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December 29th, 2022

[info]thegooqueen in [info]madisonvalley

Museum's New Year's Eve
A winter Wonderland black tie event.

New Year's Eve | Museum | Technically 21+, but definitely over 18. | Join In!

Join the museum and escape into the middle of what feels like a fairy version of Winter. Even the food follows the theme, like powdered sugar doughnuts arranged to look like trees, includng the alcohol served. For this event, Rebekah and Claudia ask for a winter clothing donation from those attending.

There is also a display of Alyssa's art that she donated. All proceeds will go towards youth art programs in the town.

[info]werewolf_nicky in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Nick and Mia
What: Celebrating X-Mas Day
When: Dec 25
Where: Nick’s little house
Rating: low

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[info]adaughteroflove in [info]madisonvalley

So what are the New Year’s plans for under 21’s?

Leo V, are you doing anything fun? Can I tag along?

[info]demonvessel in [info]madisonvalley


Hola, amiga! How's it going? Any fun plans for NYE?

[info]plantstalktome in [info]madisonvalley

[Text to Kate D]

Kate. This is going to sound insane and you can totally say no.

But I know someone who desperately needs to get laid.

[info]bitsofmadness in [info]madisonvalley

Highlight of work today was Mouse coming in wearing his lanyard.

Okay, no, I lie. The highlight of work today was the number of people who didn't side-eye the giant dog behind the counter.

Look, it was a slow day, alright? Let me take my amusement where I can.

[info]fastlikeaflash in [info]madisonvalley

I've no idea what I am going to do Saturday night.

( Diana Prince )

Want to go to a party with me on Saturday?

Also, there is fight club every month. You should sign up.