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April 17th, 2022

[info]13_doctor in [info]madisonvalley

I can't be certain... but I think a lot of people left the Dome last night according to the TARDIS. My guess is the people who showed up suddenly have departed thankfully


Jack appeared back at the TARDIS. He's alright as he can be. He's resting.

[info]lily_thecoyote in [info]madisonvalley

I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many rabbits in my life. Or are they bunnies? Is there a difference?

[info]oldernowyounger in [info]madisonvalley

You don't know chaos until you've seen two little girls surrounded by bunnies.

[info]nagakaa in [info]madisonvalley

If anyone is looking for me I'll be at home surrounded by my space heaters.

[ooc: Skip this one if you don't like sneks. JEN]

[info]havinaminiklaus in [info]madisonvalley

For the record, bunnies bite.

[info]eyeingmyrack in [info]madisonvalley

Nope. Not going outside today. There's only so many chaos critters I can keep track of before I actually step on one...or hit it with my cane.

[info]hisonething in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Pepper & OPEN
What: Bunnies everywhere and Morgan is in heaven
When: Easter Sunday
Where: The park
Warnings: Cuteness overload? IDK
Status: OPEN/complete

Little cabin in the woods. Little man at the window stood. Little rabbit hopping by, knocking at his door. )

[info]thedreamking in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Dream, the Doctor, & Missy.
WHAT: Dream meets Missy.
WHEN: Backdated to beginning of plot.
STATUS: Closed/Completed gdoc.

* * * * * )

[info]alittlebloody in [info]madisonvalley

Yeah, nope, I'm not going out there.

I've seen this before.

It's just a harmless little bunny... )

[info]ivashkinated in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Adrian Ivashkov and OPEN
WHAT: The Rabbits Like Him
WHEN: Sunday
WHERE: Outside the Art shop
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

[info]thunderkitsune in [info]madisonvalley

I'm really glad I have control of the fox now, because it really thinks those rabbits look delicious.


[info]agentpage in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Sam and Dean Winchester
What: Lucifer's gone, Sam's back
When: April 17, about 10 PM
Where: Old barn where Lucifer left Sam and other places
Warnings: language
Status: closed/complete

There were even a few bunnies hopping around the joint, but no Lucifer. )

[info]contradictions in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Jedikiah Price and Caroline Forbes
What: Supervising a job fair
When: Backdated to Saturday afternoon
Where: The high school
Warnings: None
Status: Closed/Match-up/Complete

~+~+~+~ )

[info]cabalrebel in [info]madisonvalley

Well, that was a week I could've really done without.

[info]wangji in [info]madisonvalley

There are so many rabbits. I like this better than the tiny dragons.

[info]sandu_shengshou in [info]madisonvalley

Wei Wuxian

Since the influx of people seem to have left, does this mean we no longer have to worry about Mother showing up?

Or Wen Ruohan and Wen Chao?

Or Wen Zhuliu.

[info]wait_what in [info]madisonvalley

Hans is gone and now there are bunnies?!

Best. Day. Ever.