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January 12th, 2022

[info]wholovesthesun in [info]madisonvalley

Was accosted coming into work this morning and now the first dozen or so customers have taken liberties, though some of them ask..

I fucking hate each year when "Kiss A Ginger Day" rolls around.

[info]madisonmod in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Everyone
What: Portal: Pompeii
When: Jan 12-16
Where: Right At Home (The left door)
Rating: low

Pompeii Portal )

[info]magicflask in [info]madisonvalley

Okay, so I posted about this a few months ago and then things got busy so I didn't really have a chance to follow up with the folks who replied. And given the revolving door that is Madison Valley, I have no idea who might still be here, so I'm making a fresh request.

Are there any magic or science folks who would be interested in developing a way to prevent sexually transmitted lycanthropy from being passed to someone? I know two very beautiful women who are sadly afflicted and could really use the assistance.

[info]alittlebloody in [info]madisonvalley

So I’ve only been here a couple of weeks and already this place ran out of caffeine (totally not okay), my girlfriend is dating someone else, and this girl who dated Earth679!me hates me for something I don’t even think I did.

So, yeah. Awesome.

[info]the_broken_one in [info]madisonvalley


Hey babe?

[info]13_doctor in [info]madisonvalley

Oh! It looks like there's a new portal here and this time it's to Pompeii. One of my favourite places even if the ending is a bit of a tragedy. Not sure why it's at the elderly assist place, but if you want to go see it, use the left door. The right door still brings you inside which would be fun too! There's some lovely people there.