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December 19th, 2022

[info]classpresident in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Nick and Nam-Ra
What: Nick checks in with his ward
Where: Pack house
When: early Dec.
Warnings: should be low
Status: closed/g-doc

Christmas would be here soon )

[info]mel_halliwell in [info]madisonvalley

Thanks for everyone who came out yesterday in support of the Christmas movie marathon. It was such a joy and to spread so much Christmas cheer to everyone. I am happy and exhausted. Today is a day of rest for me as I curl up with some hot cocoa, my warm and fluffy blanket and some TV. Today is also gift wrapping day. I think I went a little overboard but it was so worth it.

[info]diamonddaphne in [info]madisonvalley

For anyone that would like a plate or a container of goodies please let me know. I will be doing some holiday baking and would like to spread some of that holiday joy to you all.

[info]plantstalktome in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Bex]
So...I'm sure you already smelled him on me, but there's a new vampire in town. I wouldn't say he and I are friends, but we have hung out a few times. I have not invited him to the house.

[Filtered to Kol]
I let a vampire drink from me
Are you going to kill me?
on a scale from
Video games tonight? I found a new brand of bourbon.
Also I need to tell you something, but first I need you to remember you love me.

[info]frozen_kristoff in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Kristoff and Lois
What: running into each other
Where: downtown
When: backdated to Sunday afternoon
Warnings: low
Status: closed

Walking in a Winter Wonderland )

[info]wantedafamily in [info]madisonvalley

Thank God, I'm just about done with my Christmas shopping. It's never gonna not feel weird having a whole bunch of people to shop for.

[info]stopaimingatme in [info]madisonvalley

Had a guy start bitching at me today about the Christmas music at work.

Just looked at him and went "Dude, I've been listening to it since like the start of November. I've got the radio rotation memorized."

Because seriously.