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March 18th, 2023

[info]agelessfearless in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Stefan and Caroline
What: Attending the Gala
When: March 18
Where: Emerald City
Warning: None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

I feel like we could dance even if there wasn’t any music at all. )

[info]lolfubarbrb in [info]madisonvalley

You wanted 'em! You got 'em! Ladies and germs: Wade's Think Tank (which coincidentially is what I call my bathroom).

Wolverine needs to start a food delivery service called GrubBub. Because your kid needs new shoes and all of the other stuff kids need, like cotton swabs.

Q: What is covered in dirt but stays clean? A: A body in a coffin!

If I dressed up Geraldine in a hoodie and booty shorts, could she pass as a kid at the daycare? Would Steve notice? ...Probably.

I really should stop answering spam calls with: "Tony's pizzeria and crematorium: yesterday's loss is tomorrow's sauce!" Cos the last telemarketer got grumpy

Stomachs assume that all potatoes are mashed

You could've seen a stranger on the last day they were alive

Bean bags are just boneless sofas

[info]adaughteroflove in [info]madisonvalley

Well, I actually got to walk on the actual Yellow Brick Road, which I have to say was pretty cool.

Who all is going to the Gala? I thought I might stop by.

[info]plantstalktome in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Alyssa and Damien
What: on vacation
Where: a club in Paris
When: Sat.night (Mar. 18th)
Theme: Fire Escape Andrew McMahon and the Wilderness
Warnings: Medium - some violence and PG-13 makeout.

But you're my number one/You're the reason I'm still up at dawn/Just to see your face/We'll be going strong, with the vampires, baby )

[info]iamnothim in [info]madisonvalley

That was an interesting welcome and this definitely isn't Ipswich. Hopefully this had nothing to do with the Power.

[info]level_orange in [info]madisonvalley

[Liam Stewart]

I was walking around the Emerald City today (which is such a weird sentence to say) and I got an invitation to go to this gala.

Do you want to go?

Should we bring Zu or do you want it to be just us?

[info]otherways_tosee in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Matt and Jen W
What: fighting flying monkeys
Where: Wizard of Oz portal
When: backdated to Mar. 17th
Warnings: medium for violence at least

Matt had not seen his life taking these turns )

[info]notthateve in [info]madisonvalley

(Sent Friday)
How good is that super sonar of yours?

I'm not saying cancel all playdates for Wyatt and Brie, but the ghosts are acting a little weird.

Do me a favour, keep your eyes open for the next few days?

Are the ghosts being weird for you too or is it just me? They seem agitated, but no one's talking