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Apr. 22nd, 2024


( George Weasley )'re safe, right?

I mean, I know I just saw you, but...

( Household )

Everyone okay?

( Museum Staff )

Check in, please.


Annie and her daughter, Eve, seem to have been sent home.



Wh......Ho....what happened? And why is my door barricaded?


Family, friends

im sorry

not sure what else to say except i let you down

Apr. 21st, 2024


I want to say that whole mess is the weirdest thing I've ever worked through, but honestly? I've officially been here long enough that I have to stop and think about it.

I'm not quite sure what all that says.


That was one way of seeing what this place is capable of, and I'm glad it's over. This place really decided to go for the whole sink or swim, but I managed.

How is everyone doing after that ordeal? Does anyone need anything?


...did I die?


Well I did not care for this week.

Apr. 19th, 2024


Check In, Please!

I'm worried about my friends. You know who you are.*

Are you okay? Do you need help? Or a place to stay? Let me know!

[Brooke, Piper, Alyssa, George]
Y'all need anything?

[*OOC: you know the drill, if you think you are, you are.]


{{please pretend he posted this early sunday}}

House Filter

Is everyone safe? I was at the shop getting some work done when all of this started up. I don't have all my weapons with me, so I'm improvising. I'm going to make my way back to the farm but it might take me a while.


Make sure Judith is SAFE!

Apr. 18th, 2024


Voice post

[Sounds out of breath]

Stardate 6969.69 Captain's Log

Both Anthony Hopkins and I say the Dome's gonna get a shitty review this week, guys! I have to grow a WHOLE HAND BACK. I was doing the hero thing and this big walking douchecanoe STD mushroom bit my favorite hand off! It's gonna take forFREAKINGever!

It's such a mess...


Once the room stops spinning I'm gonna need to patch my super suit up again.


Dammit, I think I left the stove on, it's way too hot. [Shouts in the background] Amanda! Travis! Turn the stove off, kay? [A few muffled meows and something breaking]


Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Miles Morales


Gwen died trying to protect me.

Jason Grace

Please tell me you're okay...


For anyone who knew him, I had to shoot Hannibal King last night.



I don’t know who knows him here since he’s new, I think, but a guy named Zuko died fighting with my best friend.

I’m sorry.


Does... does anyone know who I should call about a.. a body? It's not, um safe right if he had whatever is make people...

Charlie is here and Nick and David... they need to be safe.

I don't know what to do... and Henry is...

What do I do?

Apr. 17th, 2024


If anyone needs out of a situation quickly, and has the ability to do so, please reach out to me. I will be there quickly.

I will be keeping an eye out, too, just in case.


Spencer Reid


You aren't a mindless creature at the moment, are you?

How are you?

Apr. 16th, 2024


[Kent Household, Barbara Gordon, and Bruce Wayne]

Connor's dead. We were fighting alongside each other and I think he thought he was immune to these things. He wasn't.


[Number Nine]
Things are getting pretty weird. Are you okay?

With what’s going on, I felt like I should see how you’re doing.


Private to Cameron
Bitch, you cool? Or I gotta find you and go all FPS on your ass before you eat me or something?

Private to Jet
Ey, you good? Like I figure you're fine in a normal fight but shits getting creepy and I ain't saving your ass if you decided to go to Starbies.

Private to May
Cancelling our shit yeah? Stay in and stay away from whatever the fuck is going on.

Apr. 15th, 2024


Joel Miller

What the actual fuck is this, Joel?


I haven't touched them or anything but poisonous mushrooms that turn people into zombies? This is really really bad....I think I am going to hunker down at home.

Please stay put. I'll do all the baking that you want and we can watch movies or anything you'd like until this is all over.


[filtered from the under-16 crowd]

Most days, my job is pretty standard and boring. People order drinks, usually shitty ones, and we serve them up, get bitched at that they're wrong (when they're not) and then we remake them.

Sometimes we throw the drink at them, it happens.

And sometimes, I hear some gems. Like: 'The Rice Test isn't a to-do list, asshole.'

I had to look it up. You can find it here And since it was made in the 1980s, here is an updated version.

Sometimes, I should take the advice of my customers.


Well, isn't this all just fiiiine and dandy. I've been trying to do some research to get rid of these things and just coming up with nothing. Anyone have anything to share about them? Like how to get rid of them?

Apr. 14th, 2024


According to ChatGPT, we need to fortify our stronghold and create a survival group. So, who are we letting into our group and who are we excluding?

Also where do people find the wood to board up windows in the first place?



Looks like there is trouble coming to town. Considering I know what you all are like and will be out helping, I'm going to ask you all, to please be careful.

I wanted to reach out and check on you and Barbara. Also to let you know you two are welcome here if need be since I'm sure Conner and the family would love to see you both.



Considering how this place tends to be, I'm figuring things are about to get bad around here. I'm sure no one is surprised that I plan to be outside. However, I'm not risking Dawn and she's excited at the idea of visiting people. Is anyone up for her coming to visit and staying? That way I know she's somewhere safe when things most likely go to hell around here.


[Stranger Things]

Not really enjoying the vibe that's going around town right now. Not sure about you guys.


McCall Pack

If you can, I think we should meet at my house. It’s big and there’s a lot of land around it so we could see threats coming. I get the feeling things are going to get bad before they get better.

Apr. 13th, 2024


[Filtered to friends*]

I'm keeping my ass inside and away from what sounds like will be a shitshow, thank you dome. If you really need me, I'll come, but other than that, I'm staying inside and will check on you guys by text and video call.

Since I know some of you will probably be out there, please be careful. Or else I'll be very bitchy. I've lost too many people already and I don't want to lose any even if it's temporary because who the hell knows with this place but I'm not risking it.

[OOC: You know if you are, but if not sure, then ask]


No one touch the mushroom looking things.

They're cordyceps. They will infect you and you'll become a mindless zombie-like creature.

I'm the only one I know who can't be infected. From my world, at least. There may be people from other worlds who are, too, but don't risk it.

...this is bullshit.

Joel, Matt, Miles, Ciri, Jaskier

Please check in. Don't make me worry about you.

Apr. 8th, 2024


Thanks to that latest pile of douchery this place dished out, I’ll be picking feathers out of everything for weeks. Goes without sayin’ that them otters runnin’ around now means I get asked all the time to deliver packages and shit. Usually folks leave me alone after I tell them to sit on it and rotate. Lylla would’ve gotten a kick out of it

Also, not like anyone cares, but my ship showed up a couple days ago so I’m gonna bunk there for the foreseeable future. Anyone want the apartment? Keys are in the lock.


I should know better than to ensure my dad is playing nice with someone on the network.

Well...if the someone is female and over the age of majority.

Note to self:
Return to not perusing the network and finish this paper.

What has been seen cannot be unseen


[Filtered to Paige, her mom, Kol, and Lucas]

There's a witch in town named Emma. I think she could benefit from speaking to others with magical knowledge and possibly feeling less alone.

Apr. 7th, 2024


I think I took away about 7-8 pillows today in my class. Lucky for me as punishment the kids that got into the pillow fights had to stay and clean up the mess.....


I thought that I understood this place mostly until people started fighting with pillows. Why are people fighting with pillows?


Pillow fights breaking out all over the halls at school. I thought I was going to get hit several times. Not that I wouldn't have minded, but gee, lots of feathers were flying everywhere.


[Private to Ten, Thirteen & Jack]

I'm buying myself something completely unnecessary, and totally decadent for my birthday.

Any suggestions?


In honor of the pillowy apocalypse:

What did the pillow say when the blanket asked it to come hang out?

I'm down.

Apr. 6th, 2024


I've been here all of thirty minutes, and I was already caught in the crossfire of a pillow war. I think they took out that poor guy from City Hall too. All I heard was muffled screaming as he went down after he handed me my stuff.

How the hell did feathers get down the back of my shirt?


[Voice Post]
I've only been here for a little while and I already hate it. Not only do I have to deal with all this (ugh) new technology, I almost got hit in the face with a pillow.

Why are there so many pillow fights happening? More importantly, how do I get back to Hell?


Jendrys was taken over by what I can only describe as a pillow gang fight... but in the most innocent way? But now there are feathers everywhere

[Peter Parker]
I'm going to be late for our date since I have to clean up this mess.


Never thought I'd ever have a pillow fight, let alone with a 70 year old woman and lose but uh... That was kind of fun?

Apr. 5th, 2024


Okay, I apologize to the employees at Hinkles for questioning the source of your meat.

But also, you make fucking delicious milkshakes.


Am I honestly expected to go to school?

Public school?

This is ridiculous.

Apr. 3rd, 2024


I'm bored.

This town is boring.

Bruce Wayne

Take me to dinner.

Make me less bored.


[Filtered to Grishaverse]

I know that some of us are not going public with our abilities and such, and so I wanted to ask before I move forward with an idea of mine.

There is apparently a big dance coming up - something called a Prom - and I would like to offer my help with hair and make-up as a chance to make some extra money and to have something to do.

Would anyone be opposed to this? I will, of course, say nothing of what anyone else can do, or even that anyone else can do anything.



I am trying to be accepting and non-judgemental because she isn't a little girl anymore, but I'm sure you saw the post where Savannah is hosting an orgy?

Apr. 2nd, 2024


[Nancy Drew]

Hey... Are you okay?


I've already had two explanations on this place with one a lot better than the other. I heard there are some people around here who I may know. For everyone else, I'm Jenna, and a newbie. Since recently, it seems to be drop a lot of shocking information in my direction, I may as well welcome anything else anyone wants to add. Bound to get some surprises in this place from what I hear.

And better to keep my mind off what may be happening at home.

[Elena G.]
Elijah told me you were here. Are you okay?

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