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February 25th, 2021

[info]notthedestroyer in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Daisy Johnson and Phil Coulson
What: Movie Night
When: February 13th
Where: Phil and Kitty's place
Warnings: TBD, low
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Fun as a pocket full of bees. )

[info]ileftnicebehind in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Alex Manes & Leo Fitz
What: Coworkers complaining about work
When: Thursday Afternoon
Where: Ivy Tech
Warnings: TBD, low
Status: Closed/Ongoing

I'll rise, but I refuse to shine. )

[info]oldernowyounger in [info]madisonvalley

So is this town-wide AA meeting one of those weird things I heard about?

[info]_shieldless_ in [info]madisonvalley


[Wanda, Clint, Nat, Phil, Scott Lang, Shosanna]

So I assume there's something going on that makes people confess, or tell the truth or whatever. While that's kinda refreshing, Darcy told me she loves me. My concern is that she was compelled to say that. How do I handle this?

[info]has_flashes in [info]madisonvalley

[Max Evans]

I hate that the other you slept with Tess. I hate that you got her pregnant. I hate that I saved myself for you and you didn't even think twice about sleeping with someone else.

I miss my Max so much.

[Rosa Ortecho]

I'm sorry I'm not your sister and that I'm probably preventing her from coming here.

[Alex Manes]

It's my fault my Alex died. I should have known Tess was going to kill him and stopped it from happening

[Kyle Valenti]

When Max came back from the future to tell me I couldn't be with him or the world would end, I asked you to help me make him fall out of love with me. I should have never put the other you in that position and I'm sorry.

[Isobel Evans]

In my world you betrayed Max because you were in love with the rebellion leader.

[Maria DeLuca]

I wish we were the same age so I could feel like you were my best friend.

[info]_sooohappy in [info]madisonvalley

Sometimes at work when no one's looking I like to sniff the rabbits. They smell like fabric softener.

[info]thegooqueen in [info]madisonvalley

What is going on in this town?

Are people usually this...truthy? For real. But also, it's certainly a great way to get to know people.

Do people forget? Or is this a permanent record kind of thing? The artifacts weren't this entertaining back home.

And also, is anyone down for a random hookup? I could really use sex right about now.

[info]katedanvers in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered Away from her Pack

I fucked up so bad yesterday.

Sometimes I really hate this place.

[info]effieincouture in [info]madisonvalley

I am not a good person.

I prepared children for meeting their ends in a televised fight to the death with a smile on my face.

When I was a little girl I even enjoyed watching them do it. I cried when my favourites died, but I tuned in and I cheered.

I don't know how Katniss can stand to look at me. I don't know how anybody can.

[info]lucrezia_borgia in [info]madisonvalley

Content warning for none-graphic mentions of consensual sibling incest.

Truth Bug Network post behind cut )

[info]eatandleave in [info]madisonvalley

Wow, people in this town have a lot of secrets.

Shouldn’t people be telling the truth ALL the time?

[info]werewolf_nicky in [info]madisonvalley

Text between Nick and Sean

Well, I did a thing.

I told Mia I liked her.

She didn't murder me.

So, overall a win?

[info]hardthingtodo in [info]madisonvalley

As much as I might miss some aspects of my life in Los Angeles, I am really quite glad I am here in Madison Valley. I don't need to be under some truth inducing dome weirdness to say that, it is most certainly true enough. I am dead back home, which is also just as well, as I had little left to live for. I certainly wish I had not died, but there's nothing to do be done about it now, except live the best life that I can while I'm here.