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Jan. 2nd, 2022


[Backdated to Jan 1]

[Adam Vasic]
You free tonight?

Oct. 22nd, 2021


So, who's going to be a crazy son of a bitch and check out the probably really haunted, haunted house?

Oct. 17th, 2021


Sam Winchester is gone.

I knew it was too good to be true...

Sep. 20th, 2021


Soooooo, I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but it's definitely something.

I spent the night at Isaac's last night and, when I woke up this morning, he and all of his belongings were gone. I found a card with the name "Morrigan Moonstone" on it. When I went home, I found the same thing in my brother's bedroom.

Both of their phones are disconnected.

What the actual fuck is going on?

EDIT I'll keep a list of everyone being reported missing under the same circumstances
Isaac Lahey
Logan Danvers
Adrian Ivashkov
John Young
Sigrun Gard
Anna Latham
Niklaus Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Keelin Mikaelson
Reileen Kawahara
Malia Tate
Stiles Stilinski
Nico di Angelo
Jason Grace
Lucas Cortez
Landon Kirby
Llewellyn Cornick
Cora Hale

Sep. 6th, 2021


Who: Bobby Singer & Jo Harvelle
Where: Her Place
When: Just after their net conversation Here!
What: Catching up
Status: Ongoing and Closed
Warnings: None for now

He missed her.... )

Aug. 20th, 2021


[Bobby Singer]
Hey, I heard you were in town.

Jul. 19th, 2021


Show of hands. How many of you missed me?

Jul. 9th, 2021


Has anyone seen Dan Espinoza? I'm really hoping he's here somewhere.

Also, Sam, if you're here, we need to talk.

Jun. 11th, 2021


Oh, look at that, it's my birthday. Twenty-nine is... surprisingly not exciting.

And it's a little brain hurt-y to realize that I've spent like a quarter of my life here.

Apr. 29th, 2021



Soooo, interested in going to that orgy?

Apr. 1st, 2021


Welp, guess the Dome is up to its usual tricks. I currently look like I bathed in glitter this morning, and none of its coming off.

Also, my birthday is next Wednesday and I'm thinking of throwing a party. Who's in?

Mar. 13th, 2021


Thanks to Chris Argent I am gainfully employed at Neils Creek Guns & Ammo.

Mar. 6th, 2021


So who's having the cheapest green beer on St. Patrick's?


Want to come with me? Been a while since I did a pub crawl.

Mar. 4th, 2021


( Everyone from SPN and Lucrezia Borgia and Steve Rogers and pretty much anyone who knows her or Sammy )

Adam already knows this, but...

I seem to have come down with pregnancy.

Feb. 27th, 2021


I can kill people.

I'm not supposed to be able to kill people but I can and I hate it and I think it means I'm broken.

Feb. 14th, 2021


My dad's here.

[Mary Campbell and Adam Milligan (separate texts)]
You okay?


I've seen some crazy stuff in my life, really crazy, and this entire situation has to rank right up there in the top ten. Thought I could've just finally lost my mind entirely, which honestly, was probably just a few bottles of whiskey away anyway. But after a bad night's sleep in this new place, I ran into my son Dean and it turns out that maybe this really isn't a fever dream and that I might know some of you other folks here, too.

I'm John Winchester, hope it's a pleasure.

Feb. 10th, 2021


I didn't even get out of the first round and I've got a ridiculously sprained ankle. Somehow that doesn't seem entirely fair.

Then again, it was all worth it for the chance to kick Sam's ass.

Even if he did win.

Jan. 23rd, 2021


So, the bad news is that I had multiple snowmen try to kick my ass. (Snowball to the back of the head, ow, by the way.)

Good news is, I did not actually get my ass kicked. Bunch of good bruises and a sprained wrist, but not bad. Got worse just surviving back home. However, there are now so many of the damn things out there that I'm just hunkering down at my boss's place until I can go home.

Mostly because I have no incentive to play "get through the monsters" this time.

Jan. 19th, 2021


[Texts to Friends*]

Is everyone okay? Does anyone need anything? I'm happy to teleport around and pick up people and things if needed.

[*if you think you are, you are]

Dec. 27th, 2020


I used to hate this time of year because it reminded me of how much I never had. My perspective is completely different now, as an adult. I might not have had a stable home when I was a kid, but I had my brother. Now I have both my brothers, and my mom in my life. A wonderful woman whom I love dearly, and more friends than I can shake a stick at. I'm grateful for every one of you.

Dec. 11th, 2020


Um, so, I think I went a little overboard with my shopping.

K-Mart hasn't even put hers out yet. )

Nov. 22nd, 2020


I hate this fucking place. It sends me home and then brings me back again? What the hell? If he doesn't come back, I'm burning this place to the ground.

Nov. 21st, 2020


[SPN folk and Sabrina]

Castiel is gone. I can't feel him under the Dome anymore so either he's warded or disappeared. His 'stuff' does appear to still be here, so perhaps he will be back.

Someone else should tell Trixie.

Nov. 8th, 2020


Where's my mom?

Nov. 2nd, 2020


Well, that was... depressingly short-lived.

For the approximately half a dozen people in town who knew him, Rodney McKay was sent home.

Oct. 26th, 2020


The portal has zombies. That is definitely part of my former job description.

Maybe I'll check out that portal. It's been a while since I've had any excitement.


Of course it's zombies. Of friggin' course.

Oct. 13th, 2020


Karaoke this Thursday at Verdant.

18+ allowed.

Oct. 1st, 2020



So...tell me if I'm crazy, but I was thinking about asking Jedikiah out to lunch or over for dinner. If I do decide to do this, and he agrees to go along with it...will you be there with me?

Sep. 22nd, 2020


Who: Hermann Gottlieb and Open
What: Mostly just browsing
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: That Book Place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~~ )

Sep. 18th, 2020



So I ran into Jedikiah on the street the other day.

Sep. 16th, 2020


You settling in all right?

[SPN Fam: Adam, Cas & Balthazar, Dean, Jo, Mary, plus Shosanna]
How do you all feel about a family dinner?

Sep. 15th, 2020


[Dean Winchester]
So how are you settling into Madison Valley so far?

Sep. 11th, 2020


Ever have one of those days where you're annoyed with the entire world for no damn reason?

Yeah, that's today. I'm just gonna go throw an axe or two and pretend I'm aiming for people.

Sep. 1st, 2020


Is this the real life? Is it just fantasy? At this point in life, I have no idea what's real anymore. I just know that I'm fucking exhausted. Is this place supposed to be a vacation spot? That would be pretty awesome.

Aug. 29th, 2020


It's strange how sometimes utilizing a skill you've got still lands you in a job that's just about nothing like what you used to do.

Aug. 28th, 2020


There are times I still can't believe this is my life now.

Then there are times where I had a good day at work and I'm watching the sunset while ruining my dinner (sorry, John) by eating some sort of orange ice cream with chocolate chips and I'm just kind of okay with it all now.


Who: Hayley Marshall and Jo Harvelle
What: Girls with guns
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Madison Shooting Range
Warnings: None
Status: Completed gdoc

Things that go bang )

Aug. 20th, 2020


The other day aside, my morning runs are beginning to feel more like progress towards Autumn.

Aug. 10th, 2020


Looks like it's time for another volunteer Guardian call.

For those of you who aren't aware, the Guardians serve as protectors for the few Moroi here in town. The Moroi are vampires, living ones, who are pretty much like any of us save for the fact that they drink blood. We actually serve the same function as their Guardians back home though on a largely less dangerous level.

Any questions first, please ask. Otherwise, just leave your name and I'll be reaching out to you shortly.

Current volunteers, I need you to check in with me and let me know if you're still in or if you need to step away.

I want you in on this.

Would you be willing to sign on? As I'm sure you know, the previous you was a Guardian in addition to Jill's friend, and as you and Jill are also friends, I wanted to reach out on a one-to-one level.

[Sam W.]
I know you'd said you'd be onboard if needed. Consider this me saying it's needed.

Aug. 6th, 2020


You know what? I'm not a fan of summer.

In the winter you can always pile under blankets and be comfy. There's only so much stuff you can take off.

Aug. 1st, 2020


What in the hell is this? I died didn't I? Yup, Hannah or one of the wendigos killed me and now I'm stuck in purgatory.

Jul. 28th, 2020



Maybe this is weird, but would you like to go camping this weekend?


So I can't believe I've been here going on two years. It's a lot better place than home.

Jul. 26th, 2020


Who: Jo Harvelle + Penny Kirkman
When: Today
Where: That Book Place
Warnings: None likely
Status: Closed, Complete

~*~*~*~ )

Jul. 20th, 2020


Some of y'all may have picked up a few new skills - or think you have - from those other lives last week, and I just want to say that before you run out and buy a gun or knife or any kind of weapon, please come by the MV Shooting Range so Carl or I can walk you through the safe way to do handle a gun and get your license process started if you really want one.

Jul. 19th, 2020


That was definitely an improvement over the last time I woke up in a bed with someone I'm not actually involved with. And not just because this time I don't have to worry about my roommate kicking my ass on general principle.

Jul. 8th, 2020


[filtered to 18+]

What the fuck, dome? Seriously, what the fuck?

I need all the drinks. All of them. The 12 year old version of my girlfriend from home just showed up. I do not know how to deal with this.

Jun. 26th, 2020


This place has no nightlife.

Last night I went downtown after midnight and it was quieter than the dead.

I think maybe I better do something to liven this place up a bit.

Jun. 25th, 2020


You would think that being dumped in a town in an alternate universe would open the eyes of people and have them open their minds as well.


Time to drink?

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