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November 15th, 2021

[info]likeherdad in [info]madisonvalley


This is stupid and I can't believe I'm texting you this on my break tonight, but I wanted to check in how you're doing.

[info]havinaminiklaus in [info]madisonvalley

Jesse & Hope

Hey guys. I was thinking that while we're probably going to be stuck in this tuna can for Thanksgiving, but maybe we could find a place in time for Christmas. So I went looking around and found these:


[info]s_spellman in [info]madisonvalley

Back home I only had the aunts and a cousin. Here, my "family" just keeps growing. I hope I never go home. It would be nice if the aunts and said cousin came here, but I'm happy.

[Uncles and Aunt Maze]

Did I tell you that Quentin took me to the Musain for my birthday?

[info]screaminwcrayon in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Loki & Michael Guerin
What: Meeting in person
When: Nowish
Where: The White Wyrm
Warnings: Loki and Michael?
Status: Close/incomplete

You're pretty. No, YOU'RE pretty. )

[info]staghead in [info]madisonvalley

It feels good to be a human again though I will miss the being able to teleport places, but I'm quite alright without any abilities.

[Allison Hargreeves]
Wanted to ask if you had any plans for Thanksgiving? Probably should have asked a little sooner but you know I was all over the place last week with the abilities ordeal.

[info]margothecreator in [info]madisonvalley

I know I'm not the first, nor the last, to say that this place is boring. Epically boring on a scale that I haven't experienced since I don't know when.

Today though. Wow. )
So, how was your day?

[info]cabalrebel in [info]madisonvalley

Couple times a semester, I throw my students some extra credit. Told them last week that the assignment was to send me a picture of themselves outside doing something they wouldn't usually do.

So what did one kid just submit?

A picture of himself sticking his head in a mailbox.

I do not remember being this strange in college, but I love it.

[info]jaffat in [info]madisonvalley
