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July 26th, 2022

[info]agentpage in [info]madisonvalley

We didn't see one in person, but my kid is throwing a fit because I won't get him a grizzly bear cub to keep as a pet.
I feel like my dad would have loaded a shotgun and took me to get one myself.
Not to keep as a pet.

Maybe a stuffed animal will work.
Some days I d


Sorry you didn't get a lot of sleep on the cruise. And sorry it wasn't for a really good cause.
You settled back in yet?


When you're not busy we should hang out or something.

[info]agentplant in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Dean Winchester & Klaus Hargeeves
Where: Their Room
When: Last night of the cruise
Warnings: there be booze and maybe drugs

Let's get wasted. )

[info]mathispointless in [info]madisonvalley

So that was actually a lot more fun than I was expecting it to be.

What was everybody's favorite part of the cruise?

[info]shotgunbadass in [info]madisonvalley

I'm surprised nobody came away from the cruise married. It's happened before.

... wait, did anybody?

[info]got_stopwatch in [info]madisonvalley

I wasn't exactly thrilled about returning to the heat of Indiana, but I'm rather glad I didn't miss the breakup conversation in the dressing room at work.

Well, less of a conversation, and more a young man loudly asking his girlfriend 'Why are you always like this?" The question was followed by her yelling back that he didn't know her, because he didn't even know her zodiac sign.

Which sign covers choosing the wrong men?