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Oct. 6th, 2013


[Filtered to Roland]

Did you see that Sai Cesare that I told you about is now a candidate for councilman? I'd...not stand against him, Roland. It doesn't strike me as the right thing.


[Filtered to Cesare Borgia]

Cesare, sai? Are you accepting the nomination that the Blacks have put you forward for?


[Filtered to refugees under the age of 20]

Further to discussion after my previous message, the nominees for youth representative candidate are:

Cuthbert Allgood

Lissa Dragomir


Voting is now open. I've attached a link to a secure site where you can cast your vote. You can only vote once, and your vote is secret. If you're a candidate, you can vote for yourself. In fact it would be odd if you didn't.

Voting closes in 24 hours at which point we'll offer official support to the successful candidate.


Instead of having a row over the ones to be nominated, mayhap we should also be discussing what demands concerns they'll be bringing before the Council?

Where do we, as a whole, stand on firearms? On other issues?

If we come not together in mind and spirit then the 'representatives', cry your pardon, will do us naught but harm. We must be sure that our representatives go armed with not just their own opinions, but in a greater sense we should see that they go serving the White.

My concerns lie mostly in the following two issues:

Firearms. I'm not against required training for the possession of a firearm - and I'd even offer my help with such - but I'm strong against any sort of ban, regardless of age, sex, or origin.

Age-based laws. It's right strange that I can't buy a cup of graf here, or that I must have a guardian when I've well passed my rites of manhood. Mayhap make age-based restrictions contingent on origin?

What of the rest of you?


1. Firearms
2. Magic
3. Age Restrictions
4. Blood Samples

Oct. 5th, 2013


[Filtered from the Council]

Three doesn't seem like near enough people to me, but I suppose it's something we didn't have before. If we do this well and responsibly, maybe we'll be given more?

Anyway, I think we need to think carefully about who to send, and do this by consensus if at all possible.

To help out, I'll keep a list of nominations here, and you can discuss their merits and the drawbacks.

So at this point, who has been nominated? And what categories of people should we be certain to represent?


Cuthbert Allgood
Lissa Dragomir
Tony Stark
Georgia Mason


[Filtered to Cuthbert]

This Lord Phantomhive. Who is he?


[Filtered to refugees under the age of 20]

One of us needs to be chosen to represent our interests to the council.

You'll all know me and that I have no interest in any...collective sentiment or anything of the sort, but there are a lot of us here who are young and dealing with things we wouldn't have to in our own timelines and we deserve to have representation.

You know me and you know also that I set up a network against the Council so I'm not going to be intimidated by their authority. If there's not a better candidate, I'll nominate myself. But I'm realistic and I know that I'm young even by our standards and there's very probably someone who will be more accepted.

I believe in democracy and while I know that the whole of my ideology isn't a popular one here? We've got specific interests in this specific context that merit working together. Shared interests, shared values.

So, if you'll follow the idea, this is the primary.

If you'd like to be representative, state your case here. We'll choose our candidate. Then we'll support them in the public thread. We've got the numbers, if you're willing to go along with the idea we can at least see that one young person is chosen, even if not your particular favorite candidate.

Nobody's obliged, of course. If you don't like the idea at all I'd ask that if you want to tell me why? Message me privately. I'm happy to talk about it but I don't want to derail the discussion. Let's have it more like datanet and less like internet. I'm not going to tell anyone how to vote but there's a reason why real elections have political parties and chosen candidates. I think it's important that we're listened to. Maybe some of you do, too.



There has been much discussion among us about the limiting of weapons and dangerous articles among the refugees. However, as we embrace the second amendment as much as any American, we are loathe to seize any weapons that you may have brought with you.

As we have been unable to come to any clear conclusion over what is to be done about this problem, we would like to meet with representatives at a time and place convenient to you. We are sorry that we cannot meet with all of you, but we feel it is better for security reasons to limit the number allowed in the council chambers.

So if it is possible, please choose - or elect - three representatives to come and argue your case before us on this matter.

Thank you,

Madison Valley City Council

Oct. 4th, 2013


voice to text

Holy Mother in all my years I've not seen a peace keeper drive a man from the woods and back into the city proper. It's always been they're keen to push the sorry souls as far from respectable people as possible, else our indecency offend their delicate sensibilities.

Makes no sense to a man of my learning that he'd be charged a fee and told a place he could lay his head even in the wilds. If I'd had the coin to spare I'd take a room in a tavern and have a girl to boot. I'll not pay to lay my head on the ground.


[Filtered to Cuthbert]

I killed her, Cuthbert
She's dead because of me
I'm a fool and I let her die
She trusted me and I let her die

I'm proper famished, Cuthbert. I'm going to go find a place with decent food, and maybe some graf and bring some home to you. Do you know such a place?


[Filtered to Georgia Mason]

I need to talk to you about Roland. It shan't take long and it's important.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


Cry your pardon, but where am I?

Or am I forever lost in the pink?


[Filtered to Pollux Black]

A year and a day, you said, and I hold you to it.

It's been four years.

I'd claim back what you had from me.

Oct. 2nd, 2013


For the information of certain people Maximus, Cuthbert, probably the Council if they're reading everything like I am:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

I think it's fairly self-explanatory. It's also the law in America. All the Americas I've made a note of so far, actually.


It seems that a good deal of the trouble was caused by a child and his weapons. And because of that, they're punishing the magic users.

I've got a better idea - why don't we take the weapons away from ordinaries? There are far more of them, and the magic users haven't hurt anyone.

Oct. 1st, 2013


[Filtered against the Council]

Who among us has medical training of any sort? I think it would perhaps be prudent if we set up our own medical facility, perhaps in the church, in case these doctors tire of healing us as well.

Sep. 30th, 2013


I win then. What a disappointing end to a silly game.

I've misplaced a dog in the process, if anyone sees him tell him his master calls. He responds to Sebastian.

Sep. 27th, 2013


It worked. I've received a much finer welcome this time than I did the last. I've got my own apartment, filled with all this world's marvels, and a new one of the little cards that passes in token of actual funds, and isn't that something!

I've never lived alone. It's perfect nice, like having a grand set of rooms high up in some palace or other, even if the ideas on proper...interior design are a little lacking.

My only complaint is that I still can't buy my own graf I should have said 21 but who'd believe that? If any of you folk care to visit and bring along a welcome gift of such nature? I can welcome you into my home and we'll have a good meal and suchlike.

Sep. 25th, 2013


[Filtered to Valen]

Are you still here? Or did if you're gone you can't answer in any case.

Sep. 24th, 2013


Has anyone seen my brother? It appears he's run off again, although I'm told in this place one can't get too far, even one such as Valen with his restless feet.

Speak, if you have, and I'll be glad for it.


I've fallen todash again, haven't I? Back between worlds. This is Madison Valley as-was and look I've even found my phone and I reckon it still works to send these messages.

Why again? Why now?

Sep. 23rd, 2013


I have a theory that whatever bubble is around the town will pop after being pumped full of hot air due to everyone's run-away super-special egos.

Sep. 21st, 2013


[Filtered to Kvothe]

Circumstances keep conspiring to prevent me from listening to your celebrated music, so they do! I'll not be able to attend the festival, worse my luck, but I wanted to wish you well with it nonetheless.


[Filtered to Cuthbert]

Valen's free.

Sep. 20th, 2013


backdated to Friday morning

[Filtered to Valen]

Are you...

Gods, we were so close to success!


Doctor injured in disturbance at hospital
September 20th, 2013
Sarah Cordain

MADISON - Police were called to King's Daughters Hospital early yesterday evening after reports that a visitor attempting to leave the premises with a patient in serious condition had responded violently to a doctor's attempt at intervention. Dr Charles Arroway, injured in the attack, was struck in the arm by a metal ball fired from a projectile weapon.

Dr Arroway did not wish to comment when contacted about the matter. A nurse at the hospital, Lyndsey Harris, said that the event was "shocking," and "inexplicable," and that the patient, who has been named as 'Valen,' one of the Madison Valley refugees, was "in no condition to leave the hospital." Valen's attending physician stated that he suffered no ill-effects from the impromptu excursion and has since resumed treatment.

A 15-year-old boy who cannot be named for legal reasons was arrested following the incident. Madison citizen Janine Irving, who was at the hospital at the time of the disturbance, said that the boy was "clearly very agitated," and that he was "fighting [the law enforcement officials] and trying to run." Dr Charles Arroway has declined to press charges against him, and the 15-year-old has since been released from police custody.

Sep. 19th, 2013


Who: Cuthbert, Cesare, Georgia
What: Getting in trouble for trying to help.
Where: Leaving the police station
When: After Cuthbert tries to help Valen escape from the hospital
Warnings: References to violence

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Sep. 18th, 2013


[Filtered to Valen]


I know you're unwell. I don't know if you're any fit state to respond to this, even. But when you are? If there's anything I can do to help. Anything at all, won't you tell me? You're a friend and I want to help.

Sep. 17th, 2013


Citizens and refugees,

I know that he is but newly arrived, but for those of you who know Valen, I took him to the hospital today. He seemed very ill, and he has been admitted and put under heavy sedation.

I hope that you will put him in your prayers during this time of great hardship for him, made even harder in that he is in a strange place with no family to care for him.


[Private to Cesare Borgia]

I know you've been busy of late what with the arrival of your sister and such, but I've a question for you, if you'd give me answer. I'm playing intermediary for an associate of mine as I don't have the answers to give him but I reckon you might.

What can a man do to make amends if he's worried for the...state of his soul? If he truly believed that if he were to die he'd be consigned to the eternal fires of Na'ar despite his regret for his errors?

Sep. 16th, 2013


Holy writs say the wicked will burn but I tend toward thinking the Adversary's domain is ice and not fire at all.

Cold burns deeper than fire. Is that false doctrine? Angels preserve my wretched soul.


There is a store here that has many, many mangoes. You need only go inside, choose the ones you like, and purchase them, just like at the market in Tirion. Only, when I asked how long they would have them, they told me that they carry them all year round.

What sorcery is this? How is such a thing possible?

It must be the hand of Eru himself.

Sep. 15th, 2013


I have never heard so many churchbells.

How is a girl supposed to sleep through that?


Who is this Robert Browning fellow and why does he suppose he knows anything about anything especially the Tower and he's the one who lies in every word, so it is.

Didn't I say that I hate   carry-over     lies    bad poetry? I'll not put up with it.

Sep. 14th, 2013


voice-to-text transcription

Mother smell I can't say I've ever dreamed up a place like this. Though Gods be praised for it, and the kindly intervention of gunslingers, as it were.

This little pork are done is a strange place and quite unlike any I've ever been through. It's got me all kinds of turned around. Turns out I've been juped for coin and home! Though if words be true as they say, I'm not the only one.


Sun lamps.

I need sunlamps.

Maybe...a dozen sunlamps.

Maybe if I wallpaper my room with sunlamps I can convince myself its still summer
Yeah, probably not going to work
But worth a shot

Sep. 13th, 2013


Who: Cuthbert and OPEN
What: To be decided! Talk, shopping, lunch - or open to plotting. :)
Where: In town, the shops by the library
When: Midday
Warnings: None

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Sep. 12th, 2013


[Absolutely NOT filtered]

Mr. and Miss Black,

Our disagreement has gotten entirely out of control, and is becoming detrimental to our lives here.

I will be the first to take the responsibility that comes from being a man, and extend my apologies to both of you. My behavior was inappropriate and juvenile, and I apologize for any hurt it may have done.

You need not fear me taking any action against you, now, or in the future. Know that I hold both of you in the highest esteem, and consider this disagreement and all attached unpleasantries firmly in the past.


Re'lar Kvothe, son of Arliden


[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

Sai, I have a question on the matter of magics and I heard that you were the man who might provide a fair and true answer, is that so?

Sep. 11th, 2013


A tale once came to me of a University near a regular sort of town. It was a large University, that taught a good number of students. These students were from all across the Four Corners of Civilization. Some were from noble families, younger sons who had been sent away to learn their trades. Some were from more humble backgrounds, but clever beyond measure. Some were rich and clever, though to be sure, these were very few.

The Masters, of course, were the same way. Some were Masters because they loved to learn, and loved to teach. These Masters were kind, for the most part, and taught their students many things. Some Masters were simply too smart to do anything else, their minds so far above their students that they bordered on madness. But some Masters were cruel, and seemed to be there more to put their students in their place than for any other reason.

Among the students at this school was one who had worked very hard to arrive there. He had very little means, but a great deal of talent, and was the youngest admitted in more years than many could count. He had, in fact, begun to study sympathy many years before, when he was but a small child. When he began his classes, he thought, realistically, that this should be taken into account. After all, he did not see the purpose of wasting time learning that which had already been learned. So he took it up with his Master, who he (wrongly, it was later proved), assumed to be a great man.

The next day, the Master, threatened by his student's cleverness, and determined to put this young man in his place, handed the reins of the class over to the young man. After all, if he was so clever, perhaps he should be the one teaching. The young man was nervous, and humble, and resisted his Master's request, but was told to do so once, twice, three times.

So he did, and set forth to show the Master that he was not as foolish as perhaps the Master believed. Defiant? Perhaps, although he had not wished to be. But he had been forced to take this position, and swore by Merciful Tehlu that he would not embarrass those who had so kindly taught him in his youth.

And the young man spoke, imparting the wisdom he had learned many years before, as the class listened in rapt interest. While he spoke, he formed a clay mound in his hand, and sculpted it, until after a few moments it was nearly a perfect sculpture of the Master. Requesting a piece of the Master's hair, which was freely given, he completed the simulacrum, and binding his will, caught the small figure's leg ablaze. Now, it was not a perfect link, but the boy's power was beyond all imagining, and in mere seconds, the Master's clothes caught fire, smoking, then shooting blue flame in all directions. Why blue? I know not, although from what I have heard of this master, I think it not impossible that perhaps it was the Demon in him that caused it to burn so - and which caused him to suffer so little hurt.

The boy, of course, found himself on the Horns for such an offense. Humble and terrified, having only meant to warm the Master's foot, he nonetheless stood brave and strong before the onslaught of anger, and showed a strength and nobility beyond his years. Sentenced to seven lashes - seven, that number of such import - he went to his punishment with his heart in Tehlu's hands.

And merciful Tehlu blessed him. Once the lash cracked! And the boy's skin split, but no blood appeared. And he did not flinch, as if he had not even felt the pain.

Twice, and three times! And still, the torn skin refused to cry its tears upon the ground, healed by Tehlu nearly before it had been broken.

Four five and six, and the boy closed his eyes, braver than many men.

And at last, released from his punishment, the crowd marveled at this boy who had been so marred, and yet so blessed that no drop of crimson - and no grimace of pain - marred the boy's countenance.

Why was he blessed so? Perhaps because Tehlu has a special place for those who have been wronged. Perhaps because the Master truly was a demon, and the boy nearly a brave martyr to have challenged him.

Whatever the reason, men say that the lamps in the Master's room always grew dimmer and bluer, and a strange chill would enter the room on the nights that visitors or students would dare to mention the student who had defied him, and won Tehlu's blessing in return.

Sep. 10th, 2013


Theoretical question, in the sense that I'm testing a theory and if it works for others why not me?

How would you defend a city against modern machine-weapons like tanks and mayhap planes if you didn't have any of your own but did have a large army complete with guns and plenty of cavalry?

What would you do? Assume it's past the point of diplomacy and I'm not accepting pray, die or turn traitor as valid answers.

Best workable solution wins a basket of mangoes because Sai Maedhros is a bad influence and I bought far too many.

Sep. 8th, 2013


I've found a time and place for the general orientations for new arrivals. We'll be holding classes twice a week at [address]. Tuesdays and Thursdays, for an hour and a half - 6 to 7:30pm, unless it becomes apparent we need more time for sessions.

The first session will absolutely cover street crossing, ATM machines and the bank for new arrivals, or anyone who still isn't sure how debit/credit cards work. We'll also talk about money and denominations we use in the States. Also, if there's any other issues anyone's having please tell me here.

The subsequent sessions will cover technology like basic computer functions and phones. And then if anyone really wants to learn how to drive, driving. There's also going to be cultural awareness of the 21st century.

We'll repeat as necessary with new arrivals, if anyone wants to volunteer their time.

Okay, the really important part for this to be effective; most of you already figured this stuff out for yourselves and that's good, but please keep an eye out for new arrivals. The city has a tendency to give us our things, the keys and then sets us loose to find our way. We all experienced it. If you notice anyone having difficulty at navigating the streets, looks generally confused, or is entirely out of place help them. That way we don't have more people attacking cars with swords or spears.

Thank you.


Men attack car with swords
September 9, 2013
Julia McGee

MADISON - Officers responded to a report Saturday that two men were standing in the road when they launched themselves at a car near Lanier Drive, the Madison Police Department said.

Adam Shelley, the driver of the vehicle, said he was driving northwest on Lanier Drive when the men appeared with drawn swords and attacked the car. The attack caused minor damage to the windshield and fender.

"I thought the circus was in town, or they were doing some sort of theatrical rendition of a troupe," said Shelley. "They were dressed in period clothing and shouting. I didn't know what to do."

When officers arrived to the scene the perpetrators had escaped. One man is described as a white male, standing around 6-feet-8-inches with long black hair and grey eyes. The other is also described as a white male, standing around 7-feet-10-inches with red hair and grey eyes. According to officials, the men are armed and dangerous. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Madison Valley Police Department.

Sep. 7th, 2013


Filtered to Cuthbert Allgood:

Are you still here or do I have to start searching for you?

Sep. 5th, 2013


Filtered from the Council

So, guys, as Justine stated yesterday, we're going to be holding some...classes, I suppose, on sexuality in the 21st century. Regular stuff about sex: how to protect yourself from diseases, how to prevent pregnancy, how to please your partners. This is going to be a really open sort of thing, and you can ask any sort of questions you like. Trust me, you can't embarrass me with questions about sex.

So, obviously, I'll be leading the men's group, and Justine will be with the women.

If you have any questions that you don't feel comfortable asking, feel free to filter them to me here.

[Filtered to Justine]

I got tested. Results in a few days. I also had to, uh, convince them that my blood was supposed to look like that.

Sep. 4th, 2013


Who: Cuthbert Allgood & Pollux Black
What: Chess.
Where: The Black apartments
When: Evening, after the day's drama.
Warnings | Status: Threats of violence | complete

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Sep. 3rd, 2013


Now I know what this phone can do. Some of it is perfect useful, like the calculator. Not that I work much with figures here outside lessons but anyone who had the keeping of accounts would set a high value on such a device.

The maps, though, they're far and away too small to be useful. I like better the ones at the library that I can unfold out onto a table and look at properly. Tiny maps are no good for learning the layout of a land or planning anything save trips to the stores to buy sugar-water and I already know how to get there.

Calling someone on a phone is easier and quicker than sending a pigeon, though. I'll give it that.

Sep. 1st, 2013


Filtered Away From The Council

What's the best way for my sister and I to ditch the foster family we were assigned to. I don't trust them.


Shots Fired At Falls And Sunrise
by Paige Turner

After eleven yesterday evening, police received phone reports from a number of citizens concerning a disturbance. Charles Ingleside of the Madison School Board explained how he was woken in the night: β€œat first I thought it was a car backfiring, but then it happened again and again -- I realised it was gunfire.”

Police responded to the reports and arrived at the town border just past the Falls and Sunrise Dr. intersection while the shots continued. The shooter, an unidentified man dressed in black with dark hair and standing about 5’9-5’10 escaped capture. While the motive behind this disturbance is unclear, citizens are encouraged to call the police if they see or hear anything out of the ordinary

Aug. 31st, 2013


I sought to immortalize myself in history. The chance exists still But I wonder how history will change when I am not there to influence it. I don't understand the science that brought me here, or how it has changed things or what it will mean for the future.

How do I use this thing to look at history? How do I know what changed?

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