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July 28th, 2022

[info]jaimevegas in [info]madisonvalley

I swear every time we go on one of those trips we always lose a bunch of people when we get back. It's terribly rude of the Dome to give us nice things and then not-so-good ones. Alas, though, it is the way of this place.

But, on a good note, I got to go to work, and yes, I know, it's weird saying it but I do enjoy my job and they're terribly understanding and I was hired right back where I had been status-wise. The dead don't mind if I eat a sandwich while weighing their organs.

Just don't get leftovers and livers confused. ;)

[info]thecanary in [info]madisonvalley

Private to Leonard Snart


[info]diamonddaphne in [info]madisonvalley

Guess it is back to normal lifeā€¦.have to say that it was a wonderful break on that cruise. I am sorry to hear about people missing or getting sent home. If there is anything I can do please let me know.

[info]imaleo in [info]madisonvalley

WAMM minus Veronica

I'm making Veronica take some time off while Logan is gone which means I need the time off to sit on her so she doesn't do anything more than chill out.

[info]tomophobia in [info]madisonvalley

I should probably get on that whole finding a job thing.


[info]prefersanimals in [info]madisonvalley

One of the bad things about being stuck in this place is that you run the very real risk of running into people you've dealt with at work when it didn't go well.

Like when I was doing my grocery shopping this morning and had to deal with a woman whose adoption application we denied last month. There was shrieking involved on her end and sarcasm involved on mine.

Because as it turns out, the appropriate response to near incoherent ranting about how dare we not let her take home that precious little puppy is not "So this is the first time you've heard 'no'? Learn it, embrace it, embroider it on a pillow. You'll hear it often."