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January 19th, 2024

[info]callmefinn in [info]madisonvalley

Head feels foggy. Don't love this feeling.

[info]notmeantforthis in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Ben Song and Open
What: Trying to understand things
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Hinkle's
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

[info]deathofendless in [info]madisonvalley

Endless Siblings

It's been about a month that I've been here and we still haven't had a family dinner.

Dream: I will do all the cooking and cleaning if you are okay with us hosting it.

Desire: Let me know when would be a good day for you and BE NICE!!

[info]wholovesthesun in [info]madisonvalley

[Private to May]

True to form I finally get up off my ass to look round local for houses, and the dome decides to dump ice everywhere. There were a few contenders from the short time I had a look, one that really stood out. Hopefully it'll still be there when this place thaws and we can go do a proper tour.

[info]inej_ghafa in [info]madisonvalley

Nina and Kaz

Who ordered the damn ice storm?

My power keeps going off and on.

[info]kingoffillory in [info]madisonvalley


School closed early, I waited until all the kids had been picked up so I'm on my way home now. Please tell me you are home and warm.

[info]plantstalktome in [info]madisonvalley

Good thing I grocery shopped before this storm started.

I will not be leaving my house until the ice is less...stormy.

The art store won't be open until it's safe for myself and my employees to get there.

We'll ensure everyone gets paid even with the store closed.

[info]justdadthings in [info]madisonvalley

Family role call! Everyone check in and let me know you're okay.


Ciri is more than welcome to come stay with us while this weather is here.


You and Ciri want to come stay with us while this storm is going on? I'd feel better if y'all were here.


I've done what every Texan does when this happens: I stocked up on basics for the house. And I will be making mi abuela's caldo, aka soup but better than any other soup in the world because it's made with love.

[info]thevaldezinator in [info]madisonvalley

London Starr Metal has a forge and the fire is pretty hard to let go out so the place is warm if anyone needs a place to be. If you have kids, maybe let me know since the store has a lot of pointy swords and other weapons in it, but I can figure something out.

[Demigods and Nam'Ra]

So, uh... Festus has frozen over? I think he's still okay though. Just like, hibernating.

[info]littlesix in [info]madisonvalley

I hate the dome. I came home from school and my dad and all of his things are gone.

[info]superx_sidekick in [info]madisonvalley


If anyone is out in the weather and needs help getting home (or elsewhere), or needs supplies delivered, text me. I'll be there tout de suite.