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October 8th, 2023

[info]dontchaknow in [info]madisonvalley

I thought 4pm bit early for ding-dong-ditch. Or maybe there were just more rules when I was growing up.

[info]bos_bff in [info]madisonvalley

[ooc: Please pretend this was on Friday (Oct 6) because I forgot not everyone has Monday off lol]

[Friends/Family/Work people who don't know they're considered friends yet of both Kenzi and Kaa]

Since Kaa and I have A BRAND NEW HOUSE that everyone needs to see - We are having Thanksgiving Dinner on SUNDAY. Because Canadian Thanksgiving is the best Thanksgiving. Fight me.

But also come and eat all the food that will be there.

And we have a heated pool! Bring your bathing suits!

I miss Bo a lot right now

[info]gayasamaypole in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Henry and Josh
When: Henry's arrival
What: Random run-in
Where: Coffee Shop
Status/Rating: Ongoing/PG-13ish
Warnings: None

Was this a dream? It felt like a dream and he would wake up and be back at the palace )

[info]mel_halliwell in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Melinda Halliwell and Billy Batson
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: The Park
What: Random run in (Match-Up)
Status/Rating: Ongoing/PG-13ish
Warnings: None

When the stress comes a knocking a good workout makes it all go away )

[info]diamonddaphne in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Daphne Bridgerton and Alex Manes
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: A music store
What: Random run in (Match-Up)
Status/Rating: Ongoing/PG-13ish
Warnings: None

Music is always life )

[info]neverhadahome in [info]madisonvalley

[Chris A]

How have you been doing? I wanted to check on you, and see if you were up for a little fun. I wanted an easy sparring partner that wouldn't take much energy to beat, which I thought of you. Loser AKA you can buy the drinks after.

[info]wantstodogood in [info]madisonvalley

[Text to Dick Grayson]

Look what costume I found in the store. Be lucky they didn't have it in adult sizes or I may have been tempted just because the look on your face would've been hilarious.

[info]hide_n_go_suck in [info]madisonvalley

[For the Employees at the Den]

Thought I'd introduce myself, going to be working security and picking up the odd shift dancing to earn my keep.

Since most of my 'moves' come from 90's pop music videos I really hope people still like N'SYNC.

And I have to ask: If a stripper has to work overtime are they t’workin’ late?