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December 14th, 2022

[info]clemsghostgene in [info]madisonvalley

Henry is very lucky that I love him. This is the second time I've fallen in the snow trying to take him for his walk.

[info]asgardsqueen in [info]madisonvalley

While this snow is lovely to look at I can't help but wonder when it will go away...

[info]spiritedlucky in [info]madisonvalley

I don't like this....I've never been good with being cooped up and I am worried about my best friend.

[Private to Kurt]

I know it's not normal here, but can I go get Spirit and bring him home. He can sleep in my room and I will take him out for walks. But I don't like him being alone in that barn in the cold.

[info]lookfredimholey in [info]madisonvalley

Building Snowmen and then blowing them up....very entertaining.

[info]jack_youbetcha in [info]madisonvalley

[Eddie Diaz]

Would you and Christopher like to come over for a Christmas celebration we're hosting? You're welcome to invite someone along if you like. There'll be some gifts for the kids and the food is good.

[info]staghead in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Rowan & Mitsuko
What: Going to grab food after some video games.
When: During the video game portal [Backdated]
Where: Portal
Rating: lowish
Status: Completed Gdoc

++++ )

[info]classpresident in [info]madisonvalley

[Backdated to this morning.]

Even though it's a minor holiday back home for couples since they have one every month on the 14th, this isn't my country so I don't really care. Didn't pay it much attention when I was in Korea either. Today is Hug day back home, and I'm sure with the weather people wouldn't mind taking part in that day. Hence me deciding to share.

[info]klauss_son_ish in [info]madisonvalley

I know I'm a vampire.

And I can't feel things like temperature.

But, I miss running in New Orleans where my shoes didn't slip in snow.