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May 13th, 2022

[info]has_ied in [info]madisonvalley

I don't know how this happened, but it definitely isn't Smallville.

[info]comesnaturally in [info]madisonvalley

I do not recognize this place. That does not matter.

I need to find Sarah and John Baum. Has anyone seen them?

[info]frozen_kristoff in [info]madisonvalley

This isn't Chastane.

And why did I wake up next to redhead who looks like Anna from Frozen who isn't Nik.

At least Gigi is home safe, but I don't want to be separated.

[info]werewolf_nicky in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Sinterklaas (Nick) and Santa Claus (Scott)
What: Santa confusion
Where: Starbucks
When: AU plot
Warnings: low simply because they’re Santa and St. Nick
Status: closed/g-doc

Hot chocolate? )

[info]notfrodobaggins in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered against Klaus, Kol and Hope. Filtered to scientists, witches, supernaturals]

So, um, I have a problem. I was wondering if there is a way I can sleep with Hope without having to worry about turning into a pile of goo again. And I mean that literally? See, she’s the tribrid, the one who was created to destroy my father with her very existence and since I’m half my dad I kind of…dissolved last time? Is that going to be a problem now that Malivore’s gone and I died for real? Or is there a spell or a pill or something I could take? If I was still a phoenix it would be totally okay, but I don’t have infinite lives anymore.

Or maybe something supernatural could turn me into a werewolf or something? Would changing me like that work?

[info]littlesix in [info]madisonvalley

Okay, what the hell happened? How did I end up in this shitty place?

[info]werewolf_nicky in [info]madisonvalley

Has anyone seen a my horse?

This is not good. I have things I need to do.

Although without Zwarte Pete I'm not sure what those things are at the moment.

[info]nousprotgeons in [info]madisonvalley

[Kol Mikaelson]
You're still you, right?
[Beacon Hills + Friends*]
Is everyone still themselves? And is everyone doing okay with this? It's not the first time the dome's pulled this around here.
*[ooc: if you're not sure, shoot me an email]

[info]notthateve in [info]madisonvalley

I can feel so many of my children here and yet they feel off in some way. It's nice to see my children able to live as they are without human interference

[info]lucifer_sux in [info]madisonvalley

This is a very strange place.

But at least I have Phillip.

And a black cat who keeps following me.

[info]needstobreathe in [info]madisonvalley

It probably says something about me that overall, my response to things right now is "let's see how awkward it's going to get for everybody I know." Because I've seen this way too many times to be surprised.

[info]history_hacker in [info]madisonvalley

This is the strangest upgrade I've ever had.

And there are so many people out of their own histories here. WTF?

[info]walkthepath in [info]madisonvalley

Sam? Prophet? Garcia?

Tell me one of you are out there.