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Jul. 12th, 2019


What: Izzy Lightwood and Johnny Storms Wedding Reception
Where: Their wedding venue
When: Saturday 13th July
Warnings: Probably low
Status: Open Party Post

~*~*~*~*~*~ )


Who: Belle and Chris Halliwell
What: Matchup
Where: Homebrew
When: Late Afternoon
Status: In Progress

She wanted to surprise her guardian )

Jul. 10th, 2019


[Filtered to Allison A]

So um.

I know you've already met them in passing at these big group events and stuff but... Well. Would you be interested in finally, actually, really meeting my family? Like, as a my girlfriend kind of thing?

[Filtered to Emma and Julian]

I don't want to go getting your hopes up too high, but I had a bit of a break through last night. In the spell wording, I mean. It might be it, it might not, but it's a huge step.


Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the cruise completely, but on warm, humid days like this with the sun out, I do really miss Cali beaches. Sorry, Madison Valley, but California still has you beat there.

Jul. 2nd, 2019


How is it only 11 days until I get married? That doesn't seem right, I'm sure I'm supposed to have much longer.


It's nice to know the Ravens missed me. They've been on their best behavior and attached to my shoulders since we got back.

Drink and dinner specials at Homebrew tonight. I think people need it.

Jul. 1st, 2019


It looks like the Dome went a little crazy sending people home. Halliwells, check in?


I was going to bring something back to Scott that he'd left at my place before everything and all the messages are bouncing back. We might not have been together any longer but this still sucks.

Jun. 17th, 2019


Yes. Finally a good crazy in Madison Valley! And we get to see flipping Europe too? This is going to be awesome.

Jun. 14th, 2019


[Filtered to Allison A]

Hi gorgeous.

Can I talk you into dinner this weekend? Saturday, probably?

[Filtered to Melinda]

Hey pipsqueak, you want to go in together and get something for Kristoff for Father's Day? Stepdad presents are still kind of important I guess.

[Filtered to Izzy]

Since I know you guys and dates are not a great combo, reminder that this weekend is Father's Day and Johnny looks really funny when you surprise him with cute dad stuff so probably think about it. Maybe one of those handprint cards or something, I dunno.

Jun. 10th, 2019


Who: Chris and Anna
What: Checking in on friends
When: Monday evening
Where: Starting at Homebrew
Warnings: LOL, doubtful, maybe some light warnings for Anna-trauma, we don't know yet

***** )

Jun. 3rd, 2019


As some of you might know, the small Muslim congregation in town has been observing Ramadan. You might also know this involves fasting and sometimes being hangry. Well, tomorrow marks the end of Ramadan with Eid al-Fitr, a festival to break the fast. We'll be hosting it at our local mosque, and all are welcome.

There's going to be a LOT of food, more than enough for just three people. I'll be making some traditional Middle Eastern dishes and baked goods (Middle Eastern donuts ftw!), but feel free to bring dishes of your own if you'd like. Just no pork or alcohol and you should be fine. Ask if you're not sure.

Hope some of you can join us tomorrow.

May. 31st, 2019


Who: Mister Wednesday and Open.
What: Getting a drink.
When: Friday, May 31, evening.
Where: Homebrew.
Warnings: TBD.
Status: Open.

I walk on water, but I ain't no Jesus. I walk on water, but only when it freezes. )

May. 27th, 2019



Nothing like going back 21 years into the past. Is this place always so [...] this?

May. 22nd, 2019


WHO: Julian Blackthorn and Chris Halliwell
WHAT: Having a talk
WHEN: This evening
WHERE: Starbucks
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

May. 16th, 2019


As much as I would love to experience prom again even if it was obviously as a chaperon, I feel like I probably should sit this one out.

May. 15th, 2019


I don't suppose anyone has seen Rhysand around?


Who: Zari Tomaz and Chris Halliwell
What: Enchanted encounters
When: Afternoon time
Where: By the park
Status: Matchup, complete!

Read more... )

May. 13th, 2019


[Chris Halliwell & Adam Vasic]

So apparently I need to have some boys with me when I get married.


Fight over who's the more important one.

May. 6th, 2019


Who: Poe Dameron and Chris Halliwell
What: checking out the aunt's boyfriend
Where: the diner
When: this afternoon
Warnings: nope
Status: complete gdoc

~+~+~+~+~ )

May. 2nd, 2019


WHO: Jace Herondale and OPEN
WHAT: Shopping for a tux
WHEN: This afternoon
WHERE: The store
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


[Filtered to Piper, Prue, Phoebe, and Paige]

Yes, hi, it's your favorite older son/nephew WHO COULD REALLY USE SOME FEMALE HELP RIGHT NOW.

What, exactly, do you do at a prom? How do you dance at a prom? What the hell do you wear to prom??

And if a girl asks you to prom what does that imply, exactly?

[Filtered to Emma Carstairs]

Hey you. I think I may be on to something. I need to borrow a few strands of hair. ...also Julian's if we can get it and not be super weird about it?

May. 1st, 2019


The Beltane celebration at the settlement yesterday was wonderful. I'm glad I attended. It kind of reminded me of a Grounder celebration.


[Chris Halliwell]
Hey, so my school is having its prom on Saturday the 18th. I was wondering if you'd like to go with me.

Apr. 30th, 2019



So it's been a while since we've had one of these and I'm bored. So, gossip time it is. I mean we had a whole lot of people playing marry, shag, cliff so what better time am I right?

Also, new folks, just read it and you'll figure it out.

Vex, buddy, do we want to know why you think this sign is needed so much?

So how do we judge what level the love of all things cheesy is? I mean don't you think the love level might be different depending on if it's Gorgonzola versus Cheddar or Edam?

Damn straight Johanna, don't you dare cliff Mercy. We'd all have a brownie eater uprising against you.

ew gross don't talk about Mr. Argent having sex.

OH MY GOD YOU KILLED KENNY but that's okay he got better and he's still up for it.

I mean it's pretty brave to cliff Batman.

So I have to ask. Seriously? I mean the guy looks like he rolled out of a gutter half the time, what's with the Constantine votes? I mean seriously, let me know because if good grooming was a bad idea I have been LIED to by years of high school health classes.

They have a point. I'd shag Steve. I mean if I had permission and I thought that Captain America knew who the hell I was. I mean you can bounce a quarter off his...everything.

Uh hey wait who says I'm into marriage? Thanks Kate.

Things I never thought I would have to think about. which heroes would be bottoms.

Yeah, thank you, he's otherwise committed. Unless he's feeling into red heads and gets permission first.

Sarah, you need to learn to share your pretty people. I mean it's only polite to let the other pretty people out to play.

I bet it wouldn't be a boring life to be married to Faith but I sort of feel like that would be a bad option for a vampire to pick.

At least this time there wasn't any cliffing of Batman But I have to wonder at cliffing someone as foreplay.

You know how sometimes you ask a question and you don't really want to know the answer? I sort of feel like asking Death is probably that kind of thing. I mean what's the moral and ethical point of view on a cosmic force of nature?

Is this sarcasm Mr. Snart? It sort of feels like sarcasm.

Well hello Jesse.

This is a PSA be on the look out for Weed and Nacho. They are needed at home.

I am hoping that there was a lot of dancing and drinking for Rose's birthday. Too bad the Doctor isn't here, then they could do the birthday over a few times and get the most out of it.


Who: everyone
What: Beltane!
Where: the Settlement
When: After dark 4/30 to early 5/1
Warnings: language mostly, nothing else please, all ages welcome
Status: open to all

a more tame Beltane )

Apr. 22nd, 2019



Okay, any bets on when the next insanity is going to hit us? Because it feels like we're due.

Apr. 19th, 2019


"I know that I hung on a wind-swept tree, whose roots no man can know. Pierced I hung there, by Gungnir my spear, a sacrifice of myself to myself with no food nor mead, for nine whole days and nights..."​

As the night where we say a formal goodbye to winter, and say hello to true spring, draws closer, I recall the many events of my past, and that of my gods. We reach the mid-point between the two solstices, and the land is ready for the sowing of crops.

[Settlement Folk & Friends]
We will have a bonfire on the 30th into the 1st, though I am sure there will be multiple Beltane celebrations, I wanted to have something for us. Beltane isn't quite ours, after all.

Apr. 18th, 2019


I am still feeling off, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact it had been years back home but days here.

I have a long way to go, but I'll get there. I have faith in myself. I'm even going back to work tomorrow. We'll see how that goes.

Apr. 17th, 2019


WHO Birkhoff & OTA
WHAT Browsing
WHEN Wednesday afternoon
WHERE Secret Stash
WARNINGS TBD, probably not really
STATUS Open | Incomplete

Read more... )


At least I know that I will probably get an A in my English Literature class. My short story ended up being not so short story. It's a romance type story that I swear could be published and I can become a famous writer. I was even laughing and falling in love with the characters.....cause one of them is too close to home for me.

Apr. 15th, 2019


I have become addicted to Nurse Jackie.

I need help.

Apr. 11th, 2019


Tomorrow is walk on your wild side day, according to hilarious holidays. Come throw some axes at Bad Axe. Or play a round of archery tag.

You know you want to.


Who: Chris Halliwell and OTA
What: Shopping, I guess!
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Gifts That Last
Warnings: Doubtful, depends on who replies??

La la la, I am a cut text! )

Apr. 8th, 2019


I was never a huge fan of babies. But then today Brie did that thing where they hold your one finger with their entire hand and it's super cute and okay, maybe I can see the appeal. A little.

But the important part of this post is that it's finally warming up and I don't have to wear half my closet to keep warm. What do we do around here in spring? Are there any festivals or anything?

Apr. 7th, 2019


I've added more land, and given the rest of the purchase towards Shadows endeavor.

Spring is finally coming and
I forgot how much I missed it.

Mar. 31st, 2019


Where would one, with no real marketable skills, go to find some manner of gainful employment around here? Preferably at a place that doesn't require that blood test since I may have a little apprehension when it comes to needles.

Mar. 23rd, 2019


I'm back, but, we are going to have to talk.

I know we haven't talked lately, but I'm back, and could use someone to work out with to help sort all this mess out? I... some things happened.

Leaving and coming back is never [...] fun. I am miserable and I can't fix it, which is so hard. I'm so used to fixing things. I can't fix things.


Who: Johnny Storm and Chris Halliwell
What: Bros Buying Cake
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Around Places
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/Match-up/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Mar. 22nd, 2019


Ugh, I swear I hate writing papers. I'm not good at this writing stuff, well, poetry I'm good at. But writing an original short story, I am not good at.

Mar. 21st, 2019


College basketball is evil.


Has anyone seen Anna Latham? I was with her last night after the wedding, thought she wandered off because of the full moon, but texts are bouncing back and I know what that means but I'm hoping she's just bumped off the grid for the day or something.


Who: Allison Argent and Chris Halliwell
What: It's not a date, we swear!
When: Thursday evening
Where: Homebrew
Warnings: Awkward semi-flirting??

Why do people keep asking me for cut tags? )


So we take the kid to an appointment, get him pumped full of the germs and whatever.

Turns out he's apparently a year old now. When did that happen, I hear his masses of fans asking? Last week. Which his loving and doting parents absolutely remembered.

Mar. 20th, 2019


I turned 19 yesterday on the 19th. It's hard to believe that so much time has passed since I arrived last year. Time feels like it's moving too fast, really.

Mar. 18th, 2019


Really? All the other weird stuff in Madison Valley and they couldn't give us a wish granting leprechaun? Harsh. No pots of gold, no magical shamrocks...

You've let me down, Madison. You've really let me down.

Mar. 16th, 2019


I do enjoy those Shamrock shakes at McDonalds. I mean I know a lot of places have mint type shakes, but nothing beats them. Well, obviously anything Piper makes, but that is just a sister being partial, you know?

Mar. 15th, 2019


Because it's the ides of March.

Cut to save friends list. )


Who: Sigrun Gard & Chris Halliwell
Where: Homebrew
What: Work
When: Evening shift
Warnings: low
Status: In Progress, Closed

paperwork as boring )

Mar. 12th, 2019


Magic portals to other worlds?

NOW we're talking. Next day off, you know where I'll be! It isn't London, but I guess it'll do.

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