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March 29th, 2023

[info]stopaimingatme in [info]madisonvalley

Good to see customers are back to being just as stupid as they were before that mess last week.

At least they're consistent. And at least it's your general garden variety stupid. Almost entertaining, at this point.

[info]littleredmess in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Kayla, Kol, Logan D
What: Kayla introduces Kol to Lo
Where: Kayla’s and Kol’s apartment
When: backdated to the night after fight club
Warnings: Kol is a warning, right?
Status: g-doc

werewolf politics )

[info]pryde in [info]madisonvalley

Daisy, Darcy, Lorna, and Johanna

I'm telling you guys first because you're my sisters.

Phil and I are expecting. From what we can tell, the baby will be born in early November.

[info]equallycursed in [info]madisonvalley

So apparently my daughter is more excited for the day after Easter than she is for Easter itself. I asked her why.

Her response? "The discount candy!"

I have raised her well.

[info]13_doctor in [info]madisonvalley

Has anyone seen a mechanical dog? K-9 went out to stretch his metaphorical legs after being stuck in the TARDIS with all those Replicators about and he's not returned.

Though I haven't checked the Chess tables in the park yet.

[info]wears_a_hat in [info]madisonvalley

Instead of Lent, I'm going to just use a D20 to make all my decisions for a week. That's the same thing, right?

[info]aunt_may_parker in [info]madisonvalley

I want to run a few specials in April at The Loft. Anyone have any suggestions on what they'd like to see?

[info]thenamecame1st in [info]madisonvalley

I'll be glad when the radio station gets up and running again. Those things really took a dent out of the place, and I've been off work ever since they swarmed through.

[info]lacrosse_coach in [info]madisonvalley

If I get one more call about getting my ducts clean, I am going to track these companies down and set them all on fire.

[info]dontchaknow in [info]madisonvalley

I keep getting little ads in my mailbox for lawncare since Spring is just around the corner only I live in an apartment. And don't you know it, they called me too? Not sure if they think I'm just a big ol' liar or what, but they said they'd call me back after I 'thought about it' even after I explained I have no lawn to care for.

Maybe they're just a lonely bunch who need to talk or something