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January 27th, 2021

[info]got_stopwatch in [info]madisonvalley

Well, now that we're back to the normal Indiana activities, I'm starting to wonder if we should have a betting book for what will happen next.

Or is someone already doing that, and I've just missed out?

[info]lucrezia_borgia in [info]madisonvalley

Newcomer to the domed city.

[Open to all]

My name is Lucrezia Borgia, and God has seen fit to deliver me from my time and place to this town in a bubble.

In some ways I am very fortunate. I am blessed to have my son Giovanni with me, and have been taken in by Sam and Shosanna Winchester to live with them for the time being, for which I am filled with gratitude. I have been given some money, though it is limited and will not last me forever.

I prayed to God for a fresh start and relief from my name and my situation, and it seems my prayers have been answered. Perhaps now I am finally free to be mistress of my own destiny here, instead of being locked into yet another unhappy marriage if my father would have his way.

How is everyone else adjusting to life in this strange place? Is there happiness to be found here? Do you miss the family that you had to leave behind?

[info]elementarydear in [info]madisonvalley

The dome decided I needed to be gifted my violin this time around.

For once, I approve.

[info]lucrezia_borgia in [info]madisonvalley

To: Shosanna and Sam Winchester

There's a man in the town called Wade Wilson, who says that he looks after children. Have you heard of him at all? Should I be concerned?