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December 12th, 2023

[info]jaegerpilot in [info]madisonvalley

This is a role call to make sure my family and friends are still here.

[[OOC: If you think you are a friend of the tiny mechanic then you are.]]

[info]tinynecromancer in [info]madisonvalley

December is supposed to be part of the season of Giving Dome. Stop taking people away.

No, I didn't lose anyone this time around, but it seems like a lot of other people have.

[info]michellewebster in [info]madisonvalley

(Alyssa Gardner)

Oh my god! I have a ward! All of a sudden I have to be parent to a 16 year-old girl!

[info]agentplant in [info]madisonvalley

Our beautiful baby girl is turning 1, and you're all (yes, even Alec) invited to celebrate with us. If you don't have anywhere to go for the holidays, consider this the place to go. We'll be having the party on Christmas, and it's going to be held at Rocky's Bar & Grill, which is the place I'll be opening soon. More information to follow once I get my shit together.

How adorable is she?!? )

[info]oursavinggrace in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Jason Grace and Kamala Khan
WHAT: Winter cuteness
WHEN: Today
WHERE: Downtown
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

[info]shadeofmean in [info]madisonvalley

Did you miss me? Been a while for me, but at least, I didn't show up half dead like the last time. Though I guess I won't be partying it up with my friends in celebration of another semester done until I return.

Who is still here? Since it has felt like a while for me. Also who wants to be my favorite person ever and do me a huge favor? Before I end up freezing to death from being half naked in the cold.

[OOC: Pretend this was posted late last night/early this morning. Also, you know if Brooke considers you a friend.]

[info]geekymonkey in [info]madisonvalley

( Clinic or Hospital Staff or anyone medical )


I have a respiratory illness. It originated in my ovaries and reproductive system and I cough up blood at times.


My niece, Kira... her stem cells are the only thing that helps keep this at bay, and helps keep me healthy.

Bruce Banner was helping me with treatment. I had received some of Kira's stem cells a while back, and he was helping me maintain my health. But...

Pops is gone.

Can anyone help?