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January 26th, 2022

[info]cabalrebel in [info]madisonvalley

You know, I love my job. I do. I really do.

But there are days I wonder how some of my students manage to get dressed by themselves in the morning.

[info]hadthatcoming in [info]madisonvalley

I'm not sure what it says about me that I have to start thinking about Valentine's Day now in order to actually manage something special for my girlfriend.

Oh, wait. Yes I am. It says I'm still clueless.

[info]wastheheir in [info]madisonvalley

It's so strange to look at my children and realize how old they are. Wyatt was so young when I adopted him, and now he's turning into a kid I know his mother is somehow still proud of. And Brie... she's gone from toddler to more, and I'm really starting to pick out her mother's features.

Time really does fly.

[info]agentplant in [info]madisonvalley

Has anyone seen an angel around here wearing a trenchcoat lately? He may or may not be walking around with a giant stick up his ass.

[info]alittlebloody in [info]madisonvalley

[Kate Bishop]

Hey...what's up?


So Peter says there are other vampires related to your vampire man-baby here? Do you need us to kill them or whatever? Probably more towards the whatever?


You want to go shopping with me? I suck at shopping and you can keep me from getting like a hundred moonpies.

[Kate Danvers]'re one of the werewolf that changes all the way. Are you like, enormous and scary or am I going to want to scratch your belly?


I'm going to leave the werewolf stuff to you. Just don't get us killed, 'k?

[info]cantfindgod in [info]madisonvalley

I never thought my life would be like this.

I'm not complaining.

( Hayley Marshall )

I have plans for Valentine's Day.

[info]passionateaura in [info]madisonvalley

I wish there was some way to know if someone could come back someday.

[info]navy_echolls in [info]madisonvalley


Toast snuck out of the apartment today.

If anyone sees her, please bring her back. I'll pay you in coffee.

Or tea.

Or beer.

[info]wantedafamily in [info]madisonvalley

It's so weird what a difference a year can make.

This time last year, I barely wanted to be here. Now, I'm perfectly happy to stay.

And it's mostly because of my parents. Okay, so yeah, they're not actually my parents, but Kitty and Peter are my mom and dad in all the ways that actually matter.

[info]geekymonkey in [info]madisonvalley

( Separate but identical texts to Claudia Donovan and Shuri )

>> I received some vials of Kira's stem cells recently.
>> Dr. Banner is going to help me.
>> He wants to see if he can isolate the bits that will help me, though, first.
>> In case I need more.

[info]soulmusicreader in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Lorne & OTA
Where: The Den
When: Tuesday Morning
What: Getting the lay of the land
Status: Ongoing & Open
Warnings: None for now

In Need of a Drink )

[info]yeggman in [info]madisonvalley

Finally! Finally I have had the opportunity to put my hands all over a safe while here in Madison. This was no biometric fancy fingerprint safe or touch keypad but an honest to God dial of tradition! Oh my, it was very exciting to be saying the least.

Granted, it was no TXTL-60 or AMSEC BFII7250, and a very far far cry from the magnitude and brilliance of the Ring Cycle.. But it was a safe.

Many thanks to the bumbling forgetful jewelers at the Kay store. How exciting!