have given me any trouble over it, and I haven't tried to hide it from them. The worst I get is people trying to bless me, and it's not like that hurts. There's food here. Not the best-tasting food, but it's alright, and we have computers and I'll help anyone study who's worried about missing school.

I've been reading the network very carefully. It sounds ridiculous of me to call the church a sanctuary. It sounds like something out of a bad historical novel. It is safe, though. Not because of any inherent sanctity or anything, but because the Council trying to break into a church would be a publicity disaster so bad it'd actually work in our favor. I've been talking to people here and none of us think they're that stupid. So if you're worried about coming here, don't be.

Now about what I've been reading. I understand that some people here might be dangerous. People have still got rights, though. If someone commits an actual crime, I think it's fair enough that we hold our own trial for them instead of relying on the Council's justice. For a number of reasons which I won't go into unless someone actually wants clarification. In the meantime, you've still all got your Second Amendment rights, and following that up by taking Harry Dresden's advice on protecting yourself probably isn't a bad idea. Defending yourself isn't wrong. Initiating force is. There's the difference.

I don't think it's at all helpful for people on any side of this debate to start acting all irrational and taking disproportionate steps, though. Do you know who benefits from that? The Council. We're all individuals and as anyone who's talked with me at length probably knows, I like a good debate myself. I'm not suggesting conformity or silencing tactics. People have got the right to express their opinions, regardless of how much I disagree with them, and to talk things out. What I am going to point out is that the more important we let these arguments become? The closer we get to actually fighting each other? The better the Council will like it.

I can see that. I'm eleven. You're all grown-ups and I hope you can too.


Aug. 19th, 2013


[Filtered to the Refugees]

Anyone who has need of it may come to St. Michael's Cathedral on East Street, and find shelter there. Father Williams has granted asylum to all who have need.

If you could check in with me when you come by - no names necessary, just let me know you're here so I know how many of you there are - I'm going to the store later to get food and bedding. I've still got about $500 on my card, anyone who wants to donate what they have to the church, please do, so we can purchase appropriate supplies.

Please, don't be afraid. God will see us through.


Are you alright?

Aug. 17th, 2013


[Filtered: Tris, Tobias, Carl, Harry, Georgia, Daryl (by Tris' invitation)]

I've just heard that an underage citizen was taken to the council building by her foster parents. She says that she didn't consent, and she might have been drugged, she doesn't remember.

I'm passing this on to you because I trust you, or because I think you need the warning. Don't say anything in public, okay? This is getting scary. I don't know what to do.


This is so frustrating. I with I knew what to do. My supposed guardian made me go down and do all that stuff. What if they find out I'm running away.


((Semi-directed to Justine, in response to their network conversation, but on the public network and open because Leisha totally doesn't mind if others weigh in. It's educational.))

I think I figured it out.

Survival isn't a virtue. Immoral people survive. Animals survive. Survival in itself can't be considered virtuous. What it is, though, is a value, something that people want to keep. You have to live a virtuous life and pursue excellence precisely because you want to get the things that you value, and hold on to them, and survival, except in a few extreme sets of circumstances that aren't so relevant to most of our lives, has got to be the fundamental value. Like I said, if you're dead you can't be virtuous or excellent or really much of anything.

Does that sound right?

Aug. 15th, 2013


I'd like to thank Madison's City Council for the trouble they've gone through to see us me settled. It's a great effort to house so many displaced people, and to welcome us when you didn't have to. That you've provided homes, funds and phones for all of us to communicate in our need is ... remarkable. And needless to say, expensive.

So thank you, for the effort, and the consideration. I don't know many who would go so far to do that.

Aug. 13th, 2013


[Filtered to all 'refugees' aged 18 or under]

Don't go to that office and give them your blood and everything. They're saying it's for employment purposes, but they want us to go to school, not to work. They've got no cause to come after us, if the reasons they're giving are legitimate.

If they do? That tells us something. Something we need to know for sure.

Some of the adults are going to be scared about their jobs and they're going to comply - but we can take a stand for them.


This is getting very, very old.

What do they need my blood for? They can't have it.

If that means I lose my job, I guess I lose my job.

Aug. 12th, 2013


Attention Refugees!

As many of you do not have Social Security Numbers, or other means of identification, we would like each of you to come by the Clerk's office and fill out some paper work. We will be taking fingerprints, a blood sample, pictures, and asking some information about you, to keep on record.

If you do not come to the Clerk's office and register, you will be unable to find employment in the town, as this information is now required for payroll.

Thank you,

Madison Valley City Council

Aug. 11th, 2013


Text to Neytiri )

Text to Sheriff Grimes )

Text to Leisha )

Aug. 10th, 2013


What the fuck? Where the hell am I?

[OoC: Hard Canon-bump to after the film. Jake's now big and blue and really really confused]

Aug. 7th, 2013


[Filtered; Leisha]
Thank you. I'm thoroughly impressed that you've gathered all this information.

I just need some time to read it over then we'll see what else you can do to help, okay? Stay smart.

Aug. 4th, 2013


Gonna try getting out for a little while today. Does anyone know when school starts?

Jul. 30th, 2013


They're going to arrest me if I don't get vaccinated? But this is still America! They can't do that!

I want my Daddy.

I want a lawyer.

Jul. 28th, 2013


So. Justine's here. Anybody else from Chicago? Anybody? Bueller?

Jul. 23rd, 2013



The midsummer heat can be tough. Wouldn't you like a nice, cool glass of all-natural lemonade? Or perhaps some refreshing sweet tea?

Stop by Tea By Leisha, at the end of Leisha Camden's driveway.

When you're there, why not pick up an exclusive hand-made bracelet? It's the perfect gift for a friend - or for yourself!

Still thirsty?

Give it a try.

Jul. 20th, 2013


I miss Chicago. I'm not used to a place being so quiet at night.

Do all small towns die every night?

Apparently if you get hungry in the middle of the night, there's just Walmart and Hinkles.


Who: Leisha Camden and Carl Grimes
What: Meeting someone around their own age
Where: The park
When: Mid-afternoon, the day after Leisha's arrival
Warnings: None

Read more... )

Jul. 19th, 2013


What is this? Where am I?

Jul. 18th, 2013


I still don't know how I managed to leave Chicago, but leaving that aside for a minute:

I think I might have gone back in time. Is this 1970 or something? Like, pre-cold fusion? I heard that time travel was theoretically possible.

...not like this, though.

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