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September 14th, 2021

[info]agentbroker in [info]madisonvalley

Speed dating was fun. I'm glad to be getting to know more people here in Madison, especially if I'll be staying here for a while.

Speaking of, it's probably about time for me to find some sort of employement. I guess I'll be dusting off the ol' CV?

(I would definitely be open to any advice anyone has for me about finding a job here under the dome.)

[info]havinaminiklaus in [info]madisonvalley

Ok, so I have Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, and The Doctor lined up for Aiden's birthday tomorrow. Can I get anyone else on board to show up? C'mon. It's for a little boy!

[Not filtered]

Jesse - I was thinking of having the actual birthday party at the restaurant so kids can be there. No school to get in the way. We can make a King's Cake.

ETA: Aiden's birthday party will be Saturday at the Crescent Moon at noon. This will be for the kids (and their parents). Food will be provided, and a King's Cake will be served. No RSVP necessary. If you want to come, then come.

[info]fortheloveofwar in [info]madisonvalley

The museum is once again open to new artists who wish to have a show. The last was quite successful. I will be reaching out to the vineyard in hopes of collaborating. To that end, what wines would attendees like to taste whilst purchasing artwork?

[Little Gnat]

I may have kept You left some dirty laundry behind.

[info]werewolf_nicky in [info]madisonvalley

Nick, Oliver & Mia
Tues.| Mia's house | TBD

Oliver and Nick get to know each other over takeout with Mia.
Possible violence, relationship cuteness, will update

[info]hideshisscars in [info]madisonvalley

Anyone feel up to sparring? I could use a distraction.

Preferably someone I won't have to pull my punches with.

[info]broughtmygun in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered away from Linda

Could someone suggest the best place to go shopping for a gift for a lady?